The Lost Book of Enki
by Zecharia Sitchin
The Seventh Tablet
The Second Phase of Creation :
the Homo sapiens sapiens
In the Sixth Tablet, we discussed how were created Adamu and Ti-Amat, the first homo sapiens couple.
At the outset of the Seventh Tablet, Adamu and Ti-Amat were taken to the Abzu. Enki settled them and let them "to know each other"(= to have sexual intercourse).
Indeed Adamu and Ti-Amat brought to life children who, in turn, procreated by themselves.
So the Earthlings began to multiply.
The Primitive Workers were endowed with understanding so they comprehended the commands. They were eager to be with the Anunnaki and toiled well for food rations.
They did not complain and the Igigi were relieved of their hard work.
The Anunnaki themselves organized their life on Earth. The sons of Enki and Enlil took spouses from sisters, half-sisters and healing heroines. Sons and daughters were born to them on Earth.
But in the Edin, the tasks were greater, more abodes, more provisions were needed. The Anunnaki clamored for Primitive Workers to help them.
While Enki and Enlil were debating the matter, Ninurta, Enlil's son went to the Abzu and captured male and female Earthlings.
Enki was angered by his nephew's doings and Enlil was enraged by his son's doings.
Both brothers were angry but not for the same reasons.
"My expelling of Adamu and Ti-Amat you have overturned! So Enlil to Ninurta said."
"A few more Shars, and it will no longer matter! So did Ninurta to Enlil say."
"Let the gold pile up quickly, let us all to Nibiru soon return!"
With the multiplication of Earthlings, the Anunnakis and the Earthlings were not satiated with food.
In those days there were no grains nor ewes and lambs did not yet exist.
Because of that, Enlil got again angry with Enki and asked him to find a solution.
By the proliferation of the Earthlings, Enki was pleased but worried because they were becoming as serfs.
"In his heart, Enki a new undertaking was scheming; to create a Civilized Mankind in his heart he conceived."
How to attain this he contemplated. Enki observed the Earthlings in the cities, in the orchards. He noticed an alarming matter with their offspring : they were regressing!
"Enki in the marshlands looked about, on the rivers he sailed and observed;
With him was only Isimud, his vizier, who secrets kept.
On the river's bank, bathing and frolicking Earthlings he noticed;
Two females among them were wild with beauty, firm were their breasts.
Their sight the phallus of Enki caused to water, a burning desire he had.
Shall I not kiss the young ones ? Enki his vizier Isimud was asking.
I the boat will hither row, kiss the young ones! Isimud to Enki was saying.
The boat thereto Isimud directed, from the boat to dry land Enki stepped."
"A young one to him Enki called, a tree fruit she to him offered.
Enki bent down, the yound one he embraced, on her lips he kissed her;
Sweet were her lips, firm with ripeness were her breasts.
Into her womb he poured his semen, in a mating he knew her.
Into her womb she took the holy semen, by the semen of the Lord Enki she was impregnated."
"The second young one to him Enki called, berries from the field she him offered.
Enki bent down, the young one he embraced, on her lips he kissed her;
Sweet were her lips, firm with ripeness were her breasts.
Into her womb he poured his semen, in a mating he knew her.
Into her womb she took the holy semen, by the semen of the Lord Enki she was impregnated."
"With the young ones stay, whether pregnancies come about ascertain!
So was Enki to his vizier Isimud saying.
Isimud by the young ones sat down; by the fourth count, they bulges appeared.
By the tenth count, the ninth having been completed,
The first young one squatted and birth gave, by her a male child was born;
The second young one squatted and birth gave, by her a female was born.
At dawn and dusk, which a day delimit, on the same day the two were born,
The Gracious Ones, Dawn and Dusk, thereafter in legends they were known.
In the ninety-third Shar the two, by Enki fathered, in the Edin were born."
"Words of the births Isimud to Enki quickly brought.
By the births Enki was ecstatic; Whoever such a thing has ever known!
Between Anunnaki and Earthling, conception was attained,
Civilized Man I have brought into being! "
By these two births, male and female Earthlings, in other words, the current Human Race was born, directly fathered by Lord Enki, the Anunnaki God.
That's why the Human Race is called Homo sapiens sapiens. (twice wise)
"To his vizier Isimud Enki instructions gave: A secret must my deed remain!
Let the newborns by their mothers be suckled, thereafer into my household them bring.
Among the bulrushes in reed baskets have I them found! Thus to all you will say! "
"By their mothers were the newborns suckled and nurtured,
To Enki's household in Eridu thereafter Isimud them brought.
Among the bulrushes, in reed baskets, have I them found! So did Isimud to all say."
"Ninki to the foundlings a liking took, as her own children she raised them.
Adapa, the Foundling, the boy she called; Titi, One with Life, the girl she named.
Unlike all other Earthling children the twosome were:
Slower to grow up than Earthlings they were, much quicker in understanding they were.
With intelligence they were endowed, of speaking with words capable they were.
Beautiful and pleasant was the girl, with her hands she was greatly dexterous;
Ninki, the spouse of Enki, to Titi took a liking; all manner of crafts she was her teaching."
"To Adapa Enki himself teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing.
The achievements with pride Enki to Isimud was showing.
A Civilized Man have I brought forth! to Isimud he was saying.
A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness!
From seed they food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd,
Anunnaki and Earhlings henceforth shall be satiated!"
"To his brother Enlil Enki words sent, from Nibru-ki to Eridu Enlil came.
In the wilderness a new kind of Earthling has come forth! to Enlil was Enki saying.
Quick of learning they are, knowledge and craftwork to them can be taught.
Let us from Nibiru seeds that are sown bring down,
Let us from Nibiru ewes that sheep become to Earth deliver,
Let us the new breed of Earthlings together satiated be! So was Enki to Enlil saying."
"Akin to us Anunnaki in many ways, indeed they are! Enlil to his brother said.
A wonder of wonders it is, in the wilderness by themselves to have come about!
Isimud was summoned. Among the bulrushes in reed baskets I them found! he said.
Enlil the matter with graveness pondered, with amazement his head he shook.
Indeed a wonder of wonders it is, a new breed of Earthlings on Earth has emerged,
A Civilized Man has the Earth itself brought forth,
Farming and shepherding, crafts and toolmaking he can be taught!
So was Enlil to Enki saying. Let us of the new breed to Anu word send!"
"Of the new breed word to Anu on Nibiru was beamed.
Let seeds that can be sown, let ewes that sheep become, to Earth be sent!
So did Enki and Enlil to Anu the suggestion make."
"By Civilized Man let Anunnaki and Earthlings become satiated!
Anu the words heard, by the words he was amazed:
That by life essences one kind to another leads is not unheard of! to them words back he sent.
That on Earth a Civilized Man from the Adamu so quickly appeared, that is unheard of!"
"For sowing and husbanding, great numbers are needed; perchance the beings to proliferate are unable?
While the savants on Nibiru the matter contemplated,
In Eridu occurrences of import took place:
Adapa in a mating Titi knew, into her womb he poured his semen.
There was conception, there was birth-giving:
Two twins, two brothers, Titi gave birth!
Word of the birth to Anu on Nibiru was beamed:
The twosome for conception are compatible, proliferation by them can occur!
Let seeds that are sown, ewes that sheep become, to Earth be delivered,
Let on Earth farming and sheperding begin, let us all be satiated!
So did Enki and Enlil too Anu on Nibiru say."
"Let Titi in Eridu remain, the newborns to suckle and nurture,
Let Adapa the Earthling to Nibiru be brought! So did Anu his decision declare. "
You noticed the children found among the bulrushes in reed baskets!
This is the story of Moses in the bible who was raised by Pharaoh's daughter.
Moses is the founder of the Jewish religion so at the origin of the so called chosen people.
Curiously enough, to the perfect couple man/woman, Adapa and Titi, was substituted Moses, the male symbol.
In other words, the perfect balance of Life and of Natural Laws, Ying/Yang principles, male and female, was replaced by the male principle which initiated at once a deliberate imbalance.
This shows the will of imbalance between man and woman that was purposely introduced since the outset of the judeo-christian era which is the root of our insane society of today.
The worst is that A FRAUDULENT CHOSEN PEOPLE WAS SUBSTITUTED TO THE TRUE AND LEGITIMATECHOSEN PEOPLE (even if the term of chosen people is now soiled by those who claim it, THE FACT IS THATTHE CURRENT HUMAN RACE AS A WHOLE IS THE CHOSEN RACE BECAUSE IT WAS THE WILL OF HER CREATOR-GOD, LORD ENKI - and I remind you and confirm that the Jews are not part of Humanity!!!)
As I already said when you read the book, it becomes blatant that the Gods who created the first Homo Sapienscouple Adamu and Ti-Amat were deeply involved both physically and emotionally.
First of all, Ninmah, sister of Enki bore the first Human male (homo sapiens). Then she took care of him as her own son.
Seconly, Ninki, spouse of Enki, bore the first female human (homo sapiens) and took care of her as her own child.
The many adjustements of the life essences (DNA) had for result that much more than the originally planned "drop" of the divine DNA was given ! Therefore, these two Earthlings possessed a major part of the divine DNA in their blood.
Enki fell in love with his creation.
Enki's idea that is clearly stated was to create a Civilized Mankind. His intention was to give them all his gifts, that's why he had intercourse with two Human females (homo sapiens). His will and wish was to be directly involved in his Creation. Enki directly fathered Adapa and Titi.
Therefore the current Human Race possesses nearly his entire divine DNA.
That's why Anu panicked: he became mad to see an entire race gifted with the divine DNA of his son who was well-known to be one of the wisest and more gifted god !!
In fact Anu as other gods thought that once the extraction of gold in the mines would be finished, therefore, their Earth mission over, the Earthlings would be destroyed.
Anu is an authoritarian King. He is whimsical with unexpected reactions. Besides he is jealous and does not bear competition. Everybody has to obey !!
Anu commanded his son Enki to destroy his race. Enki refused. Since the Human Race has become an issue and it's war between Enki and his father.
When Anu created the Judeo-Christian religions, he substituted his chosen people (the Jews) to that of his son. He substituted a FALSEHOOD to the TRUTH!
So Moses took the place of Adapa and Titi who were not only expelled but annulled.
Francis Harry Compton Crick is the British molecular biologist who discovered the double-helix structure of the DNA.
Crick was led by his belief that the chances of life originating on Earth were very low to argue the case of panspermia, and in particular, a radical form of this hypothesis known as directed panspermia.
Directed panspermia
As I already said when you read the book, it becomes blatant that the Gods who created the first Homo Sapienscouple Adamu and Ti-Amat were deeply involved both physically and emotionally.
First of all, Ninmah, sister of Enki bore the first Human male (homo sapiens). Then she took care of him as her own son.
Seconly, Ninki, spouse of Enki, bore the first female human (homo sapiens) and took care of her as her own child.
The many adjustements of the life essences (DNA) had for result that much more than the originally planned "drop" of the divine DNA was given ! Therefore, these two Earthlings possessed a major part of the divine DNA in their blood.
Enki fell in love with his creation.
Enki's idea that is clearly stated was to create a Civilized Mankind. His intention was to give them all his gifts, that's why he had intercourse with two Human females (homo sapiens). His will and wish was to be directly involved in his Creation. Enki directly fathered Adapa and Titi.
Therefore the current Human Race possesses nearly his entire divine DNA.
That's why Anu panicked: he became mad to see an entire race gifted with the divine DNA of his son who was well-known to be one of the wisest and more gifted god !!
In fact Anu as other gods thought that once the extraction of gold in the mines would be finished, therefore, their Earth mission over, the Earthlings would be destroyed.
Anu is an authoritarian King. He is whimsical with unexpected reactions. Besides he is jealous and does not bear competition. Everybody has to obey !!
Anu commanded his son Enki to destroy his race. Enki refused. Since the Human Race has become an issue and it's war between Enki and his father.
When Anu created the Judeo-Christian religions, he substituted his chosen people (the Jews) to that of his son. He substituted a FALSEHOOD to the TRUTH!
So Moses took the place of Adapa and Titi who were not only expelled but annulled.
Francis Harry Compton Crick is the British molecular biologist who discovered the double-helix structure of the DNA.
Crick was led by his belief that the chances of life originating on Earth were very low to argue the case of panspermia, and in particular, a radical form of this hypothesis known as directed panspermia.
Directed panspermia
The idea that life might have been intentionally spread throughout space and seeded on the surface of other worlds by a guiding intelligence. A detailed version of this hypothesis was put forward in 1973 by the molecular biologists Francis Crick (co-discoverer of the structure of DNA) and Leslie Orgel. The chances of microorganisms being passively transported from world to world across interstellar distances, they felt, were small. The probability of successful seeding would be greatly increased, they pointed out, if the fertilization were carried out deliberately by an existing technological civilization. Their argument depended first upon demonstrating that it was possible for an advanced extraterrestrial civilization to have developed in the Galaxy before life first appeared on Earth.
To read more
The Lost Book of Enki de Zecharia Sitchin (Bear&Co) - The Seventh Tablet - p.151 à 171
To read more
The Lost Book of Enki de Zecharia Sitchin (Bear&Co) - The Seventh Tablet - p.151 à 171