Updated 08/10/2011
In the chapters about the Creation of Humanity (Genesis), we saw how true facts of Human's history were stolen, corrupted, re-used, "reprocessed" into the bible which is a fraud made up to support the hidden agenda of the chosen people, in other words the Jewish people, on behalf of their God.
The Tree of Knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden IS the Tree of Life. It represents the DNA structure, the soul, and the branches are the Ki's pathways (= energy of life pathways).
In the bible, we are told that the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge while it was a prohibition of "God". The serpent told Eve that the fruit would bestow wisdom upon them.
Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit and they became aware of their nakedness. This proves that the tree bestows a higher level of consciousness which is not to God's liking ! Therefore "God" banished the couple from the Garden of Eden in order to deny them access to the Tree of Life which would have bestowed Immortality onto them !!
So while the benevolent serpent wants to bestow wisdom, knowledge, free will, higher level of consciousness upon Humans, the wish of "God" is to keep those Humans ignorant, blind mortals which is proof that this God is an impostor and certainly not the Creator - God of Humanity!!
Enlil fought with his father Anu against his brother Enki for a long time until his father asks him to destroy Humanity. He refused and is now combating along with his brother Enki.
(This history is very complicated because the current situation Humanity is facing is the consequence of a split in a family. A family of gods with tremendous powers who split in two camps : those who want to protect Humanity and those who want to destroy her. Naturally, the leader of those who protect Humanity is her Father, Enki, her Creator-God. In fact these Gods went on Earth for a mission in order to save their planet. They needed gold. Short in manpower, they created the Human Race and once the mission was over, some of the Gods of whom Enki's father wanted to destroy the Human beings while the Creator-God of the Human Race, Enki, refused. Since it's the war between them.)
"Ningishzidda, my son, their Fashioning Essence hates tested;
The RIB. This is really important because the divine ribs of Ninmah and Enki gave the missing strand of DNA in order that Adamu and Ti-Amat would be able to procreate by themselves and consequently to multiply.
The WOMAN is blamed since the beginning of recent recorded Human history of which root is the bible. First of all, the bible claims that "God"created Eve from Adam's rib which is a LIE : this manipulation of the true history intends to submit the woman and the female principle.
Then because Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and gave it to Adam who also ate it, both were expelled from the Garden of Eden by "God". The man blamed the woman to give him the fruit and the woman blamed the serpent. God punished the woman with the pain of childbirth and her subordination to man.
"To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you will bring forth children; Yet your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." (Genesis 3:16)
"Then the Lord God said : "Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now he might stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever." (Gen 3:22)
After the couple was expelled from the Divine Garden, the latter was sealed by cherubim and a flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree of life".
(there are here two levels of understanding; the first which is the literal understanding (word for word) and the second which is linked to symbolism, esotericism, occultism)
So for the share in her transgression, Eve (and womankind after her) is sentenced to a life of sorrow and travail in chilbirth, and to be under the power of her husband.
Eve is accused of trying to improve the way God created her and because of that her and her husband were banished and cursed !!
The current Human Race was created by a God, Enki who gave his divine genes, consequently the Human beings became divine which means that they have the potential and the genes to achieve Godhood.
When Christinanity was created by the Jews and their god, the goal was to enslave the Gentiles in order that they would never attain Godhood, that's why the Original Sin is linked to the Fall of Man and all this linked to the Genesis of the Old Testament.
The Old and New Testaments have been written by Jews and were divided in two books because of their contradictory teachings.
While the term "fall" or "fallen" has profusely been used by Christianity to refer to Satan and the demons, in fact, its true significance refers to the kundalini serpent (which has always been associated with Enki, the true God of Humanity who was called Satan by the Jews and the Church - satan means adversary in hebrew and when they created christianity they used the word satan as the name of the Devil, Satan - so for Christians, God and Satan are backwards - their True and Legitimate God is Satan!!).
The kundalini has fallen in Humanity as a whole and now lies dormant because of the Jewish black magic and the conversion of the Gentiles to Christianity.
The kundalini has fallen in Humanity as a whole and now lies dormant because of the Jewish black magic and the conversion of the Gentiles to Christianity.
The bible stole the true events, twisted them in order to make up a counterfeited story which has nothing to do with the true version of Human history.
Christianity used this to build its doctrine of the Original Sin* to convert all Gentiles. This conversion equals to deny their divine status and change it into a slave status. The Gentiles since their conversion to Christianity have become slaves of the Jews praying for them. They gave up everything : their knowledge, their psychic energy. What we see today with money is one of the many consequences of this because everything is at first ENERGY and works on the invisible plans before being incarnated in the physical plan.
The worst is that Christians are taught that the "paradise" is waiting for them, this belief adds more to enslave the former Gentiles into a "life for death" mentality which is exceptionally unhealthy and detrimental to the mind, body, and the soul. It is not your True nature, you have been misled and deceived by a vile enemy, the Jew, through a spiritual manipulation. It's the how and why the Jews have become so powerful.
* Let's read what states the Jewish Encyclopedia about the Doctrine of the Original Sin.
"In adopting this view as the doctrine of the Original Sin, the Church deprive man of both his moral and his intellectual birthright as the child of God and declared all the generations of man to have been born in sin - a belief accepted also by the Lutherans ....the Church, Catholic and Protestant alike, consigns without exception all those who do not believe in Jesus to the eternal doom of hell...(Christianity in its relation to Judaism - the Doctrine of the Original Sin)
This means that Humanity as a whole underwent a powerful curse of which the goal was to deprive Humans of the occult and psychic powers given by their benevolent Gods in order to enslave Humankind through degeneracy both spiritually (consequently intellectually) and sexually.
The "love concept as the greatest of all things" along with all your qualities and virtues have been used against you through the tool of Christianity : "To offer to the great Gentile world the Jewish truth adapted to its psychic and intellectual capacities - this was the providential mission of Christianity".
(Christianity in its relation to Judaism - Christianity's Historic Mission)
(Christianity in its relation to Judaism - Christianity's Historic Mission)
In my opinion, things have to be studied by analogy to understand and grasp the whole picture.
The female principle is also linked and symbolized by the right hemisphere which is the feminine side of the brain. This brain possesses abilities, potentials which are not popular in our society: intuitiveness being one of them but above all, the right brain connects the Human being to the higher dimensions via meditation, for example, where one "sees" and understands things beyond the appearances.
So the goal has always been to submit the right brain to the left brain which creates an unhealthy imbalance that has catastrophic consequences.
The denigration and exclusion of women in the judeo-christian religions serve a specific purpose because everything comes in two for balance, harmony and creation. Two is the creative force.
The female energy within us is also the subconscious and the psyche. The female aspect connects to the higher dimensions of the mind in balance to the male logical side of the brain. The two brains should work together in harmony.
The kundalini energy comes from the female part of the brain. By attacking women, this suppresses subliminally this energy.
That's why the powers of the mind are ridiculed by our society while the powers-that-be use them extensively through their hidden programs like in the CIA, for example.
The powers of the mind which are the psychic powers are a real threat to those who aim to enslave Humanity.
To destroy the female energy is crucial for the Jews and their cohorts. When this energy is completely subdued, the intuition and the higher levels of conciousness are switched off and the lower consciousness takes the control. The consequence is that reality can be manipulated. Our reality is not REAL but an erroneous perception of reality that was feasible because Humanity was cut off from her psychic pwers and from her True Gods.
Then the Jews took control of all the fields and made up a reality according their agenda. Thus the Human beings are encircled in the Jewish reality of which everything IS LIE, MANIPULATION, DECEIT and so forth. The Jews own the media, Hollywood; they control money, finances, politics, medecine, food and worst of all: ALL THE RELIGIONS.
So the Jews have everything under their control to make you believe what they want, what serves their agenda that is TO EXTERMINATE HUMANITY.
This was possible because of the Jewish black magic made on Gentiles after slaying all the Pagan priests and leaders with all their descendants.
This black magic is performed via the Jewish Kabbalah which originally is Egyptian and works on the subtil bodies.
In the Garden of Eden, the Serpent is Enki, the True and Legitimate God of Humankind who gave her, Knowledge and Consciousness through genetics, in other words, through his divine genes.
Since the beginning of time, the Sacred Serpent is everywhere; in all Ancient Cultures and civilizations throughout the world. Pagan cultures and civilizations!!
The Serpent was always sacred until he meets the Jews and their God who reverse it from SACRED to EVIL.
"Obviously no one would build such monuments, and in such great numbers,
over thousands of years, for uncultivated peasants.
This work is of necessity that of an elite, and even more remarkable,
an elite that never ceased to renew itself,
an elite that seems to have been uniquely endowed with a wealth of scientific knowledge, including an understanding of the laws of life.
What, then, was this inexhaustible source,
and what means so powerful and so stable assured
such continuity?
We are dealing here , not with an evolution of science,
but rather, on the contrary, with an immutable basis:
for the existence of a language and a form of writing that were already complete
from the time of the earliest dysnasties of the historical period seems to confirm this.
What we see is not the beginnings of research,
but the application of Knowledge already possessed.
"The Temple in Man" p20
R.A Schwaller de Lubicz
Louxor - Temple by night http://www.passion-egyptienne.fr/Pages%20de%20cadres/page%20temple_de_louxor.htm |
Louxor - statue Ramses II - idem website as above |
The White Chapel - Karnak |
Let's read what tells us R.A Schwaller of Lubicz in his book "The Temple in Man":
(bold characters and brackets are mine)
"THE PURPOSE of this book is to present an indisputable evidence that a symbolic directive was operative in the architecture of the Temple of Luxor.
The Temple of Luxor is indisputably devoted to the Human Microcosm. This consecration is not merely a simple attribution: the entire temple becomes a book explaining the secret functions of the organs and nerve centers.
This material now allows us to affirm that what is true for the Temple of Luxor is also true for other monuments from all the Egyptian dynasties, the symbolism evidently having been adapted to the particular consecration of an edifice and to the nature of the place where it was erected."
"The elements observed in the Temple of Luxor prove :
- The pharaonic temple has a didactic purpose; hence every detail has its import.
- That the entire value is accorded to the teaching; the technical aspect is subordinated to this aim.
- That there is, in the inscription by means of texts and figurations, a method for translating a philosophically ordained thought.
- That symbolism is the method of transcription of the thought of the Ancient Egyptians, in writing and in figuration as well as in the architecture.
- That there is a precalculated program, realized through Time by successive Kings, heirs of the tradition.
- That the monument is constructed (contrary to our current principles of architecture) on several axes; that each axis has a meaning, and that this meaning dictates the meaning of the parts subordinate to it.
- That there is, in pharaonic Egypt, geodetic, astronomical, and physiological knowledge surpassing that which Egyptology has hitherto been able to concede."
Before continuing with the Serpent and the Kundalini, let's read a little bit more of this masterwork in order that the reader fully grasps the importance of what is at stake.
"Excavations and philological studies supply the Egyptologist with abundant material for a knowledge of the life, beliefs, and theology of ancient Egypt. An encyclopaedic amount of work is available to the resercher. Nevertheless, Pharaonic Egypt remains unknown in terms of its true science, its contingent psycho-spiritual knowledge, and its philosophical mentality.
One tends to seek in ancient Egypt, as well as in Babylon and other traditions of the past, what might be called a rational expression of esotericism. This is an error that arises from the prejudice that there is no esotericism, or that there exists an intent to conceal a certain knowledge.
The purpose is to select those who developed the necessary understanding and who are for this reason worthy of these "secrets", that is to say they will not misuse them for selfish motives. There was never any intent to conceal, from those thus prepared, any of the wisdom transmitted by texts, traditions, or monuments. The enigma does not lie in the thing itself but is the result of our understanding, our faculties and our intelligence, which are not attuned to the mentality according to which the idea was expressed, and it is just this that our present education prevents us from admitting.
However, there is a type of education that-using the vital organs in which the nervous flux is transformed as well as the centers or "nodes" of this flux - can awaken "consciousness"of states that precede and transcend material forms. The West has no terminology for this science, and thus we must have recourse to the oriental languages. But the words alone are useless without the concepts. Ancient Egypt is in fact one of the major sources of these sciences: however, a true vocabulory of the Pharaonic language - or even a provisional one - will never be possible unless attention is given to those questions which we define as psycho-spiritual. The Egyptian symbolism can guide us in this regard and show us meanings other that the common meanings currently accepted for a great many words. In this way the meaning of many texts will become clear.
(Here the author discusses the occult anatomy: chakras - nadis - meridians - subtil bodies )
Rationalism is based on the data provided by the senses, and the senses perceive only a meager part of what is. Thus, through rationalism alone we can know only what is encountered through the senses, what is ponderable, quantitative. Yet mathematics have demonstrated the existence of elements that fall outside the physical; we must take this into account, and if rationalism brings us up against an impenetrable wall, in so doing it in fact teaches us that it has its limits and that we should seek another means of knowledge.
It follows from these observations that either there exists only a concrete world perceptible to the senses , or we lack a faculty that would enable us to grasp the abstract, without having to concretize through the imagination.The process is ingrained in us, in accordance with a mode that always leads toward the quantitative définition. This is the inverse of the Egyptian mentality."
Given what we know now, the layout and positioning of the different parts of the human body in the temple is important because it is a message which is passed on to us.
In the case of the Kamutef, R.A Schwaller de Lubciz says : "In the Min in question, the phallus is not at its natural place, but exactly at the place of the navel, the maternal attachment.
Thus we are dealing with a Kamutef whose known meaning of "maternal bull" signifies the primordial seed acting on itself, or self-conception, spiritual conception of man without the maternal woman.."
Luxor - Kamutef - The superimposition of the outline of divisional gives the location of the phallus at the place of the navel - Temple in Man p.37 |
Indeed Enki, the Creator-God of Humanity intended to give Humanity Knowledge in order that Humans become as the Gods. He was prevented to do so by some of the other Gods among whom is his father.
This took place in Egypt and again the official biblical story is FALSE. The Egyptians were attacked and murdered. The Jews were never slaves in Egypt: it's A LIE to support their role of victim of which the first appearance is in Egypt with the EXODUS which never existed !
Ithyphallic God - The White Chapel |
If we look at the second image, we see two Gods, the first one is concentrating his energy via his erection, the other one is handing him a cone-shaped object, as if the cone represents the concentration of energy, as a laser beam (wide base, pointed tip). The latter teaches the former. This means that he is more advanced. Now he has on his forehead the Egyptian uraeus/cobra.
What symbolizes a cobra/uraeus in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows where the third eye is located ?
A complete Rising of Kundalini.
What is a True Rising of Kundalini?
There is a recurrence, an emphasis in Ancient Egypt to illustrate Gods having an erection and Gods/Pharaohs/Egyptians with the cobra/uraeus on their forehead.
So there is necessarily an important reason for this!
Indeed, to achieve a True Rising of one's Kundalini, two parts of the body are particularly involved: the sex organs and the brain!
Because it's in between these two zones that the energy is powerfully activated to give the true spiritual power, in other words the psychic powers, the divine power of creation.
No rising of Kundalini without activation of the sexual energy!
This activation is made via orgasm of which the very powerful energy when concentrated and directed will rise into the Sushumna canal located inside the spine. Then the two secondary canals, Ida and Pingala are also activated and rise along the spine into the brain, more precisely into the sixth chakra where they meet.
Once the energy arrives in the brain, it goes all around the brain to activate all the centers of psychic power as the clairvoyance, the clairaudience, the third eye and the pineal gland. This powerful life energy that circulates in the brain and throughout the body creates a sort of spark of light giving to the being a new level of consciousness with all its consequences.
The individual has access to amazing psychic powers, in other words, the spiritual power of creation like the Gods is activated.
It's the True Rising of the Kundalini that is shown via the Egyptian symbol of the cobra/uraeus on the third eye!
Why a snake?
Because the snake represents the DNA, the life force and the Kundalini. But not any DNA, not any life force, that of the God who created the Human Race to which he gave his DNA, the cosmic God ENKI.
And the symbol of Enki is and has always been the Serpent, the Kundalini. Therefore the Rising of the Kundalini is his presence in you.
Your DNA contains DIVINE GENES in order you will be able to achieve GODHOOD.
If myself, as a Jewish woman, who was looking for answers all my life, I have been able to find the Truth about the Jews, the history of Humanity and of your true and legitimate God, you also can.
Sure, you can find the Truth on the Internet because I did. Among heaps of lies, there is the TRUTH.
The Kundalini is the serpent coiled at the base of the spine. It lies dormant waiting for its awakening.
When I said : After the couple was expelled from the Divine Garden, the latter was sealed by cherubim and a flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree of life".
This means that the 1st and 2nd chakra were magically sealed (through the jewish kabalah) in order that you did not rise your Kundalini.
Some have tried for years; for one it took more than twenty years with a life of ascetism and so on while it is something natural. It's your birthright and if you evolved normally you would have been able to achieve Godhood with an enjoyable life; eating what you want (of course a natural and nutritional food, non GMO), having sex and so on.
You understand now what was done on every level and field of life and for what purpose. Your True, Legitimate and Benevolent God was made into the Devil and all the other Benevolent Gods into Demons.
The goal was to destroy forever your relations with YOUR TRUE GODS. But they are still there fighting for your freedom, that's why Humanity is still alive. Your Gods are those of the Egyptian Pantheon : Enki is Ptah, Marduk is Amon-Râ, Ningishzidda is Thoth, Inanna in Sumer is Isis in Egypt.
These Demons were present throughout the life of the Human Race before the unexpected reptilian attack, in others words, the incarnation of the Jews.
Your Gods have attempted to give all the knowledge. The cities were destroyed, the libraries were books were kept were burnt. For every culture, a war was made and genocide ensued.
The Judeo-christian God wants the destruction of humanity and this can be seen through the deadly, anti-life teachings of Christianity and Islam, the two Jewish programs. And the Inquisition.
These religions have worked to instill sexual inhibitions, hang-ups, guilt, shame, to turn something beautiful and spiritually empowering into something ugly.
The psychological hang ups manifest in the chakras and create blocks that prevent the circulation of spiritual energy and therefore the rising of kundalini.
The Rising of Kundalini begins an alchemical process : first it stops the aging process and then reverses it through the regeneration of cells, modifies the DNA, the level of consciousness. The Human molecule changes from 666 to 661.
The serpent is also associated to the libido, to the sexual energy, to the life force, the Ki, Chi or Prana.
Circuit of the Kundalini Energy |
Powerful Kundalini Energy up to the brain, the skull enlightens with new level of consciousness |
The video below is interesting because it shows the Rising of Kundalini. It does not begin in the feet but at the bottom of the spine, in the first chakra Mulhadara.
Each chakra has a specific energy, a specific colour, function and is linked to a planet. Everything is always interdependant.
The colors of the chakra can change according peoples and their level of conciousness.
The chakras and the nadis network |
An other illustration. This time, the serpent is shown outside next to the God who raised his kundalini. Note the similarity between the snake almost perfectly erected (except its head) and the God who stands upright with the cobra emerging from his forehead. The drawing on the wall intends to demonstrate the internal process.
The Kundalini awakes the fire energy (the fire element of the body), giving strong heat and increasing the bioelectricity, therefore the vibratory frequence. It's really an alchemical process and the first step towards Immortality. It's the same process for woman but invisble because the female sexual organs are internal.
Let's look the serpents in Egypt
Sethi 1st - Les Pharaons Bâtisseurs - Henri Stierlin |
Ramses II - http://www.gks.uk.com/egyptian-cobra-uraeus/ |
![]() |
Psousennes 1er de Tanis - L'Or des Pharaons - Henri Stierlin |
Cobras on the tomb of Tutankhamon |
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Tutankhamon with the Uraeus, the Royal Cobra royal and the Goddess vultur Nekhbet in charge of the royal protectione L'Or des Pharaons - Henri Stierlin |
The Caduceus |
And elsewhere
Teotihuacan - Pyramid of the Winged Serpent - Mexico |
Naga - Ancient India |
Naga, India http://vivrevouivre.over-blog.com/article-18608778.html |
Chinese Dragon |
Cernunnos - Celtic God |
Le Neter-Ankh http://vivrevouivre.over-blog.com/article-18608778.html |
The aim of the Mystery Schools of Antiquity was to teach Humans in order to help them on the path to achieve Immortality, in other words, to achieve Godhood. These schools taught the mystery of the Immortality of the Human soul. Their work was the science of Human regeneration. This was done through the mastery of the conscience: there were methodologies leading to trans-dimensional consciousness.
The pyramids and the temples served many purposes of which initiations rites and workings like that of the Kundalini.
Enki created the Brotherhood of the Snake/ Serpent in order that Human beings were able to advance spiritually. At that time the Gods were the Teachers because you lived with them.
Most of these Old Gods are now known under the name of Demons*.
* "But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons."
One of the key teachings of these schools was to overcome fear because the Gods knew that the major hindrance to advance spiritually was FEAR. It was only when one surpassed one's own fears that higher levels could be accessed. Fear is the main emotion that paralyses anyone. And fear as everything else in Life must be overcome when alive because the death solves nothing.
In fact, the Gods also taught the Egyptians how death was an illusion and how to be prepared for the Afterlife Journey.
These Schools taught students to push their fear through various initiation rites experiencing the unknown.
Let's read the following excerpt taken from "Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizedek. (this book is interesting only by the important information it contains about Ancient Egypt)
"In the feminine world of emotions and feelings, if they are not in balance within the initiate, this imbalance will stop us from evolving. Until the emotional balance is achieved, we can proceed on the path of enlightenment only a certain distance, then all will stop.....We are bringing the following ceremony to light because it is a perfect example of the importance that the Egyptians placed on overcoming fear, one of the negative emotions. Fear was and still is the primary force that stops a person from growing.... To reach this goal, the Egyptians built special temples along the Nile...
At each of the temples in Egypt, they would create situations to force you to have experiences you would not normally bring on yourself, so that when you had similar experiences you would become stronger and less fearful. You would be put in extremely fearful situations to overcome your fears."
One of these initiations was "to go into water and not come out the way you went in" but in this water there were crocodiles so you can imagine the fear that would come up in such a situation. What you didn't know was that these crocodiles were fully fed so they would not hurt you.....The sarcophagus in the King's chamber was used as one of the final rite."
These Schools taught the Humans the Mystery of Life according the Laws of Nature. All this was achieved through teachings, rites, initiations. Symbolism was a great part of this Knowledge.
When the Earth was attacked by Anu (the god of the jewish people) and the Jews, they infiltrated these schools as everything else. Indeed all the ancient societies known nowadays as secret societies were pagan in origin but because of the jewish infiltration, all of them were corrupted and the original teachings were reversed and falsified.
Their goal was to use them against you.
Their goal was to use them against you.
That's why today we see all the Egyptian symbolism used for the New World Order like the All-Seeing Eye, the Pyramidion etc..
And that's also why FEAR has always been and still is utilized as the means to keep Humans under control. To feed the Human fear was and still is the major goal of the Jews and the Church. They used this negative emotion to keep you under their control for total enslavement but the Jews, their reptilian masters and the greys feed themselves on negative emotions of which fear is the main one.
So fear is all beneficial for them.
That's why I urge you to do everything you can, especially martial arts, yoga, meditation to take control over your emotions and your energies because fear is the worst emotion you have to overcome at all costs in the present situation.
Furthermore fear and all the negative emotions weaken the immune system so that you become more vulnerable to all the virus, unhealthy foods etc... It is a vicious circle that it's important to become aware of in order to counteract it.