Saturday, October 8, 2011


The truth about the disclosure of information shows two things : 
  • a constant flow of informations that are truths, testimonies is flooding the Internet. This situation has for consequence : the powers that are know they can't keep a lid on facts anymore. So they are trying to steer it to suit them.
  • a project known as the Disclosure Project was created in 1993 but is really working since 2001. Here is its purpose : 
" The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 500 government, military and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret."

The man who runs the full project is a Jew, Steven Greer. His role is to try and keep control on how much information comes out and how. 

Now they openly admit that ET races do exist and that there are different kinds as the Nordics, the Greys, the Reptilians and that the different governements have deals with them.                 

An interview with a former intelligence agent of NATO admits that they knew this and especially about the Nordics.

The UN even assigned an Earth representative to any ET that arrives on Earth.

UFOs, ET technology and different races of ETs are a reality. 
I have already discussed this in several chapters. My French readers already know that themselves as Human beings have ET DNA.  Why ? Because the Creator God of Humanity is an Extraterrestrial God.
When the first Gods landed on Earth hundred of thousands years ago, the sole living creatures on the planet were apes.

The problem and the most complicated thing to understand is the cosmic war that is raging for more than 10 000 years is between members of a same family. The stake is Humanity. Some of them want to destroy her, the others want to save her.
The Nordics are members of that family, thus some of them are enemies of Humanity and the others are friends. But all of them are tall, blond hair and blue eyes. And both camps have their legions and armies and waged a merciless war that will finish only when one camp will be completely and definitely destroyed.
To read more about this.      

The only ones with whom you can not be fooled are the reptilians and the jews. The reptilians, according to some statements are pure evil and view humanity as cattle. And the jews are the reptilian progeny who were created by genetic engineering.

Back to the information disclosure.
That's why it is so crucial to spread the truths as widely as possible.
Recently I watched a video showing that sanskrit texts were found in the Himalaya mountains. They are not yet translated but I am quite sure that we will soon find out that the cradle of Humanity and of knowledge is not in the Middle-East but in the Far-East.