Saturday, October 8, 2011

Update 22/08/2011


Jewish tool for Global Control and 

Enslavement of the Human Race

"God has given the Jews power over the possessions 
and blood of all nations."
Seph. Jp., 92, 1

"All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, 
which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. 
An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, 
if profitable to himself or to Jews in general."
"A Jew may rob a goy, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him."
Schulchan Aruch. Choszen Hamiszpat 348

"A Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks 
if our books contain anything against them." 
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia17

When, on the Day of Atonement, the Jews enter into the synagogue, the very first prayer that they recite, and they stand for it -- it's the only prayer for which they stand and they repeat three times is the Kol Nidre.  In that prayer, you make an agreement with the Almighty God of Jews that any oath, vow, or pledge that you may make during the next twelve months shall be null and void.
Besides, the Talmud teaches: "Do not forget -- whenever you take an oath, vow, and pledge -- remember the Kol Nidre prayer that you recited on the Day of Atonement, and that exempts you from fulfilling that." Benjamin Freedman

 "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or a Jew. But a Jew is not forbidden to do all this to a goy."
Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5.

"Jews may Rob and kill non-Jews 
When a Jew murders a Gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. 
What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep."
Sanhedrin 57a . 

 "Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and 
God has "exposed their money to Israel."
Baba Kamma 37b. 

"Jews may lie to non-Jews. 
Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentiles."
Baba Kamma 113a

"A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile).
For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law
by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law.
Choschen Hamm 266,1

"If it can be proven that someone has given the money
of Israelites to the Goyim,
a way must be found after prudent consideration
to wipe him off the face of the earth."
Choschen Hamm 388, 15

"When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, 
another Jew may go to the same Gentile,
 lend him money and in turn deceive him, 
so that the Gentile shall be ruined. 
For the property of a Gentile, according to our law,
 belongs to no one, 
and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it."
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

These are examples of Talmudic orders that Jews have been too happy to follow on request of their God and of which we can see the full realization today.

“Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation.” 
 Protocols of the Elders of Zion – 20

Money is at the centre of Jewish life. 
For Jews, there are two things that matter: God and money. And money is the means chosen by the God of the Jews to enslave humanity.
Here is an excerpot of the book of Jacques Attali, "Les Juifs, le Monde et l'Argent" (The Jews, the World and Money).
(Bold and/or  brackets are mine)   

"When Abram became Abraham settles in Canaan, God gives him two orders. First to grow, multiply and develop the land. God asks him to be rich to serve Him. So Genesis (13, 2) proudly measures the progress of this wealth, "Now Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver and in gold"- all properties constituting the main currency of exchange. And to get them almost all means are good, including guile... ". 
"....God does not require human sacrifice, but he is pleased with animal sacrifice, (but according to the Jews, only them are Human beings, Gentiles are animals -  so we have here the usual double speech of Jews with encrypted words (2))  and He places man apart in the Creation and turns the violence to the destruction of his material wealth."These two first orders of God to His choosen people are not independent of one another: the wealth in the form of livestock, gold and silver is the best alternative to violence. We will find a thousand times this link between money and blood, nagging warning from God to the Hebrews, and through them to all men: the money is primarily a way to avoid violence. 
By imposing to himself the replacement of the sacrifice by the offering, the Jewish people announce his destiny: he will use the money as a means to repair the damage and to stop the retaliations. The money will become for him a means to negotiate instead of fighting, then making peace. By the money, the Jewish people is going to say his hatred of violence. " 3

Jacques Attali, French economist, gives us in his book Les Juifs, le Monde et l'Argent (The Jews, the World and Money)the Jewish concept of money. His book of economy is entirely based on the biblical and talmudic precepts and commandments on which he refers to on each page. Again, we can see how our society is founded on the destructive principles of the bible and Talmud. Even if they are aimed at different audiences, the first one  to non-Jews, the second one, to Jews, all of them are injunctions and must be obeyed. And these became law. Law that rule the lives of the Gentile peoples.

In his book like in all the Jewish writings, things are blatant. Distinct roles have been assigned to each of the religious communities. The Jews have become the "natural" and exclusive suppliers of money while the Gentiles got the only right to borrow that money.

That's why it is so important to study all the fields, all the topics that constitute our society to become aware how things have been organized between the races. Between the Jewish race and between the Human race. And the first subject that must be studied in deep is the so-called religions because from that point you will get everything you need to understand what is going on and that the Jewish race has been chosen by 
to become masters of Gentiles. Jews are not part of the Human race. They are here on Earth to destroy Humanity but are indistinguishable because of their Human appearance.

The bible is the worst subliminal tool conceived to submit Gentiles into giving all their power, their money to the Jews and to work as slaves for them. 
Roughly two thousands years later, it 's exactly the result. 
While the Gentile peoples impoverish, the Jewish people enrich. 
Now at that point of history, they possess everything while the Gentiles are loosing everything while they worked for since decades. 

The monetary system, as we know it today, has been entirely created by Jews "as a superior form of organization of human relationships without violence to resolve all conflicts, including religious. The authors of the Talmud, mostly dealers themselves are often experts in economics, their judgments have a rare theoretical sharpness, and even in modern times."4


Now let's look at facts !! 

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws."
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1790 

Here are an excerpt from "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs (page 58-59) explaining the links between Jewish kabbalah (magic), the so-called Jewish religion and power !! In fact, the Jews infiltrated every source of Gentile power to gain total control from inside.  

"This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…” “Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason” “The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an apprentice at a banking house.
Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices. Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."

1791 : The Rothschild get, "control of a nation's money" through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington's cabinet) when they set up a central bank in the USA called the First Bank of the United States. This is established with a 20 year charter.     

1811 : The charter for the Rothschild Bank of the United States runs out and Congress votes against its renewal. Nathan Mayer Rothschild is not amused and he states :
 "Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war."

However the United States stands firm and the charter is not renewed which causes Nathan Mayer Rothschild to issue another threat,
" Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status."

1812 : Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild's orders, the British declare war on the United States.
The Rothschild's plan was to cause the United States to build up such a debt in fighting this was that they would have to surrender to the Rothschilds and allow the charter for the Rothschild owned First Bank of the United States to be renewed.  
1816: The American Congress passes a bill permitting yet another Rothschild dominated central bank, which gives the Rothschilds control of the American money supply again. This is called the Second Bank of the United States and is given a twenty year charter.
The British war against America therefore ends with the deaths of thousands of British and American soldiers, but the Rothschilds get their bank.

1832 : President Andrew Jackson (the 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837), runs the campaign for his second term in office under the slogan "Jackson and NO Bank" !!
This is in reference to his plan to take the control of the American money system to benefit the American people, not for the profiteering of the Rothschilds. 

"I am one of those who do not believe the national debt is a national blessing... it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country." 
Andrew Jackson - Letter to L.H.Coleman of Warrenton, N.C, 29 April 1924  

1833 : President Andrew Jackson starts removing the government's deposits from the Rothschild controlled, Second Bank of the United States and instead deposits them into banks directed by Gentile bankers.
This causes the Rothschild to panic and so they did what they do best, contract the money supply causing a depression.
President Jackson knows what they are up to and later states, 
"You are a den of thieves vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out."     

1835 : On January 30, an assassin tries to shoot President Jackson, but miraculously both of the assassin's pistols misfired.
President Jackson would later claim that he knew the Rothschild were responsible for the attempted assassination.  

1836 : Following his years of fighting against the Rothschilds and their central bank in America, president Andrew Jackson finally succeeds in throwing the Rothschilds central bank out of America, when the bank's charter is not renewed.            

1841 : President John Tyler (the 10th President of the United States from 1841 to 1845) vetoed the act to renew the charter for the Bank of the United States.

1861 : President Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States from 1860 till his assassination in 1865) approaches the big banks in New-York to try to obtain loans to support the ongoing American civil war.
As these large banks were heavily under the influence of the Rothschild, they offer him a deal they know he cannot accept, 24% to 36% interest on all monies loaned.
Lincoln is very angry about this high level of interest and so he prints his own debt free money and informs the public that this is now leagl tender for both public and private debts.

1862 : By April 449,338,902 $ worth of Lincoln's debt free money has been printed and distributed. Hs states of this,
"We gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had, their own paper money to pay their own debts."

1863 : President Abraham Lincoln discovers the Tsar of Russia, Alexander II (1855- 1881) was having problems with the Rothschilds as well as he was refusing their continual attempts to set up a central bank in Russia.
The Tsar then gives President LIncoln some unexpected help. The Tsar issued orders that if either England or France actively intervened in the American Civil War, and help the South, Russia would consider such action a declaration of war, and take the side of President Lincoln. To show that he wasn't messing about, he sent part of his Pacific Fleet to port in San Francisco and another part to New-York. 

"The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its REIGN by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." President Abraham Lincoln 

1865 : In a statement to Congress, President Lincoln said, 
"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe."   
Later that year, on April 14, President Lincoln was assassinated, less than two months before the end of the American Civil War.

Abraham Lincoln was a serious threat to the interests of the Rothschild and their clique of Jewish international bankers. When his death was announced, a battle ensued in Congress to withdraw from circulation the money that have been created by the dead president in order to replace it with a currency now backed by gold. The aim was to allow those who possess gold, namely London and a small clique of international bankers based in New York to lock the issuance of U.S. currency by an equivalent in gold. At that time, gold was mainly in the hands of the Bank of England and other London banks. The international bankers were intended to enrich themselves, of course, but also to control the world through money.

William Engdahl, in his book "Gods of Money" , states : "In 1862 in the early months of the American Civil War, a memo was discreetly circulated among England's wealthy aristocrats and bankers. It stated the cold assessment of the banking powers of the City of London regarding events in the United States:       
"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and all chattel slavery abolished. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led on by England, is that capital shall control labor by controlling wages. The great debt that the capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this, the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make this recommandation to Congress. It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, as we can not control that. But we can control the bonds and through them the bank issues." (cited in Lindbergh, Banking, Currency and the Money Trust) 5                       

1881 : President James A. Garfield (the 20th President of the United States who lasted only 100 days) states two weeks before he is assassinated,
" Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce...and when you realize that the entre system is very easily controlled, one way or another by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."

"As the vast British Empire went into a prolonged and seemingly irreversible decline following a major economic Depression beginning in 1873, a challenge began to emerge from across the Atlantic. Powerful American industrial and banking families grouped around J.P.Morgan and John D.Rockefeller concentrated the wealth and control of American industry into their own hands.
In their rise to unprecedented heights of power, the Morgan and the Rockefeller interests deployed fraud, deceit, violence, and bribery -- and they deliberately manipulated financial panics. Each financial panic, brought about through their calculated of financial markets and banking credit, allowed them and their closest allies to consolidate ever more power into fewer and fewer hands. It was this concentration of financial power within an elite few wealthy families that created an American plutocracy or, more accuretaly, an American oligarchy." 6 
It was at that time that also was consolidated more formally the Anglo-American axis in order to take full control of money, credit, finance in  America. All these associations and partnerships were established on the basis of secret societies to bring together an elite to work on joint projects. The Pilgrims Society, founded in 1902 was one of them.

In 1910, the powerful international bankers met in secret to work on the project what would become the Federal Reserve system. Seven men of the most powerful in America went to the property of J. PMorgan at Jekyll Island. 
  • Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, head of the National Monetary Commission, partner at JP Morgan and stepfather of John D Rockefeller Jr.
  • Abraham Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary U.S. Treasury
  • Frank Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York and Rockefeller, the most powerful bank of the time
  • Henry Davison, senior partner of JP Morgan
  • Charles D. Norton, president of First National Bank of New York at JP Morgan
  • Benjamin Strong, vice president of Bankers Trust controlled by JP Morgan
  • Paul Warburg, German immigrant, associated at Kuhn, Loeb &Co., representing the House of Rothschild of France and England, brother of Max Warburg who was at the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and Netherlands. Paul Warburg was the brains of the project.
The project, once finished, should have been given to Senator Aldrich who was responsible to make it vote by Congress.

In early 1907, the New York Times Annual Financial Review published Paul Warburg's reform plan called "A Plan for a Modified Central Bank"; in which he outlined remedies that might avert panics.

Still in 1907, Jacob Schiff, Executive at Kuhn, Loeb &Co in a speech to the New York Chamber of Commerce warned that "unless we have a central bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far reaching money panic in its history." 

"The Panic of 1907" hit full stride in October."7

"A notable avantage of J.P. Morgan's work for the House of the Rothschild was the carefully cultivated belief that Morgan, if not openly "anti-Semitic", avoided participating in operations with Jewish banking firms, and that his firm would not hire anyone of jewish background. It was the same deception which Nathan Mayer Rothschild had hired Morgan's predecessor, George Peabody, to perform in London. It was a traditional belief on Wall Street that if you wished to deal with a "Gentiles only" firm, you went to J.P.Morgan; if you wanted a Jewish firm, there were a number of houses available, but the most influential, by far, was Kuhn, Loeb  Co. In either cas, the customer was never made aware that he was dealing with an American representative of the House of Rothschild."8   
The panic of 1907 was engineered by Morgan and Rockefeller to compel the peoples to accept the idea of a banking reform. Morgan and Rockefeller used their dominant position to declare that a powerful New-York bank was bankrupt, which caused a chain reaction starting  with a huge panic among the public who rushed to withdraw one's money, forcing some banks to sell their assets to borrow and pay their clients. So, in addition Gentile banks were wiped out !  

Then, it would be easier to propose a remedy for the problem they had themselves created. The recurrent Jewish tactic is to create the problem that will generate a reaction that requires a solution. 
In other words: 
PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION, the Jewish recipe  !!

This panic sparked an investigation that was signed into law by President Theodor Roosevelt under the name of Aldrich Vreeland Act, creating consequently a commission that was led by Senator Nelson Aldrich. He was responsible to make recommandation in order to prevent such future panics. 
Aldrich had to make validate by Congress the banking project established in great secret  at Jekyll Island as his own while it has been entirely drawn up by the Jewish bankers. 
The deceit was to make believe Congress that this plan was the work of Senator Aldrich. To get the approval, he said that this plan was a promise of financial stability with control by impartial experts and no political interference.  

1913 : The Federal Reserve, is set up as the central bank of the United States during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson.
The name Federal Reserve was carefully chosen to give the illusion of a government institution, but to do so, it was necessary that this law was passed by Congress and signed by the President. 
This is the agreement that was made between the Jewish bankers and Woodrow Wilson: the financial support of the Jewish bankers in order that he becomes President and in return he had to sign the Federal Reserve Act. 
In December 1913, while many members of Congress were home for Christmas, the Federal Reserve Act was forced into Congress and signed by President Wilson. 
Regarding his actions Wilson later admitted. "I have unwittingly ruined my country".
The Fed became law the day before Christmas Eve, in the year 1913, and shortly afterwards, the German International bankers, Kuhn, Loeb and Co. sent one of their partners in the U.S to run it.

American Congress by voting the Federal Reserve Act gave full power to the Jewish bankers to loot, to pillage the Americans citizens as the rest of the peoples worldwide through a federal facade masking the gigantic fraud. 
Since the beginning, the Fed is a cartel, namely Jewish bankers who are ruling the world through a maze of central banks, international/national institutions and organizations, and private banks. 

The Jewish bankers wanted to eliminate competition and maximize profits using the power of government organs and institutions to set up and strengthen the cartel. It was therefore vital that once again the fraud remains completely secret for what would become the greatest catastrophe in Human History, and consequently the ruin of Humanity.

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)

 "A great industrial Nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the Nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men... who necessarily, by very reasons of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom."  "We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men". 
(Just before he died, Wilson is reported to have stated to friends that he had been "deceived" and that "I have betrayed my Country". He referred to the Federal Reserve Act passed during his Presidency.)

"The Morgan interests took advantage to precipitate the panic of 1907, guiding it shrewdly as it progressed." 
Frederick Allen - Life Magazine

"The Aldrich Plan is the Wall Street Plan. It means another panic, if necessary, to intimidate the people. Aldrich, paid by the government to represent the people, proposes a plan for the trusts instead." - The Aldrich Plan was a forerunner to that which spawned the Federal Reserve." Congressman Lindbergh

"A world banking system was being set up here, a super state controlled by international bankers acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure, the Fed has usurped the government ." 
Congressman Louis Mc Fadden upon the passage of the Federal Act bill  

"This (Federal Reserve Act) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized....the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."
Congressman Lindbergh

"The Federal Reserve System virtually controls the Nation's monetary system, yet it is accountable to no one, it has not budget, it is subject to no audit, and no Congressional Committee knows of, or can truly supervise its operations."9

Six years later, a financial writer named Bertie Charles Forbes (who later founded the Forbes Magazine), wrote :
"Picture a party of the nation’s greatest bankers stealing out of New York on a private railroad car under cover of darkness, stealthily hieing hundred of miles South, embarking on a mysterious launch, sneaking onto an island deserted by all but a few servants, living there a full week under such rigid secrecy that the names of not one of them was once mentioned lest the servants learn the identity and disclose to the world this strangest, most secret expedition in the history of American finance. I am not romancing; I am giving to the world, for the first time, the real story of how the famous Aldrich currency report, the foundation of our new currency system, was written . . . . The utmost secrecy was enjoined upon all. The public must not glean a hint of what was to be done. Senator Aldrich notified each one to go quietly into a private car of which the railroad had received orders to draw up on an unfrequented platform. Off the party set. New York’s ubiquitous reporters had been foiled . . . Nelson (Aldrich) had confided to Henry, Frank, Paul and Piatt that he was to keep them locked up at Jekyll Island, out of the rest of the world, until they had evolved and compiled a scientific currency system for the United States, the real birth of the present Federal Reserve System, the plan done on Jekyll Island in the conference with Paul, Frank and Henry . . . . Warburg is the link that binds the Aldrich system and the present system together. He more than anyone man has made the system possible as a working reality."

1917 : The Rothschild order the execution, via the Bolsheviks they control, of Czar Nicholas II and his entire family in Russia, even though the Czar has already abdicated on March 2.This is both to get control of the country and an act of revenge for Czar Alexander I blocking their world governement plan in 1815 at the Congress of  Vienna, and Czar Alexander II siding with President Abraham Lincoln in 1864.

All along the Jews have always created a fertile ground for a Communist revolution, they created Communist Party in America which ranks increased to over a million members. They were doing the same thing in Germany and everywhere else for the same reasons.

The first order for the Jews was to manifest their prophetized Zion, a world ruled by the chosen people of Yahweh. Plans were set in motion for them to finally have their "land of milk and honey" that had been promised to them for so long and this would be the entire world. 
The opportunity for manifesting their Zion arrived with the Russian Revolution, which was financed by the Jewish bankers. One of their own, the German Jew, Karl Marx (Mordecai Levi), had catalized the event with the publication of his communist manifesto. 

The fact of the matter is that Communism has been largely financed by rich Jews, starting with the Rothschild and continuing right on through the Lehman, Stern, Oppenheimer, Rosenwald and other rich Jewish families of America. 
Marx himself was financed by a Jewish millionaire, Joseph Fels. As already mentioned, Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., contributed over $20 million to his fellow Jew, Leon Trotsky (Bronstein), to put over the capture of the Russian people by the Communist jews. 
New York Journal American, February 3rd, 1949 

At a mass rally in Madison Square Garden, New York City, celebrating the revolutionary victory in Russia, and attended by tens of thousands of New York Communist Jews, Jacob Schiff, the same multi-billionaire Jewish head of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., sent the following telegram to the Committee in charge, when he could not appear there in person: 
"Will you say for me to those present tonight how deeply I regret my inability to celebrate with the Friends of Russian Freedom the actual reward of what we had hoped and striven for these long years!" 
New York Times, March 24, 1917, page 2 

You must be aware that Jews are vindictive, resentful, full of hatred for Humanity. This is one of the most important characteristic of Jews while they want you to believe they are victims, persons of good and that YOU are full of hatred for them. 
Again and as usual they reverse everything in order to blame you for what they are and what they do.         

Under the Federal Reserve Act, panic's are scientifically created as the present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we work out a mathematical equation."
Congressman Lindbergh, on the crash of 1920

"From the days of … [Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky]… this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." Winston Churchill - 1922

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.
"New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

"The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruction of the world as an image of money and its functions. Money and the employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces." 
New York Times, Professor Wilheim, a German historian, July 8, 1937 

"If you will look back at every war in Europe during the nineteenth century, you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a 'balance of power.' With every reshuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any king got out of line, a war would break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went. Researching the debt positions of the warring nations will usually indicate who was to be punished." 
Economist Stuart Crane 

Caroll Quigley in his book  Tragedy and Hope, states page 324; 
"The aim of the international bankers was nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."  
This well-known and highly documented book was first published in 1975 in the USA but was removed from the shelves of bookstores on the spot because what it exposed was explosive and dangerous. Indeed Quigley as a professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University had access for two years to the Private Archives Committee on Foreign Relations (CFR), an international organization that the Rockefeller family control with the Trilateral Commission and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA, London). This book was reprinted in 1995 thanks to Bill Clinton, once the danger was over.

Indeed, currently, it is no longer a problem to those powerful men that the truth is revealed, at least in some respects, as they are absolutely certain of their success. Here are the words of David Rockefeller in 1991 in the Bilderberg meeting in Baden-Baden: 
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose respective directors attended our meetings for nearly forty years in accordance with their promise to be discreet."   
"It would have been impossible to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the spotlight throughout the years. But the world is now more informed and prepared to move towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and international bankers is surely better than national self-determination in force over the past centuries."11

"It [the depression] was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence.... The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all." - 
Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee

Congressman McFadden (1876-1836), a long term crusader against the Jewish bankers, declared his intention of pushing for an impeachment of the FED, he had already survived two assassin attempts on his life, the third one was successful. McFadden was poisoned at a dinner banquet and died, before he could get the impeachment.

1933, April 5th was issued  Executive Order 6102. 
It required U.S. citizens to deliver on or before May 1, 1933 ALL the GOLD THEY POSSESSED along with gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve in exchange for $20.67 per troy once Under the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, as amended on March 9, 1933. Violation of the order was punishable by fine up to $10,000 ($167,700 if adjusted for inflation as of 2010) or up to ten years in prison, or both. 
Most citizens who owned large amounts of gold transferred to countries as Switzerland. It's why the Jews retaliated against Switzerland to get revenge using the Holocaust alibi.    

The Federal Reserve would cost the Americans a debt of three trillion dollars with annual interest nearing three hundred billion dollars a year payable to these bankers ... ultimately unpayable.
Officials of the Federal Reserve wag the dog, explaining that the Federal Reserve was established by Congress, so it was not a cartel, while saying on the other hand, that the stocks of the Federal Reserve Banks were wholly owned by private commercial banks, which are members of the Federal Reserve System.
No explanation was ever given to the fact that the government did not hold any share in any of the banks of the Federal Reserve or to the question, why the Federal Reserve is not private since all its stocks are?

Since the Federal Reserve was created, the bankers were entitled to pillage all the riches of the planet. Gradually, the money lost its value because its only value now lies in the trust of the people.
The dollar's convertibility into GOLD was suspended in 1934 by Roosevelt who planned to devalue the currency and then it was renewed by the Bretton Woods Agreement that gave the dollar a preponderance over the world.

1963 : On June 4th President John F.Kennedy (the 35th President of the United States 1961 - 1963) signs Executive Order 11110 which returned to the U.S gouvernment the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve.
"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." - John F. Kennedy, speech at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination. 
President J.F Kennedy was assassinated 22 November.
Below his speech on 17 April 1961

1971: Termination of Gold/Dollar convertibility. 
Richard Nixon's August 1971 decision to suspend the convertibility of dollars into gold was one of the most important chapters in modern economic history. Nixon's move, which was precipitated by rising U.S. balance of payments deficits, ended the system of fixed exchange rates that had been established at the Bretton Woods conference of 1944 and ushered in a regime of floating rates.
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets.
"George Bush has been surrounding himself with people who believe in one-world government. They believe that the Soviet system and the American system are converging. The vehicle to bring this about, is the United Nations, the majority of whose 166 member states are socialist, atheist, and anti-American." -  U.S. Ambassador David Funderburk, 1991
Until 1934, the U.S. dollar ($) was convertible / redeemable in GOLD or SILVER. Below is a 20$ note, which states - IN GOLD COIN - PAYABLE TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND.  

Below a 5$ note - SILVER CERTIFICATE - on top of the note and on its bottom - IN SILVER PAYABLE TO THE BEAR ON DEMAND-

Below you have a 1$ note  still payable in SILVER - SILVER CERTIFICATE on the top of the note and - IN SILVER PAYABLE TO THE BEARER ON DEMAND - at the bottom.
But on the other handthere are TWO MAJOR CHANGES on this note.

The first one is the NEW SEAL of the United States, Annuit Coeptis and Novus Ordo Seclorum, which appears for the FIRST TIME on the American note in 1935. 

The second is the motto - IN GOD WE TRUST - of course, it's a reference to GOD and thus completing the new seal of the United-States which appears in 1956.

But the American Constitution is very clear on that question. The First Amendment is about Freedom of Religion, it states :    
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The First Amendment is further reinforced by the Article VI prohibition on religious tests and by the Fourteenth Amendment. 
Moreover, Thomas Jefferson had a very precise position regarding Christianity that you can also read in his Memoirs, so when the First Amendment was established, he wrote a letter to the church leaders saying that "it (First Amendment) erected a wall of separation between church and state."
Let's have look now at the conversations of the Founding Fathers.

"They (the Jews) work more effectively against us than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each state, long ago, has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America." 
Source : Maxims of George Washington by A.A Appleton & Co.

"I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the cas of Spain and Portugal. 

For over 1700 hundred years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But, gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning.

Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampiresThey cannot live only amongst themselves. They must subsist on other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty. 

If we do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves." 
Benjamin Franklin at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia.
These commentaries of Benjamin Franklin have been recorded in "Chit Chat Around the Table during intermissions", section of the Journal of Charles Cotesworth Pickney of South Caroline. Pickney (1746-1825) attended the Founding Fathers Convention as delegate and took thorough notes about the speeches and conversations that he published later in his Journal. 

The Jews claim that these quotes are false because they know that these are a great condemnation of their crimes, so they worked relentlessly directly or indirectly through their servants, as the Church for example, to make all of them appear as fakes !!
It is blatant that many of the Founding Fathers were aware of the Jewish menace but obviously the worm was already in the fruit (French expression meaning that the damage is already done as when a worm enters in a succulent fruit). The Jews were present on American soil since a while and were already working to infiltrate every source of Gentile power. The Jews do not create anything but they are masters in infiltration, corruption, deceit, occult manipulation, fraud, bribery, extortion, breach of trust and filthy tricks of all kinds. 

One third of the Founding Fathers were FreeMasons, the true ones, but the Jews massively infiltrated this worthy Gentile institution and corrupted its very principles, reversing them as they did with everything else.

The Constitution does not advocate any religion because it's FREEDOM of RELIGION. The Constitution doesn't proselytize any god. This was the intent of the Founding Fathers and was established by the First Amendment, in other words as the root of the American Constitutional Rights .The logical consequence would have been that in the public daily life exists no reference in anyway to god nor religion, as for example, in the issuance of currency notes. 
So when we see that a motto referring to god - IN GOD WE TRUST -  shows up for the first time in 1956 once the Federal Reserve has been established and issues the money paper. It' s absolutely not a coincidence but instead  evidence that something very serious happened on American soil.  
Especially because this motto appeared on currency notes which are now designed, printed and properties of Jewish bankers. Undoubtedly, this is a reference to their god, in other words, to ANU / JEHOVAH / YAHWEH, the God of the Jewish people, who I repeat is the mortal enemy of the Human Race. At that point the motto on currency was declared legally compatible with the Constitution but it's again a twisted  Jewish manipulation of which Jews are masters (read the Talmud and you'll understand).
Nevertheless, the wall of separation between church and state, so dear to Thomas Jefferson, collapses.

Constitutionally, it is illegal and the American Atheists are struggling for years to remove this motto from the currency notes and coins and to ban the constant reference to God even when the newly elected President takes oath. 
It's said that the origin of the phrase - IN GOD WE TRUST- is derived from the bible. 
But if the Constitution requires that the newly elected president of the United States before entering in office must take an oath, it does not specify on the bible.  
The wording of the Constitution is specified Article Two, Section One, Clause Eight:   
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and, will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."    
By convention, incoming Presidents raise their right hand and place the left on a bible or other book while taking the oath of office. (wikipedia) 

The Constitution does not require that the oath will be taken on the bible.  
Furthermore, US Congress enacted a Public Law in 1954 wich requires the motto in GOD WE TRUST on all coins and currency.   
The law was approved by President Eisenhower on July 30, 1956 and the motto was progressively added to paper money over a period from 1957 to 1966. Indeed all this is very new around fifty years of age and was made undoubtely to prepare the 21st century.

But that's not all. 
The United States is a country where the Church is very powerful and very present. In each hotel room, you have a Bible in a drawer. You can not walk 100 meters without seeing a church, a chapel, everywhere throughout the country which is also a continent-country so you can imagine the numbers of churches, chapels and even prefabricated constructions housing Jesus.
The sovereignty of Jesus is blatant. 
This not to mention other religions because we have a freedom of worship. But it appears that freedom of religion is reflected ultimately in GOD. Everyone, all religions are under the banner of GOD which proves, if proof is needed, that GOD is the god of Jews who proclaimed himself God of ALL religions, of ALL communities while, in truth, he usurped the place of others gods, namely, the God of the Gentile peoples.

So again, I confirm that CHRISTIANS PRAY THE GOD OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE VIA JESUS ("who" is a very powerful thoughtform) 
If it was not the case, NEVER the Church should have been authorized by the Jews to gain such power if it was not FIRST in THEIR INTERESTS. The root of the present  drama is RELIGIOUS. As long as the Gentiles will not become aware of this, things will get worse.
Otherwise, each community should be represented by it's GOD in a country where the so-called freedom of religion is the FIRST RIGHT .. so that each one will be respected in its  freedom of worship as required by the Constitution ........ Unless all these communities do pray the same God, the God of Jews!!







Below 1 $ note since the GOLD/SILVER inconvertibility. We see written on the top of the note - FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE - No more redeemable, no more exchangeable. 
Of course, all this was planned and coldly calculated long ago while Gentile peoples were busy with their own business, not suspecting anything. 

2006 : Since March 23, the FED said "NO MORE ANNOUNCEMENTS"
"The Fed discontinued publishing M3 figures after that date. 
According to an official announcement: “On March 23, 2006, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ceased publication of the M3 monetary aggregate. The board also ceased publishing the following components: largedenomination time deposits, repurchase agreements and Eurodollars.”
The Fed’s announcement is one sign of a sinking U.S. dollar, and indicates that former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan got out just in time, like a rat from a sinking ship. 
What is M3? You have to understand money supply to know what that is.
M1 refers to the sum of currency, or paper dollars, that can be spent immediately by the public. M2 is M1 plus assets that have been invested for the short term, including money market mutual funds and other financial transactions. M3 is M2 plus all long-term deposits, including institutional money market accounts. M3 refers to the broadest category of money in circulation.
The Fed changing its reporting of M3 deserved headline treatment and didn’t get it. As the Federal Reserve had promised last November, the U.S. central bank will no longer collect or publish this most-inclusive measure of the growth of the U.S. money supply, although it will continue to publish narrower measures such as M1 and M2."


Gold is the first wealth that was plundered by Jews. In my opinion, there is no doubt that there is no more GOLD in FORT KNOX, and even if there were, it will be the possession of the FED that is bankrupt since January 6, 2011.... Unfortunately, it's time to WAKE UP  to become aware that Jews have used many tricks to STEAL, TO PILLAGE YOU using a government  facade for decades to do so, whether here in FRANCE, in the USA, or elsewhere. The majoir part of SILVER and GOLD like the rest belong to them now. 

It is not even a conspiracy or a plot now, these are facts.
This is why I urge you to WAKE UP!
All Jews are working together for a common goal. There are no good Jews and bad Jews (Zionists  - ZIONISM and JUDAISM ARE ONE and the SAME THING). There are only  the Jewish elite whose top is the rabbinical caste, then the major families and finally, as in a hive, the workers but all of them have the same boss and are going in the same direction. The rest is just propaganda to fool the Goyim and to confuse them.

All this proves beyond doubt that the paper money we are using since 1971 has no value.
All this was carefully planned to get to the current situation which is just the beginning of a total collapse and of the ruin of the Gentile peoples with immeasurable suffering if you do not wake up and quick.

We have seen that was issued on April 5, 1933, the Executive Order 6102 which required all U.S. citizens to give their gold in any form whatsoever they owned it  to the Federal Reserve.
Where do you think that this GOLD is gone?
Directly to the Jewish bankers! 
To their personal safes !! 
The Gold Reserve Act of 1934 abolished gold as domestic money and made it illegal for American citizens to own gold. All gold and gold-backed currency was removed from circulation in the U.S. American gold-backed currency--that produced before 1913--was still redeemable in gold or silver for foreign currency holders. However, in 1971, President Nixon in effect declared world bankruptcy; American currency was no longer redeemable for anyone.

A booklet published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York tells us:
"Currency cannot be redeemed, or exchanged, for Treasury gold or any other asset used as backing. The question of just what assets 'back' Federal Reserve notes has little but bookkeeping significance."
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford 
The Fed isn't shy about telling us about this money scam they're pulling on us. In a booklet entitled Modern Money Mechanics, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says:
"In the United States neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities. Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper. Deposits are merely book entries. Coins do have some intrinsic value as metal, but generally far less than their face amount."
Why do Americans accept paper currency in place of real money--gold or silver ? 
Because the government forces them to. Federal Reserve currency has been designated "legal tender" by the government -- that is, it must be accepted. This is what is meant by fiat money--currency or ledger entries that the government forces us to accept as money.
In the fine print of a footnote in a bulletin of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, we find this surprisingly candid explanation:
"Modern monetary systems have a fiat base -- literally money by decree -- with depository institutions, acting as fiduciaries, creating obligations against themselves with the fiat base acting in part as reserves. The decree appears on the currency notes: 'This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private.'"
"The regional Federal Reserve banks are not government agencies. ...but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations." Lewis vs. United States, 680 F. 2d 1239 9th Circuit 1982
All valuable money and all the riches of the planet have been captured, stolen and pillaged by the Jews and are now kept in safes in their banks, foundations, organizations and companies.

The current money exists only because of the repayment of debts and credits.
The goal is to create always more and more individual and collective debt by  credits, refinancing, bailouts that generate simultaneously more subjection of the indebted persons, companies and countries to the Jewish bankers of the FED. A subjection that is political for global control of peoples as countries.

The payment of debts, credits create henceforth the money which is once again drained by the Jewish bankers. It’s a total exsanguination of Humanity through money as THE means to take over the world. At the end of the day, poverty, famines, diseases, enslavement, death. These individuals have planned the more cruelest strategy.

The personal credits give a value to the money of the loan, which is fictitious at first because created from thin air, only when the loan is paid off or the object of loan seized.
Thomas Jefferson's prediction begins to come true because foreclosure are every month more important in the US. People are losing everything. Besides, the Jewish banks get back more and more real estate and lands.

The national credits and bailouts follow the same agenda and aim via taxes to drain  money from the peoples while politically enslaving the countries to the Jewish  banks.
It is a vicious circle that can only bring total collapse !!
Never forget that the income tax was created in the United States as corollary to the Federal Reserve Act.

The Federal Reserve Celebrates 100 Years of Dominating America on Jekyll Island just before declaring itself Bankrupt !!

Since January 6, 2011, the FED IS BANKRUPT  

In fact, it worked just like a company. The partners of the cartel withdrew all profits, all available money! What has for result that the company is bankrupt. It's a trick because now they are under the protection of the U.S Treasury. All of them are Jews. The goal is still that American peoples will pay for the gigantic debt which is unfeasible. The goal is to indebt to the maximum the government for the next step of the Jewish strategy. 

Here is a link with eight videos  - look at the two about "public-private partnership" and you will understand everything of what is going on !!         

In addition, the FED pays NO TAXES !
The FED is above the laws, it can do whatever it wants as it chooses when it decides because it took control of countries and governments. 
Revenues generated by the FED are the prohibitive interest of loans through the central banks and the private banks worlwide. The bottom line is that it's always the consumer, the citizen who pays the bill in a way or another way.

In other words, and again, it is the Gentiles who through their work enrich the Jews! 
So the announcement of bankruptcy is a step towards the next catastrophic event that they need to topple the U.S. and with them the whole world into the Jewish dictatorship called the New World Order. 
This is exactly what is written in ALL Jewish texts including the Protocols of Zion. Who can still believe that this text is a fake! This text fell accidentally into the wrong hands and then the Jews had to make up another lie for the Goyim!

Here is another example of synchronicity  and  of JEWISH INTEGRITY !!
May 2, 2010: A loan was granted to Greece to rescue her from economic disaster. 
"Eurozone approves massive Greece bail-out : Eurozone members and IMF have agrred an 110bn-euro to rescue Greece's embattled economy." 
"In return for the financial suport, the Greek government has unveiled a fresh round of sweeping efficiencies, including further tax rises and deeper cuts in pensions and public service pay."      
March 23, 2011: We read that "Greece is still struggling."
March 24, 2011: "Greece Oks compensation for Jewish cemetery." Which means that Greece has just agreed to pay $14 million compensation to the Jewish community of Thessalonika for the destruction of their cemetery during WWII.

In conclusion, the Jews play both sides, as usual : 

They lend money via the IMF or whatever bank or institution, at the end of the day, the FED will get the money. 
I remind you that the Fed is a cartel of private banks owned by Jews with a federal facade.
The IMF and the FED compel the countries to financially participate, in other words, to pay the bill. In that case, the Eurozone is compelled to rescue Greece.
Greece, which itself in time of severe crisis and promises of austerity will PAY $ 14 MILLION TO THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF THESSALONIKA FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF A CEMETERY! 
The Greek people as the peoples of the Eurozone will pay the exorbitant bill to the Jews. And a great part of the collected money go to finance Israel leadership. Israel which invests in technology to submit the world and first of all the Western countries. Wich in other words, means that one more time, you are financing your own enslavement with extermination at the bottom line.  
Indeed, the Israeli technology in many areas is paid by the Western countries which fund the  Israeli-Palestinian war, the Israeli have hundreds nuclear warheads ready to destroy European capitals in case the Europeans do not comply with the wishes of the Jewish entity.

Back to our topic after this digression, the goal is to make statements on their knees so they implore the help of banks and whether to orders of those banks. As for people, more and more that are out of work, homeless and unable to even feed themselves, they welcome any situation that will come out of their misery with relief and will not hesitate one second.

It is important to be aware that the Jews, throughout their strategy, have used the core values of Gentiles to build up their strategy which become weapons against them. As a result, compassion, disgust, repugnance, all the Human emotions are used against them. 

Banks, IMF, FED, and all global organizations or institutions are controlled by Jews.  Ultimately, it is the ruin and dissolution of nations and peoples for ONE world  governance.

“Jews Rule World by Proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.”
Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia, 17 october 2003  

As for cash, it is now inappropriate and suspect. 
The goal is to remove it completely from circulation so that all transactions will be done by credit/debit card, that it is "traceable" and gives all necessary information about its owner (psychological profile, social status, tastes, choices, ideas etc.). 
The next step is the microchip that we must avoid at all costs. 

It is undeniable that a creation of a society based solely on money and wealth, so purely material and fully controlled by Jews helped to cut off Gentiles from their Gods, from their divine potential, from their occult powers  which ARE THEIR BIRTHRIGHT. 

The purpose of the Jews, enemies of humanity is to enslave humans. This has been possible because of the coercion of Gentiles to convert to Christianity which was the worst poison instilled in the Gentile minds and bodies. 
Christianity is not a religion but a Jewish political program to submit Gentiles. As Ben Klassen wrote "Christianity and Communism are Jewish twins". (Natural's Eternal Religions, Chapter 14, Book II - pages 269-273)      

The divine nature of Gentiles is spiritual, intuitive and unlimited. So the solution for  Gentiles is spiritual: it means to develop their psychic powers and above all to join their  TRUE CREATOR GOD, who is not the god of the Jews, god of hatred and cruelty of the monotheistic religions. 
Him with his chosen people is the cosmic enemy of your GOD as he is your cosmic ennemy.   
                     World Gold Council  
                    Ben Bernanke (FED) about "meaningless money" 

It is obvious that there would never have been World War One if the Federal Reserve did not exist. One of the important reason the Jews wanted America involved in World War I, was now in control of the American money supply via the Federal Reserve, they need America to enter into the war, which would require the American government to take massive war loans and hook them into the negative spiral of inextinguishable debt faster and on an authoritarian and monolithic system.
"At the outbreak of World War 1 the FED was better positioned than the Treasury to issue war bonds, and so became the primary retailer for war bonds under the direction of the Treasury. After the war, the Fed, led by Paul Warburg and New York Governor Bank President Benjamin Strong convinced Congress to modify its powers, giving it the ability to both create money, as the 1913 Act intended, and destroy money, as a central bank could."
The other major reason Jews wanted the United States involved in that war is because of Palestine. 

Let's have a look  at what Benjamin Freedman said : ( bold characters are mine)    

A Jewish Defector warns America  

"Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government. For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this time, the Zionists and their co- religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country. Now you may say that is a very broad statement, but let me show you what happened while we were all asleep.
What happened? World War I broke out in the summer of 1914. There are few people here my age who remember that. Now that war was waged on one side by Great Britain, France, and Russia; and on the other side by Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.

Within two years Germany had won that war: not only won it nominally, but won it actually. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the convoys from the Atlantic Ocean. Great Britain stood there without ammunition for her soldiers, with one week's food supply -- and after that, starvation. At that time, the French army had mutinied. They had lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme. The Russian army was defecting, they were picking up their toys and going home, they didn't want to play war anymore, they didn't like the Czar. And the Italian army had collapsed.

Not a shot had been fired on German soil. Not one enemy soldier had crossed the border into Germany. And yet, Germany was offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: "Let's call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started." England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that -- seriously. They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, who represented the Zionists from Eastern Europe, went to the British War Cabinet and -- I am going to be brief because it's a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make -- they said: "Look here. You can yet win this war. You don't have to give up. You don't have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally." The United States was not in the war at that time. We were fresh; we were young; we were rich; we were powerful. They told England: "We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war." In other words, they made this deal: "We will get the United States into this war as your ally. The price you must pay is Palestine after you have won the war and defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey."

Now England had as much right to promise Palestine to anybody, as the United States would have to promise Japan to Ireland for any reason whatsoever. It's absolutely absurd that Great Britain, that never had any connection or any interest or any right in what is known as Palestine should offer it as coin of the realm to pay the Zionists for bringing the United States into the war.
However, they did make that promise, in October of 1916. And shortly after that -- I don't know how many here remember it - - the United States, which was almost totally pro-German, entered the war as Britain's ally.

I say that the United States was almost totally pro-German because the newspapers here were controlled by Jews, the bankers were Jews, all the media of mass communications in this country were controlled by Jews; and they, the Jews, were pro-German. They were pro-German because many of them had come from Germany, and also they wanted to see Germany lick the Czar. The Jews didn't like the Czar, and they didn't want Russia to win this war. These German-Jew bankers, like Kuhn Loeb and the other big banking firms in the United States refused to finance France or England to the extent of one dollar. They stood aside and they said: "As long as France and England are tied up with Russia, not one cent!" But they poured money into Germany, they fought beside Germany against Russia, trying to lick the Czarist regime.

Now those same Jews, when they saw the possibility of getting Palestine, went to England and they made this deal. At that time, everything changed, like a traffic light that changes from red to green. Where the newspapers had been all pro-German, where they'd been telling the people of the difficulties that Germany was having fighting Great Britain commercially and in other respects, all of a sudden the Germans were no good. They were villains. They were Huns. They were shooting Red Cross nurses. They were cutting off babies' hands. They were no good. 

Shortly after that, Mr. Wilson declared war on Germany.
The Zionists in London had sent cables to the United States, to Justice Brandeis, saying "Go to work on President Wilson. We're getting from England what we want. Now you go to work on President Wilson and get the United States into the war." That's how the United States got into the war. We had no more interest in it; we had no more right to be in it than we have to be on the moon tonight instead of in this room. There was absolutely no reason for World War I to be our war. We were railroaded into -- if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into -- that war merely so that the Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine. That is something that the people of the United States have never been told. They never knew why we went into World War I.

After we got into the war, the Zionists went to Great Britain and they said: "Well, we performed our part of the agreement. Let's have something in writing that shows that you are going to keep your bargain and give us Palestine after you win the war." They didn't know whether the war would last another year or another ten years. So they started to work out a receipt. The receipt took the form of a letter, which was worded in very cryptic language so that the world at large wouldn't know what it was all about. And that was called the Balfour Declaration.
The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain's promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon as a consideration for getting the United States into the war. So this great Balfour Declaration, that you hear so much about, is just as phony as a three dollar bill. I don't think I could make it more emphatic than that.

"I was 'confidential man' to Henry Morgenthau, Sr., who was chairman of the Finance Committee, and I was liaison between him and Rollo Wells, the treasurer. So I sat in these meetings with President Wilson at the head of the table, and all the others, and I heard them drum into President Wilson's brain the graduated income tax and what has become the Federal Reserve, and also indoctrinate him with the Zionist movement."

"Justice Brandeis and President Wilson were just as close as the two fingers on this hand, and President Woodrow Wilson was just as incompetent when it came to determining what was going on as a newborn baby. And that's how they got us into World War I, while we all slept."

"President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother who provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to "carry forward" the revolution. This American passport was accompanied by a Russian entry permit and a British transit visa. Jennings C. Wise, in Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution, makes the pertinent comment, "Historians must never forget that Woodrow Wilson, despite the efforts of the British police, made it possible for Leon Trotsky to enter Russia with an American passport."

Once in control with the Federal Reserve the Jews moved quickly with increasing the money supply from 1914 to 1919, much was in loans to smaller banks, in 1920 the Jews called in the majority of all loans sparking a identical crisis to the 1907 one  - the Jews had lied to the public telling the FED Act passage would prevent such problems. This move wiped out over 5400 Gentile banks outside of the official grip of the Jewish bankers and consolidated more power under the Jewish banking Families.

And from 1921 to 1929 the FED replayed this criminal robbery again.  

"The present Federal Reserve System is a flagrant case of the Governments conferring a special privilege upon bankers. The Government hands to the banks its credit, at virtually no cost to the banks, to be loaned out by the bankers for their own private profit. Still worse, however, is the fact that it gives the bankers practically complete control of the amount of money that shall be in circulation. Not one dollar of these Federal Reserve notes gets into circulation without being borrowed into circulation and without someone paying interest to some bank to keep it circulating. Our present money system is a debt money system. Before a dollar can circulate, a debt must be created. Such a system assumes that you can borrow yourself out of debt." 
Willis A. Overholser, A short review and analysis of the history of money in the United States, with an introduction to the current money problem (1936), p. 56

"From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt[Jew and famous Rothschild agent] to those of[Jew] Karl Marx, and down to [Jew Trotsky] (Russia), [Jew]Bela Kun (Hungary), [Jew]Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman[Jew] (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." 
Winston Churchill, "Zionism versus Bolshevism", Illustrated Sunday Herald (London), February 8, 1920, pg. 5


The Jews have done everything in their power to destroy Germany. In my family, although my grandparents were born in Russia, the past generations were Germans. I have always noticed how all of them were full of hatred for Germans but in fact, the truth is that they were afraid of them. In my opinion, the Jews have always been obsessed with Gentiles and especially with  Germans because they were stronger than other Gentile nations and had a deep  understanding of the race's problem... like the Jews. So they tried to protect their own race.
This is absolutely right and must be a priority for every race and I can assure you that as a woman raised in a Jewish family, I know exactly the meaning of protecting one's race.          

What the Jews have done to Germany and the Germans is of catastrophic proportions.
The Jews have humiliated the Germans like no other people. They suffered a lot because of  Jews, so it is time NOW that the TRUTH is revealed and the real monsters, the Jews,  exposed  for what they really are.

For now, let's look at what says Ben Klassen. Even if he emphasizes on the White Race in his books, I completely agree with what he wrote about that specific Jewish-German problem.  

"Lies and Propaganda: Jew's most powerful weapon.  Now in the fourth decade after the death of that greatest of all White leaders, Adolf Hitler, the world-wide Jewish network is still pouring out a massive propaganda campaign of poisonous invective against Hitler with a viciousness unexcelled in all the anals of history. Not only are these lies and calumnies directed against Hitler personally, but also against the German people as a whole, just as Jews have directed hate propaganda against the Romans for the last two thousand years. Just as everything Roman was despised, vilified, maligned and slandered, so everything German, and the German image has been relentlessly attacked and besmirched by the Jewish international propaganda network.

German Intelligent, Creative. Why this vicious and concentrated outpouring of hatred against the German people and everything German, when these people have demonstrated some of the most creative contributions to our White civilization ?

Germans N°1 Target. The answers are not hard to find as soon as we face the realization that the overwhelming goal of the Jewish race is the total destruction of the White race itself. With this in mind we can see that the Germans are still the number one target for the following reasons :
Just as in the case of the Romans two thousands years ago, a major Jewish premise in their war against the White Race always has been : destroy the best first. 

For this same reason the war against the German people as such dates back hundreds of years. We have shown this further in our previous chapter on the unrelenting warfare between the parasitic Jews and their unfortunate victims. 

The German people being naturally energetic, productive, creative and gifted and residing in the heartland of Europe, were destined to be the natural leaders in Europe. This they would have been, as far back as the early 1600's had the jews not torn them apart in the fratricidal, suicidal Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). Despite this setback these energetic people finally recovered their position of incipient leadership after their unification under Bismarck in 1870. Again the Jews intervened and made sure that these resurgent people would again be devastated in World War I and again in World War II. 

Under Hitler in the 1930's the German people finally came into their own and were able to get the bloodsucking Jewish parasites off their backs. They also, under Hitler, broke the Jewish financial stranglehold in Germany. (This we expound further in the Chapter on The Federal Reserve.)

Hitler, for the first time in the histort of the White Race clearly articulated the racial idea, and focused world-wide attention on the parasitic and destructive nature of the Jewish network. Since this idea was rapidly taking root in other White countries, the whole Jewish conspiracy was in utmost danger of being blown wide open and being exploded in the face of the Jewish conspirators themselves. 

Must kill the Racial idea. For all the above reasons, and the last one in particular, the Jews found themselves in a most precarious position and in dire peril of being reduced to oblivion. Time was of the essence. If the idea spread, there would soon be a point of no return. 
What to do ?    

Destroy Germany. The Jews, who understand race and history better than anybody, have had thousands of years of experience in manipulating and destroying races and peoples. They decided they must act fast. They must destroy germany, they must destroy not only Hitler, but so viciously and relentlessly attack and besmirch the very idea he represented so that (hopefully) no one would ever again revive the racial idea outside the jewish race itself.   

Total War against Germany. They went all out in one of the most frantic, malicious wars of propaganda a gullible and uncomprehending world has ever witnessed. 
In short, Judea declared Total War on Germany and Hitler  - financially, propaganda-wise, militarily, economically, racially, and in every other aspect that was in their power - and that power as we shall see, was formidable. Before Hitler would, or could, even lift a finger against  them, the jews were ready and wasted no time in lauching a massive world-wide campaign against him. To illustrate this obvious fact we are again going to quote the Jews themselves, and their press in a limited sampling. There are volumes of evidence, but these few quotes should illustrate the point conclusively.

Plans laid before Hitler came to power. As early as August 1933, Samuel Untermeyer, president of the World Jewish Economic Federation called together a large congress of Jewish leaders from all over the world to declare war on Germany in the name of the Jews. The meeting was held in Amsterdam, Holland. Upon returning to the United States from that meeting, Untermeyer made a speech on Radio Station WABC (N.Y.) on August 6, 1933 in which he announced that the Jews of the world had declared war on Germany and would starve them to death. This was long before any action of any kind had been taken against any Jew, and six years before military action was initiated in 1939.

White Man Inveigled into War to save Jewish Parasites. "We have been at war with him (Hitler) from the day that he gained power" stated the London Jewish Chronicle May 8, 1942 in its "Sermon of the Week."

Rabbi M. Perlzweig, head of the British Section of the World Jewish Congress, speaking in Canada, stated: "The World Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven years." (Toronto Evening Telegram, February 26, 1940.)

The Dutch-Jewish paper, Centraal-Blaad Voor Israeliten in Nederland declared on September 13, 1939: "The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget, those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end."

We must remember that at this time (September 13, 1939) the war was less than two weeks old, no concentration camps, no gas chambers, etc., for Jews or anybody else had been set up, or even alleged to be in existence. (The whole "gas chamber" story was nothing but another Jewish lie, as we will see in another chapter.)

The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, on October 8, 1942 declared: "The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." Indeed it was. To be more specific, in behalf of the Jews themselves. They knew it, they instigated it, they perpetrated it, they stage- managed it, The naive and gullible goyim, meanwhile, slaughtered each other with a vengeance, not knowing, or not wanting to know, who the real perpetrators, the real war criminals were.

Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jew-communist and founder of the Irgun terrorist organization wrote in the January 1934 issue of Natcha Retch: "The fight against Germany has been carried on for months by every Jewish community, conference, congress, trade organization, by every Jew in the world. There is reason to believe that our part in the struggle will be of general value. We shall let loose a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany's ambition is to become a great nation again, to reconquer her lost territories and colonies. Our Jewish interests on the other hand demand the complete destruction of Germany. The German nation is collectively and individually a danger to us Jews."

Could it be stated more explicitly? Hardly. The facts are plain — Germany and the Germans, Hitler or no Hitler, were and are a threat to the Jewish conspiracy for world domination and their goal to destroy the White Race. Therefore nothing less than the complete destruction of Germany and all things German would satisfy the vicious, implacable Jew.

Hitler offered Hand of Friendship to England. Hitler, whose concern was not only for the Germans, but the White Race as a whole, understood the deadly program of the parasitic Jew. He pleaded in vain with England not to play the Jewish game. Speaking in September of 1939, he said:  "On numerous occasions I have offered the friendship of the German people to England and the English people. My entire policy was built upon the idea of this understanding. I was always rebuffed. . . We know that the British people as a whole cannot be made responsible. It is that Jewish plutocratic and democratic ruling class which hates our Reich."

English Traitors fronted for Jews. On behalf of the non- Jewish ruling class it must be pointed out that those who went along with the Jews were by and large chabez-goi, people like Winston Churchill, traitors who were in the pay of the Jews, or under their control and coercion.

Firm Jewish control over White Nations. So firm was this Jewish control over the British people (as well as the French, Americans, Poles and others) that the Jews were in fact successful in plunging the world into a fratricidal war of destruction on a scale such as the world has never witnessed before. 

All the White peoples were losers, but the Jews were particularly bent on the destruction of the Germans.

Plans to Exterminate German People. Some of the Jews wanted to exterminate those Germans surviving the destructions of war by sterilization. Theodore N. Kaufman, spelling out the program in the book entitled Germany Must Perish, said:

By Sterilization. "To achieve the purpose of German extinction it would be necessary to only sterilize some 48,000,000 — a figure which excludes, because of their limited power to procreate, males over 60, and females over 45..."

By Starvation. Other groups of Jews wanted to exterminate the Germans by starvation. A notorious advocate of the method was Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury in the Roosevelt Administration. The following quotation is from the memoirs of Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State in the same administration.
"Morgenthau' s plan, I added, would wipe out everything in Germany except land, and the Germans would have to live on the land. This meant that only 60% of the German population could support themselves on the German land, and the other 40% would die." 

Germans Looted and Starved. A version of the evil Jewish plan was in fact implemented for a period immediately after the war. Huge amounts of all kinds of machinery, factories, and rolling stock that survived the war were shipped to communist Russia. Viewing all this, Mr. R.R. Stokes, a Labor M.P. in Britain declared at the time:
"Today in Germany, 6 months after our victory, graves are being dug for people not yet dead, people who will die of starvation in the next few months."

Morgenthau Plan. U.S. Senator WiUiam Langer of North Dakota said of the Morgenthau plan, and his remarks are entered in the Congressional Record, April 18, 1946: "Mr. Morgenthau now stands convicted before the conscience of the world as an instigator of systematic annihilation of the German speaking people. The record further proves beyond any question of doubt, that these fanatical and reactionary high priests of hate and vengeance will never be able to defend their conspiracy before the bar of human reason and human decency."

Six Million Swindle Invented. It was only through the opposition of people like Senator Langer who could not stomach the vicious murder conspiracy of the Jewish network that the Jewish program of sterilization of the German people, or the program of starving them to death, or a combination of both, was not carried through. By whipping up hatred about the mythical "six million" to a near frenzy the Jews almost, but not quite, succeeded in their goal of mass murder of the German race.

Destroyed Millions of Whites. Although they did not succeed in achieving that goal, they came close, and did, in fact, through their diabolical machinations achieve the destruction of millions of the best German men, and unleashed a campaign of rape and terror against the German women by means of the Russian Army and American niggers. 

Ben Klassen's books

Links of interest 

1 - Note on the Kol Nidre (see the talmudic quotes) 
2 - "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts.." - Saba Mecia 114,6
  • The nations of the world mean Gentiles because before the Reptilians/Jews attacked the Earth, the Gentile races were alone along with their Gods, so they were settled in all countries, in all parts of the planet. The Earth is the planet of the Gentiles. Moreover Gentile, nation, people is the translation of Goy (sing), Goyim(plural) and because of what have done the Jews by infiltrating the Gentile countries, now Goy means individual Gentile ( I hope you will understand if not feel free to ask because this kind of detail is very important and is proof that the Gentile races were alone on Earth before the reptilian attack. 
  • The other point is that the Jews ALWAYS and FOR EVERYTHING REVERSE THE TRUTH, so you must translate as "The Jews are beasts but the nations of the world are human beings, not beasts.!!!   
3 - Les Juifs, le Monde et l'Argent de Jacques Attali p 20
It's also crucial to be aware that Jews in addition to their double speech use code-words in order that Gentiles do not understand what they really say.
4 - Les Juifs, le Monde et l'Argent by Jacques Attali p. 194-195
5 - Gods of Money by William Egdahl p. 3
6 - ibid p. 20 
7 - The Panic of 1907 and Some of Its Lessons, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 31 (Jan.-June 1908) by Myron T.Herrick 
8 - The World Order by Eustace Mullins p.20
9 - The Case against the Fed by Murray N. Rothbard p 3
10 - The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins p.2
11- La VĂ©ritable Histoire des Bilderbergers by Daniel Estulin   p 125

Other sources