Sunday, July 10, 2011

Who are the Jews ? 

"They look  like men, they speak like men, 
But in them , pervading them, resides a quality so malevolent 
that it sets them apart from others of the human race." 
Morris  Fishbein, Editor of Journal of American Medical Association 
in  "When Healing Becomes a Crime" by Kenny Ausubel        

Who really are the Jews ? 
We are now at the crux of the problem.
Who are the Jews? 
Since the beginning of my book, I speak of Jews as a army of mercenaries. 
Yes, I persist : the Jews are not part of the Human Race. Of course, they are not an ethnic group, nor a religion, they are a race which has been created for one purpose : TO DESTROY THE HUMAN RACE.    

When in the chapters about my personal life, I declare that Jews are weapons of mass destruction for Gentiles, it's because I have witnessed this many times in my own life as in those of my family.   

So at one point, I had to understand what was going on. To understand why this result in the life of the Gentiles I had relationship with, while I had myself no such evil intent.
But visibly, something outdid my own will.
All this was very confusing, especially because in addition of all the others questions without answers I had. So I needed to solve the whole enigma.    

After much research, experiences and study on various topics, I came to the conclusion that the Jews had been programmed to destroy the Human Race.   

this explains why it is so difficult for Gentiles to define them (are they an ethnic group, a religion, etc..??)
this explains the recurrent antisemitism on Earth since their appearing in human history
this, of course, explains the fable of the "chosen people"
this explains their behavior, their state of mind, their mentality so noxious, so destructive.
and more than anything that explains their common attitude, the implicit collusion of all Jews, most of the time masked by different even opposing positions.  

The religion was only a tool, a means to lure the Goy who is a spiritual being by nature as opposed to the Jew who is only materialistic.  

Let's remember what says the Jewish Encyclopedia about Christianity
Christianity's Historic in Christianity in its Relation to Judaism  

"To offer to the great Gentile world the Jewish truth adapted to its psychic and intellectual capacities - this was the providential mission of Christianity. Yet, in order to become a unifying power for all the nations on the globe, shaping and reshaping empires, and concentrating the social, political, and spiritual forces of humanity in a manner never before attempted or dreamed of, it required an inspiring ideal of ssublime grandeur and beauty, which should at one fascinate and stir souls to their very depths and satisfy their longings.
...... But it was, after all, the glad tidings of the Jew Jesus which won humanity for Abraham's God."1    

Religion was, therefore, the packaging of a political agenda. The Jews had to adapt their strategy according to those who were their target : the Gentiles, in other words, Humanity.

So, Judaism was established with their fake status of chosen people, which goal was to subdue the Gentiles on all the levels beginning by the spiritual one, and with a full story which gave a religious tone to a political program.  
There has never been any true spirituality in the Judeo-Christian religions. They are the antithesis. They do not strengthen people but weaken them. They do not free their believers  but confine and submit them.    
There is always a mediator between "God" and the follower, who judges and is in a key position to manipulate the mind of the believer.
The believer has no power at all; he must rely on God for everything which is complete submission or in other words, spiritual slavery.
I can assure you that it's absolutely not the case of Jews. 
Because Judaism is not a religion, the Jews have a boss who is their God. That's it.
I must add to this that after reading thousands of pages in Jewish texts, I noticed the bizarre relationship of the rabbis with "God". It's often said that Jehovah aka Yahvé asks the rabbis for advice when he faces tricky questions. ( Rabbi Menachen, Comments for the Fith Book). So the rabbinical caste seems to be more "associated" with their God.

So, at the core of that religious-political program was incorporated the kabbalistic magic and the rabbinical caste or rather around the rabbinical caste and its kabbalistic magic, the religious-political program was organized.

(I do not give here the entire history which will be done in a next chapter dealing with the Creation of Humanity but only the necessary outline in order to understand the coherence of events that brought Jews on Earth. I also want to specify that it's advisedly that I do not use certain terms that are detrimental to a true history and have been deliberately given as propagandistic lies to fool once more  Gentiles)          

Some 445, 000 years ago, astronauts from another planet came to Earth in search of gold (2). They desperately needed gold to repair a breach in their atmosphere that put their lives and future in danger. But this metal was only available in the celestial vault.(3) This led the Annunaki Gods on Earth. It's in these circumstances that Lord Ea arrived on Earth 445, 000 years ago along with his 50 heroes; each of them was an expert in one's field to carry out the mission of extreme importance which was entrusted to them.(4)        
Shortly after his arrival on planet Earth, because of a most perilous but successful journey, Lord Ea was renamed Lord Enki, in other words, Lord of the Earth. (5) (Ki, Chi for life energy).

Short in manpower before the magnitude of the task and in addition in a emergency situation because of a mutiny of the workers (6), the Gods who were in constant communication with their king Anu who has  remained on their planet, gathered in order to make decision for solving their problem. They addressed to the One who was known to be the Wisest and the most learned of them, Lord Ea-Enki, great scientist and geneticist besides.
So Lord Ea-Enki, first born of King Anu, suggested to use the sort of monkey already existing on Earth to whom, he will add some of their genetical imprint of DNA to accelerate their evolution so that  they will be able to extract the needed gold from the mines. The king and all the gods accepted, too happy to get a solution. Therefore, the DNA of the being was modified so that he becomes a Primitive Worker. After numerous attempts, they succeeded. (7)The first homo sapiens was born.  

This new race, endowed with the capacity to procreate, reproduced quickly and numerous until Lord   Ea-Enki noticed that His creation was degenerating.
He already loved His new race, so it's at this moment that He conceived the project which was going to seal for ever His destiny to that of Humanity.

Indeed, Prince Ea-Enki had sexual relations with two human woman, of the first wave ( homo sapiens), who gave him two children. These two young women gave birth to a son for one, and to a girl for the other one.(8)Thus was born the homo sapiens-sapiens.

At first, Ea-Enki kept secret his new fatherhood and took care personally of the education of his children with his wife. He taught them agriculture, crafts as well as how to organize, to memorize information, and teachings.
But the time came when Lord Enki had to reveal his secret. King Anu, his father did not know how to react to such a wonder. He was at the same time, amazed, upset and frightened. The Gods and even the  scientists were stunned by such achievement. 9

First, King Anu invited the boy at his home, but when he discovered that it was his grand-son, the son that his own son had with a Human female, he declared that the boy had to return to Earth and that the Earthlings were no longer welcome at his home. 10

The boy returned to Earth to stay with his father Ea, and continued his life. He and his half-sister had children and so the human race sapiens sapiens began to multiply.11

The Gods, like men, or rather the Men like the Gods had to manage their own rivalries and jealousies. And they had many. To begin with, King Anu, authoritarian and tyrannical by nature,  stirred up strifes between his sons, Lord Ea and Lord Enlil. Their sons, in turn, supported their fathers. So with such power and such technology, all this took catastrophic proportions, and also because of Earth's climate. This created many disasters including nuclear ones (yes!!), floods of which the so well known Deluge around - 13,000 BCE (the one of the bible).

This natural flood was inevitable, Humans and all life on Earth would disappear. Lord Enlil wanted to take this opportunity to let perish Humanity. But his brother, Lord Ea-Enki disagreed and was supported in this by the Life itself. So secretly, he made build a submersible to house and protect all existing life forms, all species, all seeds. A terrible flood struck the Earth, but the submarine stood firm. Everything was destroyed but Life had been saved. They had to rebuild everything and despite the inevitable human deaths, the human race had been saved and could again flourish. 13

Humans multiplied more advanced than ever, much more than they were before the flood and lived happily with their Gods. It is from this time that all humans were taught by their gods and began the great civilizations of which we have still some of the remnants of their achievements : Sumer, Babylon, Egypt ... (There were many of others like Atlantis that but probably disappeared in one of these disasters)

But the problems and rivalries between the Gods did not vanish, on the contrary, there were stronger than ever because of the human race which was itself the problem, the matter of profound disagreement between the Gods, between Ea-Enki and his father Anu. In fact, Anu believed that once the task in the mines would have been completed, the workers, in other words, the Human race would be destroyed. But things evolved differently and absolutely not to his liking.
So he commanded his son to destroy his race.
Ea-Enki refused. The father banished the son who lost his status as heir to the throne that was his birthright, as firstborn.

However, EA-ENKI was followed by many gods and both sides stood up against one another, each more determined than ever: that of Anu decided to end this damned human race, far too gifted consequently too dangerous, and that of Ea-Enki who was determined to not destroy his beloved creation. His creation which was more than ever tied to its Gods because many Gods took human women as wives. Women who gave birth to children who became demigods. 14

To begin with, the God Marduk who later became the Great Amun-Ra of Egypt, of royal blood, pure Annunaki, Enki's firstborn and Damkina before their arrival on Earth, took a human wife he loved profoundly, Sarpanit, with whom he had a son, the God Nabu (or Nebo) who was deeply revered, well known for his wisdom and knowledge in Babylonia.

Marduk, powerful warrior, combatted the reptilians newly incarnated, for that he endured the wrath of his grandfather and the shabby treatment of Babylon in the filthy bible. Marduk who, taught by his father, passed all the knowledge to Humanity he deeply loved (and still do by the way). It is Marduk who gave Humanity the Chinese medicine. At that time, the  Humans were  taught of all the knowledge and guided by their loving and  benevolent gods.

Anu went berserk, loosing all sense, all decency and looked for allies to combat his own son in order to destroy his race. So he made alliance with the most unexpected ones for somebody of his rank, the Reptilians. Reptilians who had destroyed their planet by dint of dross between them and were wandering in the galaxy in search of some massacre to commit. Many planets and beings were exsanguinated of any life by these pestilences, filthy entities liking destruction, death, suffering and all negative emotions. So, they saw in the proposal made by Anu an opportunity to satisfy their evilest instincts and a solution to their problem of residence. Thus Anu teamed up with the Reptilians and others  repugnant beings and they designed the Machiavellian agenda that Humans, and only some of them, have just begun to perceive the contours. The Human electromagnetic energy so extraordinary and exceptional should be used, among other things, as energy for the deadly project.

The problem is that all these beings, these Gods, even if they have not all consciousness, far from it, have immense powers. So the fight is beyond what we can imagine and it is vital to consider and to accept that we are not advanced at all, on the contrary. Because to be advanced does not mean to have a huge credit  on one's bank account but rather to have developped one's occult and psychic abilities.

The problem is that all these beings, these Gods, even if they have not all consciousness, far from it, have immense powers. So the fight is beyond what we can imagine and it is vital to consider and to accept that we are not advanced at all, on the contrary. Because to be advanced does not mean to have a huge credit  on one's bank account but rather to have developped one's occult and psychic abilities.

Are you able to use the power of your mind to create and manifest what you need ?

Are you able to perceive what is happening on the astral level ?

Are you able to remove tubes from your organs, your chakras, your brain which have been put to drain your energy while injecting some filth ?

Are you able to heal yourself ?

Can you protect yourself against an attack occult?

So back to our subject, the Reptilians who have power and technology beyond imaginable and in addition leaded by Anu, conceived through genetic manipulation, a race which has been engineered with human DNA and reptilian DNA.
Both for obvious reasons.
Human DNA because this race need to have a human appearance in order to go undetected once embodied. The goal was to infiltrate the whole Gentile world in order to achieve their mission of destroying humanity.
Reptilian DNA to have the deadly, filthy capacities of these monstrous entities.
Anu has teamed up with the most abject, the cruelest, evilest beings possible, to whom he gave 'carte blanche' as long as the result is your complete and definite extermination.

You understand why I repeat it's time to wake up, to stand up against your own destruction!

For the human DNA, they had the recipe, so to speak, because of traitors too happy to betray their own family members.
But to do this, human wombs were required to bring the reptilian progeny.

Thus many women were abducted under cover of disasters or other reasons, and inseminated with this  DNA mixture in order to give birth to what became Reptilians with human look, in other words, the  JEWS.
Indeed, in the tests I mentioned above, there were several failures until, Enki realizes that it was because of the womb bearing the fetus. So the first homo sapiens was borne into the womb of the Primordial Goddess Ninoursag aka Ninmah aka Ninti, half-sister of Enki and Enlil.

Therefore the logic dictates that for a complete success, the fetus must be borne by women belonging to the race to which one wants it looks like. To create the perfect homo sapiens, the womb of a pure Annunaki was required, and to create a reptilian with a perfect human look, a human womb.

Again, I repeat, it is important to realize that we are dealing here with Gods who have considerable powers, and initially have the same knowledge. 
Because it is a war between a father and his son.
Very powerful Gods who have totally opposite conceptions of life.

ANU who became JEHOVAH aka YAHWEH, dictator, despot, tyrant advocates absolute obedience (up to negation of any individual expression), collectivism and conceives beings as executers, slaves in his service. And above all, he fears competition!

EA-ENKI who was named SATAN by his own father when he refused to destroy his beloved creation and thus became his adversary, his opponent  (in hebrew, satan is a word not a name meaning enemy, opponent, adversary and then became a name because of the Jewish program of Christianity).

ENKI advocates the right to follow one's nature, freedom of thought, expression of individual genius, truth, true justice and authentic knowledge available for everyone.

These are two camps, two clans within the same family who are waging a merciless war. So there are the Annunaki loving and caring for Humanity and the Annunaki who hate Humanity and want to destroy her.
All of them are Gods, all of them are very powerful.
Anunnaki who are also known as Nordics. Therefore, there are benevolent Nordics and malevolent Nordics.
All this adds still more confusion to the propaganda deliberately orchestrated on Earth including the falsehoods stating that the Gods Enki and Marduk are reptilians !
This is complete nonsense to remain polite !!  These Gods are very tall, very handsome and very blonde!

Enki by standing against the extermination of Humanity risked everything ;  he was banished from his home planet, lost his birthright to the throne and even worse, because he was transformed by his enemies into the worst monster committing the most horrible crimes and atrocities while it's those who accuse him who commit them !
The well known devil, Satan, who at the beginning is a word meaning adversary, opponent, enemy in Hebrew became coincidentally the name of the devil for Christians.
Hence you see the biblical treatment of the fallen angels, while these gods had never been angels that is still a Jewish fallacy introduced by these impostors. (See paragraph about angels in the Bible Chapter)

But that's not all. His father with his allies attacked Earth by surprise. So Enki, the gods, their families and all humans were not expecting such an attack and of this magnitude.

Therefore, they were not prepared and outnumbered. Many of them were taken as prisoner (being magically bound), in order that the reptilians can murder as many humans as possible without being disturbed. It was the sine qua non  condition  to establish their religious program.
Anu was well aware that to succeed, he must isolate, separate, the humans from their Father and Creator God and from all the gods. Humans who loved and cherished their Gods.
In Anu's strategy, the most important parameter has always been to separate his son Ea-Enki from his creation and then to maintain this split  at any cost. And because he cannot kill a god who is immortal, he turned Ea-Enki in Satan.
Yes his satan/adversary/opponent became the Satan of the Christians when him and the jews conceived the program of Christianity, in other words, the spiritual program of enslavement.   

Your God, Ea-Enki who was renamed Satan is still here, alive (of course he is immortal) and fighting tirelessly with his legions to free planet Earth and Humans from these filthy pestilences that are the Jews. If you want to help Him and all His Legions, while helping yourself, you must stand against the tyrannical agenda of the Jewish NWO and even better, join your true father and Creator Ea-Enki.
In one of my next post I will give all what Jews stole to the Ancient India culture (language, magen david et...), the true meaning of satan in sanskrit which the Jews reverse etc.    
It is because their power and their infallible determination despite all the hardships and suffering they endured that humanity has not been exterminated. If they were not present, it would be a long time that humanity would have been completely destroyed.
Ea-Enki and his gods have a boundless fortitude to endure such slander, defamation, denigration and humiliation that they continue to suffer from the Jews. The worst being that their children turn away from them to go to revere the Reptilians through Christianity who in turn work to exterminate them.



The Jews were created with the appearance of the Gentiles, a human appearance and the functioning that goes with it, but that's it. This is invisible to most Goyim, because the Jews belong to different social classes, live in different countries, are not the same physically as could be clones. But their intelligence is collective. Their twisted mind is based on laws such as solidarity, loyalty to the community and the hatred of the enemy, the Goy. The Jews hate Humanity.
Since one’s childhood, we are taught that we are the chosen people of God and that the non – Jews are nothing. We learn to have contempt and hatred for them. It works like a relentless brainwashing. We have to think that way, there is no choice. The rest is only a facade, a show before the Gentile
Every Jew obeys a set of codes directly tied to the overall Jewish system. These rules then appear under an infinite number of variations in all areas so that they are hidden while they have the same core goals.

Every Jew is linked to one's peers in the community and gets the benefit for working for the overall system. In fact, one's performance is enhanced because of the stimulation of the group. The Jews like to be close to their peers, doing everything in their lives with them, be it professional (business) or personal and get substantial profit.
It's the Jewish system which furthermore is a transmational one because the  local communities in turn have very close relationships with all other Jewish communities worldwide. That's why Jews have no problem to see the collapse of national identities, of national boundaries, on the contrary. In fact, they are at the very base of the disappearance of national identities, as of race mixing. It’s was their mean to destroy the Human race by weakening her DNA.
Gentile DNA is what make Gentile strong, noble and divine so the Jews did everything to deteriorate it.        

Their goal has always been to destroy national identity as to destroy individual identity to finally destroy the pure Gentile DNA.
This is done in every domain and the most severe threat is through genetically  modified food.  
The various Jewish diasporas form a transnational body operating everywhere with the same rules for the same goals under cover of different tactics.

They interact by common attitudes. The Jew responds instinctively to stimuli given by the central brain, the Jewish hive mind so that the coordination of the group is implicit but real. It is through very simple mental and behavioral patterns that they operate. Then these Jewish basic common "laws" become incredibly complex to decipher for Gentile because they are hidden under multiple tactics, coverups.
The Jews have global and mutual information that has been codified and programmed in their DNA, so whatever changes they are always brought back to the ideas of community-based. It is therefore a functioning, that even if it  develops itself in a highly sophisticated manner which includes its ability to adapt to the more unpredictable environmental conditions,  SELF-REGULATES.

All this is done without external control therefore not visible. Achievements and successes of the community can not be achieved by a single individual but with the whole. And these successes could not be possible if it the group would be devoided of this collective intelligence or hive mind. Distribution of tasks is also essential. Everyone has a distinct role to play and must be as efficient as possible for one’s own benefit as for  that of the whole. Anyone who raises problem, who does not follow the Jewish rules for whatever reasons is eliminated because the system can not bear to be weakened by such element. Yes because Jews are elements, constituents of the Jewish system, not regarded as living entities of any value for their God. That's why they don't care about Life. The very principle of Life has no value for them.
Consequently, whoever does not conform is rejected by the group to maintain cohesion which is vital to their agenda.
So every Jew you see on the media in whatever position is part of the Jewish system, it's a facade to appear like Gentiles in order to confuse and fool them.

So the Jews can evolve in terms of techniques, tactics, strategies but never as individuals, they can’t because this marker is not part of their DNA. So the Jews have no individuality, no individual consciousness. They have the hive mind system which give them all they need. It works like artificial intelligence. Which explains their intelligence but also that they are unable to put themselves into question, to evolve : their role is to always blame others for their doings in order to appear as eternal victims and innocent peoples.
It's not a coincidence if the Jews create the concept of the scapegoat !
Consequently, it's impossible for a Gentile to have a genuine discussion with a Jew. It's always a dialogue of the deaf. The Jews will always remain on one's point of view year after year, generation after generation, century after century. Any Jew will always seek to prove that your are wrong and that one's Jewish vision is the right one. And if he encounters whatever strong opposition, the Jew will use the Holocaust weapon and the anti-Semitic accusation.

The Jews have no soul, no conscience, no discernment. And certainly not in the sense understood by the Gentiles. Communication between Jews and Gentiles can not be genuine but only sterile.
They are not on the same level and never will! Contrary to what you see, the Jewish people are very limited, very narrow-minded. They have a restricted mental and are unable to cope outside their parameters because they have not been programmed. 

This does not prevent their intelligence to be very effective in the areas assigned to them. And above all, they are intelligent because all connected unconsciously to their central brain that feeds them collectively with intelligence data to keep them on track for their mission.

Unlike the Gentile mind which works in an individual mode.


Jews were genetically fashioned to function as parasites that will feed on Gentiles, but ont only. According to the biological definition, a parasite is "an organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host - it lives in or on a host and obtains nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host".
But the Jews are parasites, predators and killers because their ultimate goal is the destruction of their  hosts ! the Gentiles !
Consequently simultaneously took place the slow poisoning of the Gentile blood as if both had to advance at the same speed.

The parasitic Jew is the overall social, political, financial organization, which was set up worlwide because of the Jewish Diaspora settled in the Gentile nations.
The Diaspora is what enabled Jews to settle among Gentiles. People who think that Diaspora is their weakness are deeply fooled like them who think that Israel is the sole problem. Israel is one of the many severe consequences of the Jewish diaspora. Without her, never Israel would have been born, never !!
So I you re-read the bible with another understanding especially about the diaspora you will see how the bible is only a political tool for Jewish propaganda. The religious aspect is only a mask to the magical aspect whichs consists in cursing non-Jews and blessing Jews. And the writings are supporting that curse or blessing. That's it.
Another thing which is very important is that anything in life works with both aspects : negative and positive as the day and night. So to be effective, things must be balanced by these two primordial forces which means that with curse goes blessing, with blessing goes curse. The Jews know this perfectly and use this natural rule of life to strengthen their community and to weaken the Goyim. Which in other words, means de-energizing Goyim while fortifying Jews.

As long as the Goyim do not want to see or to understand the horrible truth, they will remain captive under the Jewish spell which ultimate goal is their extermination.
As the Noble Human race, it's your duty to not let the Jews kill, exterminate your race, your kids, your families.
You have been hypnotized since millennia under the Jewish spell with their lies, impostures, propaganda and especially through Jesus, it's time to wake up even if it's very difficult and painful.

Our Judeo-Christian society has been built upon lies. Everything in our dailylife is LIE, LIE and again LIE. Look around, study, do your own research not mass media based, you have a lot of genuine, true, authentic sources of information on the Internet now.
Please check everything and you will see with your own eyes what happened.
As a French woman born in a Jewish family, I can assure you that France, and most generally Europe has always been an important target for Jews. If you look at the chapter about the axis of evil, the Jews had to settle along the  US- ISRAEL Ley line in order  to take control of Gentiles and this happened because the Jewish diaspora. This Ley line along with others is filled with negative energy, with fear, with terror. This has been made through ritual murders of humans and animals. They have also used all the ancient pagan temples locations to erect their churches to amplify the negative as the positive of the prayers. Everything for control because the Christians pray since the begining for the Jews.                                                            
After this disgression back to the Jewish poisoning which could only take place via first parasitism which itself, by its nature, was required to settle among the Gentiles to fulfill its role. The Jews had an indisputable, obvious, blatant obligation to settle among the Gentile nations.

The Jews act as a poison first into the Gentile body/nation and secondly into the Gentile individual physical body.

This poison is encoded is their DNA, a substance so harmful that it would impair function, cause structural damage leading to death in the Gentile nations as in the Gentile bodies.
I have witnessed this with my own eyes. It’s well beyond one’s will. It’s  genetical.     
So the installation of Jews became transnational in order that the Jewish community worlwide form, too, a homogeneous, connected and interdependent body.

The "poisoning" is also done through their black Kabbalistic magic which was implemented since the  arrival of Jews on earth and has never stopped since for the reasons I have already given.

This powerful magic is performed in addition to the manipulation made on the anatomical and physical occult structure of the Gentiles in order to lock their power centers in particular, the brain and the sexual zone of the first chakra. The poison is also the reptilian cellular programming itself that the Jew carries in one's blood to negatively impact the Gentiles, not to mention the huge difference in energy between a Gentile and a Jew! We go from the Himalayas to the septic tank!

This difference is most visible and palpable with the rabbis who are the core, the center of this  Kabbalistic black magic. Anyone who feels the energies, can feel their filthy energy.
When I had to visit my orthodox cousins, I noticed how their house was dark, dirty, how they could not bear light. Saturn is the planet of the Jews,  the planet without light, the planet of destruction, Anu's planet.

The result of this monstrous strategy is that they have completely degenerated the human race to such an extent that there is, for me, only three possible cases.

the human beings who have not even begun to ask any questions about the abnormality of the current global situation are undoubtedly lost.

human beings who are aware of what is going on but feel themselves trapped (which is a reality) and therefore do not know what to do and how. Indeed, knowledge is an important thing but it's only the first step because knowledge without action is useless. One  remains locked in the judeo-christian egregore. One remains in the reptilian matrix. Awareness is absolutely necessary but only as prerequisite for action, to move from one camp to the another, so to speak, otherwise it is pointless! It's the same for atheists and even worse, since these, non-believers are more manipulated than others to a dead end. Moreover, the Jews would want to see all Gentiles becoming atheists which is absolutely not the answer to the problem, on the contrary. Atheism is part of their Communist agenda of NWO.

human beings who understand that the problem is only spiritual because the enemies of humanity try since the beginning to take control of their souls which are so remarkable in every way. Souls that have been brought under control via the monotheistic religions making the Jews more powerful. Consequently, they are aware that the god they pray for ages is not the right one and they will join their True Father and Creator God Enki who will protect them and help them to recover all what has been  damaged, destroyed. It is obvious that there is only Enki now Satan and his legions who are able to defeat the reptilians and they know it. Without them, humanity is lost. That's why they continue to blame him for every disaster, every misfortune, everything occuring on this planet using his  name, his symbols, his numbers in order to always feed fear, terror and hatred towards him. It’s a diversion. The Jews know to well the power of such emotions so they divert these to their enemy, their adversary.
This, in addition, maintains the separation between humanity and his true  Father which is vital to the success of the Judeo-Reptilians.

Unfortunately things are very clear. The damage is so huge in every domain, human body, mind, nations, planet that humans can no longer afford the ability to fight or defend themselves effectively. I mean, fully and finally overcoming their mortal enemies, the Jews.

How can you still think that these people are humans?
How can you not see that they were dressed up in human form to better infiltrate the Gentile nations undetected? 
How do you not understand that the reccurent so-called anti-Semitism is the irrefutable proof of the non-human nature of the Jew?
How would - it be otherwise? Tell me, how?

At the beginning of this chapter, I quote the words of Morris Fishbein  who caused so much trouble during the time he was leading the American Medical Association as he was the one who through this very powerful organization, prohibits, outlaws all remedies against cancer ! 
His diatribe was aimed at so-called charlatans who advocated natural medicines and in particular his worst enemy at that time, Harry Hoxsey. Morris Fishbein went too far in his hatred against him and let go the truth concerning him, the Jew. It’s another glaring example of the inversion, a Jewish tactic.
Harry Hoxsey attacked him and the trial showed that although calling himself Dr. Morris Fishbein, he never got his diploma!
Him, was the impostor, not the brave Harry Hoxsey who saved lives.

Sources and references 


The Lost Book of Enki is a book written by Zecharia Sitchin. It’s about 14 Sumerian clay tablets telling events which took place on Earth before the Creation of Humanity. In fact, these tablets give a lot of crucial information.
It presents a text dictated by Enki to his scribe Endubsar.      

So this book is very important and informative because it gives all the elements to understand our current situation. Especially the rivalries between the Gods with all their consequences.
Page 2, Sitchin states : 
"Scholars and theologian alike now recognize that the biblical tales of Création, of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, were based on texts written down millennia earlier in Mesopotamia, especially by the Sumerians. And they, in turn, clearly stated that they obtained their knowledge of past events - many from a time before civilizations began, even before Mankind came to be - from the writings of the Annunaki ("Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came") - the "gods" of antiquity." 
As a result of a century and a half of archaelogical discoveries in the ruin of the ancient civilizations, especially in the Near East, a great number of such early textes have been found ; the finds have also revealed the extent of missing texts – so called lost books – which are either mentioned in discovered texts or are inferred form such texts, or that are known to have existed because they were cataloged in royal or temple libraries. »       

Many elements of that history were introduced in the bible after having been manipulated, twisted, corrupted in order to support the claims of the enemies of Humankind, Anu, and his chosen people, the Jews.   

Nevertheless, for me, there are in this book two false information which have been introduced DELIBERATELY to fool Gentiles and make appear the entire story false while the history is true, just and right regarding the most important things as the creation of humanity and the rivalries between the Gods. But it’s a Jewish tactic to poison even the truth in order to make appear it false !
So for me Nibiru is not the planet of the Gods. Orion is.
The constellation of Orion is the planet of your benevolent Gods.
Nibiru is hoax, a fake.            
This could be a spaceship, the mother ship of the enemy of mankind, and the reason why since many years, this name is everywhere. Again Jewish propaganda.
There is also a very weird thing: the 15 of June 2011, NASA made an announcement (see video at YouTube - NASA-Emergency Preparedness) inviting American people to prepare themselves in case of emergency, even suggesting an attack like the 9/11, but from outside forces, ie, an alien attack. I don’t know what is really going on but the only thing I know is that since many years, Hollywood, via the movies, is preparing humanity to receive the aliens, enemies of Humans, the GREYS.  (look at the new movie Paul). Entities far from being cute or friendly in any way.

Obviously, something is being prepared. The Illuminati and their filthy cohorts need another catastrophic event to terrify Humanity, which will fall into the dictatorship and tyranny of the NWO, allegedly protecting them while the only thing NWO prepare is the death of millions of Humans. 
Again, the Jews and their ilk will use the symbols, the dates of your God, Enki-Satan in order to blame him for what they do, them.
The devil is not Satan but the god of the Jewish people, Yahvé aka Jehovah.
What Christians call God and the Devil are actually backwards.
Christians (originally Gentiles) and Jews are cosmic enemies.
Yahvé aka Jehovah is full of hatred for humanity. It’s the God of the Jews not of the Christians !! But because you, Gentiles, had been coerced to convert to Christianity, you pray since that conversion for the God of the Jewish people and for his chosen people, the Reptilian-Jew who in return work relentlessly to destroy you, your beloved ones, your family and your race. 
The best is to join your true Father and Creator God, Enki-Satan.        

All governments are complicit. And all political parties have been absorbed into the Jewish matrix. There is no real political opposition. The only one can solely emerge from peoples themselves, not from any national or international institution or organization.

To conclude this digression, this extraterrestrial attack if it happens, would be orchestrated by the enemies of Humankind: JEWS, REPTILIANS, GREYS with at their head, of course, ANU / Yahweh / Jehovah.
It's not ENKI-SATAN, your God with His legions.

ANU, father of EA-ENKI was then named ALENU, which is the name of a very ancient prayer in Hebrew in homage to their god, ANU. It  says:
"...It is one of the most sublime prayers of the entire liturgy, and has a remarkable history, almost typical of the race from which it emanated. It became the cause of slanderous accusation and persecution, as a result of which it was in part mutilated through fear of the official censors. But having thus mutilated, it is difficult to present it in its original form. To restore it and render it at least intelligible, recourse must be had to old books and documents. The following is a literal translation from the original so far as it can be restored. 
" It' is incumbent upon us to give praise to the Lord of the Universe, to glorify Him who formed creation, for He hath not made us to be like the nations of the lands, nor hath He made us like the families of the earth; He hath not set our portion with theirs, nor our lot with their multitude; ....for they prostrate themselves before vanity and folly, and pray to a god who can not help.... But we bend the knee and prostrate ourselves and bow down before the King of the Kings of the Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He ! .... He is our God, and there is none other.....Therefore do we wait Thee, O Lord our God, soon to behold Thy mighty glory, when Thou wilt remove the abominations form the earth, and idols shalt be exterminated; when the world shall be regenerated by the kingdom of the Almighty, and all the children of flesh invoke Thy name; when all the wicked of the earth shall be turned into Thee. Then shall all the inhabitants of the world perceive and confess that unto Thee every knee must bend, and every tongue be sworn. Before Thee, O Lord our God, shall they kneel and fall down, and unto Thy glorious name give honor. So they will accept the yoke of Thy kingdom, and Thou shall be King over them speedily forever and aye. For Thine is the kingdom, and to all eternity Thou wilt reign in glory, as it is written in Thy Torah : The Lord shall reign forever and aye. And it is also said: 'And the Lord shall be the King over all the earth; on that day the Lord shall be One and his name be One.'     
Evidently this prayer was originally recited with the prostration of the whole assembled....the congregation gives expression to its faith in the One Universal Ruler of the World, and to its hope for His Universal kingdom when all the idolatrous nations around Israel shall have been converted to His truth. The omission of a personal Messiah from the expression, of the Messianic hope points to a pre-Christian era."  

Indeed,this sentence of the prayer "pray to a god who can not help.." has been misunderstood by Christians who thought it was against their Jesus-Christ, which is not the case, at all !  
Firstly, because this prayer dated back to the arrival on Earth of the Jews and Christianity did not exist at that time and secondly because Jesus, the JEW, has only been a tool to spiritually enslaved the Gentiles. 
So this part of the prayer was for Enki-Satan !              

To end with this, it is said "In the early Christian Church, converts before being baptized had to step forward at the end of divine service, and make public confession by first turning backward, renouncing the kingdom of Satan and spitting out as sign of contempt; then turning forward in the name of the Creator of the world and of man, they took the oath of allegiance to Jesus as the Son of God." 15       

1 - Christianity in its relation to Judaism, Historic Mission, in Jewish Encyclopedia  
2 - The Lost Book of Enki - Memoirs and prophecies of an Extra Terrestrial God by Zecharia Sitchin p 1 

3 - ibid - The First Tablet p.29-34 
4 - ibid - The Third Tablet p.70-73 
5 - ibid - The Fourth Tablet p.93
6 - ibid - The Fith Tablet p.108-126
7 - ibid - The Sixth Tablet p.129-149 
8 - ibid - The Seventh Tablet p.167-169
9 - ibid - The Seventh Tablet p 169- 171 
10 - ibid - The Eight Tablet p 173-179 
11 - ibid - The Ninth Tablet 
12 - ibid - The Ninth Tablet 
13 - ibid - The Tenth Tablet  
14 - ibid - The Ninth Tablet 
15 - Alenu in Jewish Encyclopedia