Saturday, October 8, 2011

Investigation panel concludes U.S. government conspired with doctors to commit murderous medical experiments in Guatemala

(NaturalNews) U.S. government medical researchers, including those from the National Institute of Health (NIH), engaged in heinous crimes through secret medical experiments on Guatemalan medical experiments, concluded an investigative report commissioned by President Obama. The report concluded that:

• The U.S. government knowingly funded and deliberately engaged in criminal medical experiments against Guatemalan prisoners from 1946 - 1948, and that the people engaged in these crimes were then promoted to high levels of influence in the medical community.

• At least 5,500 people were drafted into the experiments, including children, women and the mentally ill. The number deliberately infected with sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) exceeded 1,300 (that we know of).

• U.S. doctors and medical researchers knowingly and deliberately violated all the fundamental medical ethics including "do no harm."

• The victims of this criminal, government-run pharmaceutical experiment were mentally ill prisoners who were deliberate infected with STDs just to see what would happen.

• The victims were "not treated like human beings" but rather like laboratory animals and were deprived of basic human dignity in these heinous medical crimes.

• The purpose of the medical experiment was to test the effectiveness of penicillin for the pharmaceutical companies so they could sell the drug at high profit while claiming it had been "scientifically and clinically tested" to prevent the contraction of STDs.

• Victims were not even informed they were being infected with STDs. The entire experiment was a clandestine operation involving an admitted conspiracy between Big Pharma and the U.S. government. Undeniable evidence has now emerged that the doctors and medical researchers involved in the experiment actively took steps to hide what they were doing. (Because they knew they were engaged in EVIL actions.)

(Gee, I guess conspiracies really do exist, huh? All those people who dismiss "conspiracy theorists" have obviously never read actual U.S. history and have no knowledge of the way the pharmaceutical industry really works...)

• One purpose of these experiments was to "...find a reliable way of infecting subjects for future studies," reports the Washington Post ( "Doctors also poured bacteria onto wounds they had opened with needles on prisoners' penises, faces and arms. In some cases, infectious material was injected into their spines." 

• Today, of course, the medical industry has long since found the perfect way to infect subjects for experimental studies -- Vaccines! Seriously: If these doctors, NIH researchers and government authorities would inject mentally ill prisoners with infectious diseases (directly into their spines), do you honestly think they wouldn't load up today's vaccines with live viruses and unleash mass vaccination campaigns to cause cancer, pandemics and other diseases that generate Big Pharma profits? (Grow up, folks. The medical industry is based on fundamental evils and criminal madness. The sooner you get that through your heads, the sooner you'll understand why there are no pharmaceutical cures for any disease -- they WANT you to be sick!)

"They should shock the conscience not in spite of their medical context, but precisely because of it," said commission chairwoman Amy Gutmann, who also serves as president of the University of Pennsylvania. "The people who were in the know, did want to keep it secret because if it would become more widely known, it would become the subject of public criticism," she said. (

• Guatemala condemned the medical experiments as "crimes against humanity" and vowed to prosecute the United States government for its role in international courts.

• The Institute of Medicine was asked by President Obama to take part in the investigation of the criminal medical experiments on Guatemalans but had to recuse itself because of past ties with the research. (

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