I must admit that I was not very keen on talking about the circumcision because I always disliked this ritual.
I was six years old when my little brother was born and he was circumcised on the eighth day after his birth as the Jewish tradition commands. Indeed the circumcision signs the oath of allegiance of the Jewish males to God. So it is a mandatory rite to guarantee that the Jewish males receive the Eternal blessing of their God.
"This is My covenant between Me, and between you and your offspring that you must keep:
You must circumcise every male. You shall be circumcised through the flesh of your foreskin. This shall be the mark of the covenant between Me and you. 'Throughout all generations, every male shall be circumcised when he is eight days old. [This shall include] those born in your house, as well as [slaves] bought with cash from an outsider, who is not your descendant.
[All slaves,] both houseborn and purchased with your money must be circumcised.
This shall be My covenant in your flesh, an eternal covenant.
The uncircumcised male whose foreskin has not been circumcised, shall have his soul cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant."
(Genesis 17:10-14)
Usually this rite called brit milah (literally "covenant of circumcision") is a celebration, so when the surgical procedure is finished, we celebrate the new birth.
The mother of the newborn does not attend the procedure, it is a men's business. She remains in her bedroom with other women; her sisters, sisters-in-law, etc... and her daughter(s) when she has. So I remained with my mother in her bedroom. Once completed, she is informed "it's over, everything went well" but the crying of the baby had already told us.
In short, it was immediately unpleasant to me and will remain all my life!
For a child, besides a little girl, to see all these men, at least ten, in a dark suit with tallit, kippa or a hat, bustling around a newborn was odd. The rite has very strict rules, everyone has a role to play, primarily the father of the child, the godfather who can be honored by the father to hold the baby during the procedure, and of course the mohel who is the one who performs the circumcision.
The recited prayers require mynian which means that ten adult men who have been circumcised and who have performed their bart mitzvah (that signs the religious majority) must be present around the baby to say important prayers. So the women are relegated to the bottom of the living room or with the mother.
In brief, my little brother was crying a lot and we got him back when the procedure was over. The mohel gave my mother precise instructions for his cares during the following days.
Then the celebration of the new birth took place with kosher food because it's first and foremost, a religious ceremony.
I was never really interested in this rite before studying the Jewish question, but it is like a puzzle when we assemble piece after piece to get the full picture. Thus what I can say today about the circumcision takes account of my readings, my research and is linked to everything I already exposed and explained in this blog.
First of all, it is necessary to put this rite in its context.
I do not believe in coincidences. In my opinion, events occuring like the circumcision rite are never accidental and can be explained as long as we study a subject in depth and we stay open-minded. In order to understand what we are living here and now, we have to study the human history back as far as possible. It's the only way to be able to answer some difficult questions.
But undoubtedly, we must accept to bring the whole history of Humanity into question such as it has been narrated, or rather such as we have been brainwashed via its dogmas.
So, here is a passage of The Lost Book of Enki, the Eighth Tablet, of which I have not yet spoken.
This passage that can appear to be unconnected with our subject has indubitably a link and in my opinion, it's even the basis.
Thoth, Hermes the Trismegistus, said:
"That which is above is the same as that which is below."
Definitely this divine story conceals psychological and emotional aspects like our human stories, or rather our human stories are similar to the divine ones. So, no doubt that this is the case here, and we have to keep in mind that Anu lost his virility, his sexual power and was able, at the very most, to make love again after his catastrophic fight with Alalu.
Furthermore, the Anunnaki Gods demonstrate a strong virility and Anu, as a God, is an immortal being: it is obvious that this happening changed his entire life and worsened his nature which was already authoritarian and tyrannical.
On the other hand, Anu has always been jealous of his son, Enki, who has a strong nature and is not easy to manipulate as Anu would like. Indeed Enki does not obey to the commands of his father if he thinks that they are wrong, unjust, insane and against the Laws of Life.
In addition, Enki is a God who loves women and has an intense sexual life.
No doubt that these parameters played a major role in the current drama Humanity is going through.
Going back in history
When Adamu, the first human male of the first phase was born to Ninmah, half sister of Enki, here is what we read when the newborn was entirely examined:
"They looked at his malehod: Odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded.
Unlike that of the Anunnaki it was, a skin from its forepart was hanging !
Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by his foreskin be distinguished! So was Enki saying."
The conclusion is that the Anunnaki, i.e the Gods, are circumcised. They are born circumcised. This is not the case for human males as everyone knows and is described in this excerpt.
On the other hand, in Ancient Egypt, and this was confirmed by Roger Polacco de Menasce who is an expert on that matter, only pharaohs were circumcised on the 5th day after their birth. But the pharaohs were of divine descent, they possessed divine blood. This suggests that there was a reason : the circumcision signed their entry in the divine family. It is also important to keep in mind that the mentality of Ancient Egypt had nothing to do with ours; which was decided by the benevolent Gods of that time had a noble and spiritual meaning, their definition of power was opposite and incompatible to ours.
Roger Polacco de Menasce said : " furthermore, consaguinity with spouse or sister was necessary with a strict discipline given by the priestly caste (food, intellectual and spiritual)."
The Pharaoh was not a mere ruler, a mere sovereign. His position because of his noble birth was to be a guide, a leader for his people and he had to develop his spiritual powers, ie, his psychic powers.
On the other hand, here is what we read in The Lost Book of Enki, when Anu, stunned, is told about the birth of a new race, Adapa and Titi, i.e the Human Race, the homo sapiens sapiens .
"Let Titi in Eridu remain, the newborns to suckle and nurture.
Let Adapa the Earthling to Nibiru be brought! So did Anu his decision declare."
Even if its not for the same reasons, Enki and Enlil were not pleased with Anu's command.
"By the decision Enlil was not pleased: Whoever of this have thought,
That by a Primitive Worker fashioning, like us the being would become,
With knowledge, endowed, between Heaven and Earth will travel!
On Nibiru the waters of long life he will drink, the food of long life eat,
Like one of us Anunnaki shall the one of Earth become.
So was Enlil to Enki and the others leaders saying."
"By the decision of Anu Enki too was not pleased; sullen was his face after Anu had spoken.
After Enlil had spoken, with Enlil his brother Enki agreed:
Indeed, who of this have thought! So the others did Enki say.
The brothers sat and contemplated; Ninmah with them was also deliberating.
The command of Anu cannot be avoided to them she said."
"Let Adapa by our young ones to Nibiru be accompanied, his fright to
diminish, to Anu things explain!
So did Enki to the others say. Let Ningishzidda and Dumuzi his companions be,
By the way, Nibiru for the first time with their eyes also see !
By Ninmah was the suggestion favored: Our young ones, on Earth born,
Of Nibiru are forgetting, its life cycles by those of Earth are overwhelmed;
Let the two sons of Enki, as yet unmarried, to Nibiru also travel,
Perchance brides there for themselves they shall find!"
"When the next celestial chamber from Nibiru did arrive in Sippar,
Ilabrat, a vizier of Anu, from the chamber stepped off.
I have come to fetch the Earthling Adapa! So to the leaders he said.
The leaders to Ilbrat Adapa presented; Titi and her sons to him they also showed.
Indeed, in our image and after our likeness they are! So did Ilabrat say.
To Ilabrat Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, sons of Enki, were presented.
To accompany Adapa on his journey they have been selected! to him Enki said.
Anu his grandchildren to see will be pleased! So did Ilabrat say."
"To hear instructions, Enki Adapa to him summoned. To Adapa thus he said:
Adapa, to Nibiru, the planet whence we had come, you will be going,
Before Anu our king you will come, to his majesty you will be presented;
Before him you shall bow. Speak only when asked, to questions short answers give !
New clothing you will be given; the new garments put on.
A bread on Earth not found they to you will give; the bread is death, do not eat!
In a chalice an elixir to drink they to you will give; the elixir is death, do not drink!
With you Ningishzidda and Dumuzi my sons will journey, to their words hearken, and you shall live! So did Enki Adapa instruct. This I shall remember! Adapa said."
Then Enki summoned Ningishzidda to whom he gave a clay tablet for Anu.
So Adapa with his two half-brothers departed towards Nibiru. When they arrived, there was curiosity to meet the sons of Enki who were born on Earth, much more than to see the Earthling!
Ilabrat took them to the palace where they could prepare to meet the king.
Meanwhile, princes, nobles and counselors gathered.
Then Ilabrat led them to the throne room; Adapa was just behind him, his two brothers brought up the rear. They bowed before Anu the king.
Anu stepped forward from his throne, hugged Ningishzidda and Dumuzi and kissed them with tears in his eyes. (Anu does not know yet that Adapa is also his grandson!)
Dumuzi sat to the right of his grandfather, Ningishzidda to his left.
Then Ilabrat presented Adapa to the king.
"Does he our speech understand? Anu the king of Ilabrat inquired.
Indeed he does, by the lord Enki was he taught! Ilabrat so answered.
Come hither! Anu to Adapa said. What is your name and your occupation?
Forward Adapa stepped, again he bowed:
Adapa is my name, of the lord Enki a servant!
So did Adapa in words speak; his speaking great amazement was causing.
A wonder of wonders on Earth has been attained! Anu declared.
A wonder of wonders on Earth has been attained! all the assembled shouted."
"Let there a celebration be, let us our guests thus welcome! Anu was saying.
To the banquet room Anu all who were assembled led, to the laden tables he happily gestured.
At the laden tables bread of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not eat it.
At the laden tables elixir of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not drink it.
By this Anu the king was puzzled, was offended:
Why has Enki to Nibiru this ill-mannered Earthling sent, to him the celestial ways reveal?
Come now, Adapa! to Adapa Anu said. Why did you neither eat
nor drink, our hospitality rejected?
My master the lord Enki commanded me: The bread do not eat, the elixir do not drink!
So did Adapa the king Anu answer.
How odd is this thing! Anu was saying. For what has Enki from an Earthling our food and elixir prevented?
Then Anu asked Ilabrat, he asked Dumuzi if they know the reason; they cannot explain.
Anu asked Ningishzidda:
"Perchance in this lies the answer! Nigishzidda to Anu said.
The secret tablet that he carried hidden to Anu the king he then gave.
Puzzled was Anu, Anu was concerned; to his private chamber he went the tablet to decipher."
It is in this tablet that Enki tells his father that he fathered Adapa with a human woman and Titi with another human female.
"Adapa by my seed to an Earthling woman was born! so did the message from Enki said.
Likewise was Titi by another Earthling woman of my seed conceived.
With wisdom and speech they are endowed; with Nibiru's long lifetime they are not.
The bread of long-living he should not eat, the elixir of long life he should not drink.
To live and die on Earth Adapa must return, mortality his lot must be,
By the sowing and sheperding by this offspring on Earth satiation shall be!"
Crucial information are given here in addition to those we have already seen.
First and foremost, Enki, Ningishzidda, Ninmah and Ninki by fashioning and bearing (Ninmah and Ninki) the first humans sapiens, Adamu and Tiamat, exempted them millions of years of gradual process of evolution, because of the DNA combination. Indeed the Gods have given their DIVINE DNA to fashion the Human Race, in other words, the Gentile peoples !
It is really important to realize that two Goddesses, Ninmah and Ninki, respectively half sister and spouse of Enki gave birth to the first sapiens couple, Adamu and Tiamat.
This has enormous implications : physically, emotionally and energetically.
The babies soaked in the divine amniotic fluid during several months, they were impregnated not only by the divine energy but also by the divine level of conciousness. This has tremendous consequences for the already divine nature of the babies.
Then, we add to this that Enki, One of the Most Wise and Powerful God, directly fathered the first homo sapiens sapiens couple, in other words, current Humanity.
Thus the babies, Adapa and Titi, who were born from this union between a God and human females were beautiful, intelligent, gifted.
We do not realize what contains the DNA because we are ignorant enough to call the major part of the DNA (98%), "junk DNA" meaning that DNA has no known biological function. That is to say how ignorant we are and our excessive and unjustified pride adds foolishness to ignorance.
Things are improving somewhat in view of ongoing research but we are still far from Truth and Knowledge.
Above we have seen what Enlil said :
".....Whoever of this have thought,
That by a Primitive Worker fashioning, like us the being would become,
With knowledge, endowed, between Heaven and Earth will travel!
On Nibiru the waters of long life he will drink, the food of log life eat,
Like one of us Anunnaki shall the one of Earth become. "
And at this moment Enlil did not know yet that Adapa and Titi were children directly fathered by Enki but his assertion already expresses the access to immortality simply by eating the food and drinking the elixir of their planet !!
This crucial statement points out the power and strength of the divine DNA already within the first homo sapiens. So you can imagine for the sapiens sapiens children directly born from Enki's seed !!
Nevertheless, Enki who perfectly knows what he is doing from the very start, orders his son, Adapa, to not eat and not drink on Nibiru (please keep in mind that this a fake name).
This undubitably means that he respects the fact that Immortality must not be given at once but achieved by a constant and persevering training. In other words, the potential of Immortality lies latent in the Human beings, in other words, Humanity or the Gentile Races* who have to develop their psychic and occult powers through a diligent daily routine.
(* of which I remind you that the Jews are not part of)
Indeed, we are told that those who became the Immortal Gods followed the long process of evolution of which Humanity has been exempted at least for the major part. It's why Anu and Enlil are so furious.
So Humanity will be asked to honor her exceptional gift made by her Creator God Enki by developing her latent divine powers what leads us to the rising of kundalini that was prevented by the kabbalistic magic blocking the 1st and 2nd chakras.
All this is expressed in the bible directly or indirectly via allegories.
"And the LORD God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”
So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.
After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden the cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
(Genesis 3:22-24)
There we have an evident reference to the Gods who took human wives
"The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." Genesis 6:4
And to the children they had with them, who were half divine half human : most of them will become Gods!!
"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:2
Let's go on with Anu.
"By the secret message of Enki Anu was astounded; whether to angry be or laugh he knew not."
He summoned his vizier and said to him:
"That son of mine Ea, even as Enki (Lord of the Earth) his free ways with females has not mended!
The first human woman was born of Ninki aka Damkina who is the wife of Enki and the mother of Marduk (Amon-Râ in Egypt), well known to be a very handsome and luminous God. Thus, the human female owes a lot to this beautiful Goddess who has given her much of her beauty.
Human females are beautiful. It's undeniable and Enki loves women but his conception of the woman is the opposite of that of his father.
The woman on Earth suffers a lot because she is treated as the one who multiplies the race, which was extensively used by Anu via all the religions to get more souls praying for him, in other words, praying for the Jews!! The woman has always been considered as worthless, as a sex object and we have proof of that every day with the news. It's only when the Frankfurt School decided to use women for their new strategy that she had the feeling to get back some of her sacred role, except that it was pure illusion because from that point she became the "armed wing" to emasculate the men and destroy the family, while giving more money to the jewish bankers via governments.
The status of women in the judaism is the same as other "religions". The women are under control of their father and then, of their husband by law. Indeed, the jewish texts are very clear on that matter: no jewish female can achieve anything in life without the blessing of her father. In spite of a trendy look (we were in the women's fashion field), the condition of the jewish woman is very close to that of the muslim woman. I could write a whole book just with what jewish women, who were part of my life, have experienced.
Now for all the reasons we know, divine and human females became a major problem for Anu. In jewish literature, Goddesses were transformed into Gods (male demons) and/or are treated as whores. In the Christian religion which I repeat is the jewish program adapted to the Gentile mindset and psychology, with the original sin, the fall of man and the role played by Eve in the Garden of Eden, the woman is regarded as the first responsible for sin of which humanity as a whole has inherited. In Islam, the other jewish program, there is no need to comment the woman status.
Let's go on with Anu.
Once, the vizier of Anu informed about the kinship between Enki and Adapa, Anu asked:
"What are the rules, what is the king to do? of his vizier Anu inquired.
Concubines by our rules are permitted; of interplanetary cohabitation no rules exist!"
Then Ilabrat explained that if needed new rules can be set up.
The Adapa' s case was quickly solved.
"Let Adapa forthwith to Earth be returned, let Ningishzidda and Dumuzi longer stay!"
Then Anu summoned Ningishizidda to his private chamber.
"Know you what your father's message said. of Ningishzidda he inquired."
Ningishzidda his head lowered, with whispering voice he said :
"I know not, but guess I can. The life essence of Adapa (the DNA) I have tested, of Enki's seed he is!"
"That indeed is the message! to him Anu said. Adapa to Earth forthwith shall return,
To be of Civilized Man a progenitor his destiny shall be!"
Then Anu told Ningishizidda that he will return to Earth with Adapa but Dumuzi will remain on Nibiru.
It was during this return journey that the seeds of Nibiru were brought on Earth for farming.
When Ningishzidda arrived on Earth, he related the events to his father who was not surprised at all, except for the detention of Dumuzi.
Enlil was very surprised by the sudden return of his nephew and Adapa, he inquired Enki.
Enki summoned Ninmah in order that all of them were present to hear Ningishzidda.
Thus Ningishzidda told them what happened on Nibiru.
And Enki also related his deeds:
"Enki his cohabitation with the Earthling females also related;
No rules have I broken, our satiation I have ensured! So Enki to them said.
No rules did you break, the fates of Anunnaki and Earthlings by a rash deed you determined!
So did Enlil in anger say. Now the lot is cast, destiny by fate is overtaken!
With fury was Enlil seized, with anger he turned and left them standing."
Here is in what state are the Gods Anu and Enlil when they were told that the Human Race was directly engendered by Enki's seed. What makes of the human race, a Divine Race !
While the nature of Enlil is straightforward and frank with his sudden outburst of anger, Anu's nature is devious and scheming.
It becomes obvious that very soon the war will be declared between father and son. But because Anu did not achieve the aim directly; Indeed, Enki always refused to destroy the Human Race, Anu will choose a devious secret strategy to achieve the extermination of the Human Race.
For that strategy, he will team up with the reptilians who are well-known to be the dregs of the universe who exterminated many races and destroyed planets. So in their turn, they will fashion a race that will be used as weapon of mass destruction amid the Human Race thanks to their undetectable appearance: these are the jews.
In addition, Anu, who became mad, decided to not only conquer planet Earth but the whole solar system: his aim is to have everything as everybody under his control : everyone must obey. When him and his henchmen created the different races that would be used as weapons, they fashioned them in a way that they were able to control them via a central and global brain (the hivemind, I have already discussed) and the races were sexless, consequently incapable of procreating, except for the jews for obvious reasons.
In my opinion, it's now quite clear and obvious that the fight between Enki and Anu was inevitable and goes well beyond the Human Race and the Earth. The reptilians are known to have destroyed many planets and living beings, in dreadful conditions. Anu who had a natural authoritarian character lost all common sense and became pathologically tyrannical and cruel, without a doubt because of his personal tragedy of loosing his sexual power and capacity but the terrain was already favorable for the development of his folly.
The fight of Enki is just, fair and legitimate. As matter of fact, his brother Enlil who was infuriated and opposed him for a long time, joined Enki when he realized what their father was doing and asked him to destroy Humanity. Thousands of other Gods and beings have done the same if not, they would have remained docile executants of Anu's madness.
Enki gave them the self-consciousness, as was given to Humankind which is an extraordinary gift. Most human beings are not aware of and think that this is common thing which I can assure you, it's not !!
So for that priceless gift as for your soul and the divine potential you were given by your benevolent Creator God Enki, it is your duty to fight back at all costs and by all means the implementation of the New World Order.
Because the jewish NWO indubitably is the end of the Human Race.
When Anu created the jewish race, he established diktats among which is the circumcision. First and foremost, Anu willed to hurt his son, to affect him by introducing the divine character of the jews through the circumcision without doing anything else than to obey their god.
Thus the jews would be regarded as divine (the choosen people) while the goyim would become cattle.
As usual, the inversion of Truths!!
While the circumcision on the 5th day for the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt was introduced to facilitate the development of their divine powers, the jewish circumcision on the 8th day dramatically increases the toxic and malefic nature of the jews.
By making the choice of the 8th day, Anu perfectly knew what would be its impact and consequences.
So he deliberately chose to add inhumanity and cruelty to the already malevolent jewish nature.
Let's have a look to what says Roger Polacco de Ménasce who is "Docteur de l'Université de Paris (thèse de morpho psycho endocrinologie) and author of several books.
I want also add that Roger Polacco de Ménasce presents himself as "A Jew in complete opposition with the international totalitarian judeopathy."
"The Jews at the instigation of Abraham and Moses, practice circumcision at the 8th day imitating the pharaohs who obtained excellent results with the circumcision at the 5th day.
Unfortunately the jews did not know the hormonal system as the Horus Priests did.
In fact at the 8th day after the birth starts the 1st puberty which will last 21 days.
The circumcision at the 8th will profoundly perturb this puberty.
The "internal genital gland", organ of moral sense, love of others, spirit of synthesis, which is the conductor of the hormonal orchestra and of the development of organci endocrines will be thwarted in its function. It will be hypotrophied (it's atrophied with insane people) and will disorderly let loose the pituitary, the thyroid, the "reproduction-genital gland", interconnecting the "internal genital.
Pituitary, thyroid, genital - organ of reproduction - will be about 10 times more developed than among other human beings, to the detriment of the internal genital.
The jews will have high analytical aptitudes (finance, ideologies, speculation, specialists) and a large potential of automatisms (great pianists, actors). They will also be "hyper males".
Regrettably they are totally unconcerned of moral sense ( interest and love for the rest of Humanity) and synthesis and cannot stop speculating since the internal genital cannot master the other endocrines (finance, Marxism, Freudianism, atom, hydrogen, neutron bombs etc).
They seem to be incapable of understanding the phenomenon although anyone can comprehend the functional predominance of the hormonal system over the nervous system."
All will converge to immense fortunes without any consideration for the sake of others. Whence Freud, Marx, Oppenheimer, Field, ST Cohen, Rothschild, financiers, ideological incongruousness, but also brilliant thyroidal instrumentalists performers like Horowitz and Yudi Menuhin.
It is tragic that this mentality involves an absolute determinism. The propaganda by millions of dollars against "anti-Semitism," revisionism, cannot help in any way.
This can only generate in the long run, a totalitarianism involving the total loss of freedom of speech and the hysteria that will rapidly expand that "anti-Semitism."
Here we are: things are very clear.
Anu wants the extermination of Humanity and everything has been designed and planned in every detail with an horrible cruelty.
This is one of the reasons why it's so difficult for the Gentiles to understand, to realize, to grasp, to accept the magnitude of the jewish malevolence, malignity because it's just horrible, monstrous, unimaginable and far worse than what you can even think.
The circumcision on the 8th day is an additional means to hurt, to do more damage, to increase the harmfulness to destroy.
The current propaganda made upon the circumcision, boasting all its qualities still adds to the ignominy.
No Gentile male should be circumcised under the conditions prevailing on Earth but unfortunately even the royals have been circumcised, besides, a circumcision done by a mohel, a jew!!
Enki, your God, your Creator, the True Father of Humanity, i.e the Gentile Races, is not like any god.
His fight is a fight for Life but also for the elevation of beings, of peoples, of races to higher levels of consciousness and realization as himself and the other gods have experienced because Life has no limits.
Your God who possesses an immeasurable fortitude is himself the Guide and Leader of thousands other Gods. Often born of Human mothers and Divine fathers or even of both Human parents.
Enki is the Grand God who has opened the door to a different conception of Life, that consists to always surpass and transcend one's limits, to never give in nor give up even when it's terribly painful, even if everything seems to be lost.
Such a God does not fear to see thousands of other beings becoming gods. He does not fear competition because He knows that the Rising of your Kundalini is only the beginning, the first stage of a new life where you have much to learn as a child who returns to the kindergarten at a different level of consciousness and of Life.
Imagine for a second, that a god should know and be able how to master his powerful energy otherwise there would be a constant disaster because of his powerful energy.
This is just the beginning, a new beginning for a new Life with Enki who is also known as Satan.
According to all my research, I am convinced that Enki, your God, has a very specific destiny which is first to protect Life which is severely endangered right now and then to lead the beings to another level of conscience and of self-realization.
The Human Race that Enki created, in other words You, he did not created by accident, because even if your God loves women, he did not need human females, he has already a spouse and maybe other Goddesses in his own world.
The Creation of the Human Race was his will and his wish.
His Destiny is to fight for Life against Death (that is the ongoing process and lifestyle in which we live in a "dead life") and then to raise the Life to higher levels up to Immortality, in other words, Eternal Life which means the End of the Reincarnation Cycles that are useless after all !!
Enki who now has certainly more than 500 000 years of experience, wisdom and power can only be pleased to see his children finding him and coming back to him so that He can guide them step by step to achieve godhood that he always wished for you.
Those who read me, because they ask themselves too many questions on the appalling current situation, who seek to understand why this tragedy today, first and foremost you must fight back at all costs and by all means to prevent the implementation of the new world order. For the rest, it is up to you o you.
Enki is there, but the choice is yours.
Those who read me, because they ask themselves too many questions on the appalling current situation, who seek to understand why this tragedy today, first and foremost you must fight back at all costs and by all means to prevent the implementation of the new world order. For the rest, it is up to you o you.
Enki is there, but the choice is yours.