Saturday, October 8, 2011

Updated 19/08/2011


"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to install in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. 
We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause. "
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the 20th Century (1912), quoted by Congressman Abernathy, Congressional Record (1957), page 8559.  

Before continuing, I want to clarify several things about this so-called anti-Semitic hoax.

It's not a HOAX

Each time that a text exposes the truth about the Jewish strategy (whether in terms of goals, means, results, etc. ...), this text is labelled as HOAX and demolished through the constant label of antisemitism.  

The Gentiles must CHECK TWICE before quarelling especially when the source of this argument is Jewish.
(Click to enlarge)

Wikipedia is 100% JEWISH. Moreover Wikipedia seeks World Heritage Site Status! So, it will  continue to misinform, to disinform about the Jews and everything about them with honors. Indeed, Wikipedia LIES shamelessly about the veracity of Jewish texts like about the Jewish history and the global Human history. Anything that is written in Wikipedia aims to support their strategy, their agenda which I repeat is the enslavement of Humanity for its near complete extermination.      
Nothing negative about Jews is ever written on Wikipedia which appears to be a crucial jewish propaganda tool.

The Soros Connection  

March 2010 -- Although Jimmy Wales, the public figurehead of Wikipedia, tries to give the world the impression that his website is an independent entity, the reality is that the Wikimedia Foundation, of which Wikipedia is a project, is directly dependent upon support from super-wealthy benefactors with connections to the pharmaceutical investment business.

One of the most notable of the Wikimedia Foundation’s supporters is the so-called “Open Society Institute”, founded by the chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC, George Soros.

Links between George Soros, the Wikimedia Foundation and the drug industry
George Soros is a Hungarian-born currency speculator and multi-billion dollar stock market wheeler-dealer who has been convicted of insider trading in France. Accused in court by the Dr. Rath Foundation of having funded the ARV drug-promoting Treatment Action Campaign to the tune of 1.4 million South African Rand, Soros has invested heavily in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors over the years, buying large holdings in companies such as PfizerMerck and Monsanto.

Significantly, therefore, Melissa Hagemann, Senior Program Manager of the Soros Open Society Institute’s Information Program, currently sits on the advisory board of the Wikimedia Foundation, which operates Wikipedia. Hagemann has also worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – an organization that, like Soros, has previously invested heavily in the drug industry and, according to the Los Angeles Times, reaps vast financial gains every year from investments that contravene its claims to good works.

Similarly, Ethan Zuckerman, a member of the Wikimedia advisory board since its formation in January 2007, simultaneously sits on a funding board for the Information Program of the Soros Open Society Institute.
Another member of the Wikimedia advisory board, Trevor Neilson, is currently President of the so-called Global Philanthropy Group and has notably advised the likes of Bono, Bill Gates and former U.S. president Bill Clinton – all of whom have been prominent promoters of ARV drugs – on HIV/AIDS. Moreover, Neilson has also served as Executive Director of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GBC), which was created with investments from Soros, Gates and the American media tycoon Ted Turner. GBC has close connections to the drug industry and the members of its inaptly-named “Health Systems Strengthening” intervention include the drug multinationals MerckSanofi-AventisAbbottPfizerSchering-Plough and others. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations – whose honorary chairman is the key drug industry investor David Rockefeller – Neilson is said to have recruited over 100 companies to join GBC.

In short, when you begin to look closely, all these companies, foundations etc., have Jewish connections. Once again, behind the scenes, the Jews manipulate the info and the Goyim are fooled most of the time with false information.
At the end of 2010, Jimmy Wales, the so-called founder made an appeal to donation, lauding all the qualities of Wikipedia and above all, he specified that Wikipedia has no agenda!!
Which is an other DECEIT !! Because the hidden agenda of Jews via Wikipedia is TO MOLD THE GENTILE MINDS !! 
Who does not consult Wikipedia ?
Myself, I consult Wikipedia very often, so here's a handy tool to educate the Gentile masses and especially to shape their minds and beliefs through blatant untruths. 
Indeed the Jews never created anything! Since their arrival on Earth, 4000 years ago they had to make up a story because they had no background so they stole bits of Gentile history, they combined these in order to try to fabricate a coherent story, they put their Jewish label on it and declared paternity. So they need that these so called historical lies go on !!          
Then they can sit and look the Gentiles quarreling between them. It's the same tactic that is used in all areas for anything. So, if the result is to get two White Gentiles infighting because of misinformation given by Jews, you can imagine how far can go fighting between Gentiles who have not the same skin color.

Indeed, you browse on the internet and regularly you come across a blog, a site where a Gentile exposes the pestilential behavior of Jews, giving one's source. Another Gentile arrives on the site or blog, reads the message and writes a derogatory comment after having checked on Wikipedia what is said on the subject. So the result is that Jews intruded, ONCE AGAIN, between Gentiles in order to divide them.
Again and always the same tactic !!

You have to realize why and how you are manipulated by Jews and for what purposes.

Only the Gentile elite (that you see in key positions) has agreed to betray you against money and power, so now like the Jews, they want to enslave you like their Jewish masters. In fact they have become their lackeys.  
To conclude this : the topics and information of which you have to keep your distances with Wikipedia are firstly about the Jews, their story and more globally the Human History.
But my opinion is : You have to double check everything !!

Now let's move to our topic.

The tragic events that occured in London and globally in England are only the beginning of events that will take place anywhere. England is under Jewish control since centuries, it would be better to say that England belongs to the Jews. The City of London has a special status, it is the third largest financial center in the world after New-York and Tokyo, and the first place in terms of foreign exchange.
London is the  center of British power. But the City of London, it's also the Rothschilds who have settled since 1811. It's the Rothschilds who are responsible for the global financial strategy since more than a century of which outcome in the current financial "crisis".
It is still the Rothschilds who financed the African projects of Cecil Rhodes (British South Africa Company).
The British branch of the Rothschild family was ennobled at the request of Queen Victoria.
It appears that since the epoch of Queen Victoria, the British royal family has kinship with Jews that  have been strengthened by the last royal wedding. 

Throughout history, the Jews have made everything in their power to infiltrate the Gentile power at the highest level.
The marriage was the surest way to achieve this infiltration or even an illegitimate child was also the means to bring in a dynasty Jewish blood.
Today, it is obvious that the Jews have reached the heights in terms of infiltration: through those who remained openly and officially in the Jewish religion and those who converted to Christianity in order to cover their misdeeds and achieve their ends, we end up with a number of Jews on this planet that has nothing to do with the officially claimed figures.
The business was roundly carried out for centuries
You understand why the Jewish diaspora was so crucial. Again this proves without a doubt the biblical fable which is only a specifications book.  

As already mentioned, the Jews are fully aware what actions are needed to strengthen or to destroy a race. And it's an indisputable fact that they lead a racial war throughout Europe and North America for centuries. If you synthetize all the elements already mentioned in this blog, they worked so efficiently so that many young White Gentile women fell in love with Black Gentile men. It's exactly what Israel Cohen stated !!

The Jews have brought in White Gentile countries, millions of non-Whites at the expense of the White taxpayers who moreover were sustained at the taxpayer expense through the welfare state. This has helped and encouraged them to build large families.

Then they were educated and indoctrinated to conduct a communist racial war based on the principles of socialism-marxism so dear to Freemasonry which is so heavily infiltrated by Jews that all the original core values were reversed. It's at this point that the concept of race was introduced in the different social classes and that the White Gentile peoples were stigmatized as the cause of all evil and all suffering (in fact it is the same strategy as when the Gentile nobility was identified as the cause of the misfortunes and sufferings of the people with as result the French Revolution of 1789 which was fully orchestrated and manipulated by Jews to destroy the authentic divine kingship - the same pattern goes for Russian Revolution).

The other point of importance is that the Jews are always looking to take control from within all Gentile organizations and do their best to remove by any means the actual Gentile leaders who are a threat to them.  So they will operate within the racialist camps and will create front groups for the Blacks and for the Whites.     
So the Jews have played and corrupted each Gentile race, turning them against each other and creating an ongoing feud. 
When it's about the Black race, the Jews make them out to be dirty, uneducated, primitives while they make the White race to be the evilest racist.

The Jews have worked to purposefully turn the Gentile races against each other. However, they have worked even more vehemently to turn non-White races against the White race. It is the White race that is made out continuously to be the enemy, the evil racist that is so commonly portrayed in Jewish run media. It has gotten to the point where White peoples themselves have been made to feel guilty simply for being White. 

The Jews promote events such as the "African slave-trade" as being perpetrated by the the Whites, when in fact it was the Jew who ran and operated this from start to finish. But this, and many other things, has worked to create such an intense hatred for the White race in the minds of other Gentiles that has led to much animosity and violence. The Jews knew that when they put the blame on the White people and used media, education systems and other tools to further enforce this idea of White guilt, that this would be the outcome. 
Another issue is the one of racial pride. African pride is acceptable, Asian pride is acceptable, Mexican pride is acceptable and so on and so forth, but when it comes to White pride, there is an immediate issue. People take offense to White pride and call it "racism" or "supremacy". Even most White peoples believe that White pride is wrong. It makes absolutely no sense and is an extremely unhealthy, it's 100% Jewish instilled mentality but only for Gentiles. 
Pride in one’s race and Loyalty to one’s race is vital, whatever Gentile race you belong to.

Their intention is to use the other Gentile races to first destroy the White race 
before turning on the rest of the Gentiles once the job had been done. The Jews can never do anything themselves, they always need to use others to do their dirty work for them. Their aim is enslavement and destruction of every Gentile race in the end. They hate all Gentiles, because all Gentiles are descendants of God Enki now known as Satan.

As for this idea of "multiculturalism" and "multicultural society", like race-mixing, it is another Jewish program. Individual cultures and races will eventually be lost entirely when a program like this is enforced. The Jews purposefully push this program as it creates major issues and problems in any society. There will always be conflict and tension in a so-called "multicultural melting pot" due to cultural and racial differences and practices. Eventually, because of these differences and their resulting conflicts, people will be forced to give up their individual cultural and racial identity in order to "come together as one" to create a state of so-called harmony. 
Or rather what the Jews have promoted as harmony. 
It is another way of mashing all Gentile races into one and eradicating all individuality 
of each race, thus enforcing the sick Jewish concept of "one world", one 
people", "one mid". This idea of "one" is purely of and originated with the Jews and their reptilian masters. This is their new world order where everyone is lumped into one and bar-coded like meaningless robots. It is just the same as marxism.

poor socio-economic problems that Jews and their Gentile lackeys so often promote as the sole cause of the state which the world is in today ( a total mess) are in fact only by-products of what the Jew has been doing to Gentile societies for so long. The real source of these problems is the Jew and the filthy programs which it promotes and enforces. 
People can always parrot off what they have been told in school and university, "oh its due to class-issues and poor socio-economic conditions that we are experiencing the problems which we are today, that is obvious", and sound all intelligent and well-informed, but they can never answer what REALLY caused these conditions in the first place. The truth is that these conditions were created and put in place purposefully by the Jews through the enforcement of their programs.

The Jews knew exactly what the outcome would be.

Whatever field and period, Western Gentiles, in other words, WHITE GENTILES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PACIFIED BY ANY MEANS INCLUDING, I repeat, GUILT (false guilt of course, and this time, to be White) IN ORDER TO DESTROY THEIR WILL AND DETERMINATION. Again this is the perfect application of what Israel Cohen says. 

dramatic consequence of this is the profound and fierce hatred between the different Gentile races. A hatred that seems irremediable and is an ideal base to reach the final goal for which the Jews have been working for millennia. 
The Jews will exult at seeing the Gentile races slaughter each other into an indescriptible chaos because this will allow them to establish full martial law, the penultimate stage of their world government.

Again, the Jews are fully aware of the energy power of emotions (positive or negative  - in that case : NEGATIVE), so knowing this, they orchestrated a strategy in which you send, re-send and send back constantly negative emotions and feelings between you that bring in themselves destruction for both of you. 
It's a physical law of reflexion. In other words, the refraction, reflexion, reverberation of these extremely powerful negative emotions help to bring forth your destruction, the destruction of both camps while protecting the Jews. 
It is also one of the reason why the hatred of Gentiles on Jews is prohibited via an arsenal of repressive laws.

Therefore, it is imperative to become aware of this. In the chapters about the creation of humanity (translated very soon), I explain the various stages of the creation of humanity that gave birth to  babies with different skin colors. All of them are Gentiles and the descendants of the Gods, YOUR GODS. But because they had been settled in different locations of the planet, this has generated substantial cultural differences which have been exploited, at first religiously.

These London riots are the result of major underlying racial currents. Again, it's all good for jews who can introduce new repressive laws. 
All this is the outcome of centuries of Jewish intrigues and manipulations of any kind at all levels of society. 
My opinion on this is: everyone should live in one's own territory with one's family race. There is no hatred nor contempt between Gentile races in this case. But everyone has to evolve and procreate in one's environment. This does not mean that you have to hate each other between Gentile races of different skin color and that you do not help each other but that everyone lives in one's territory! This also means: to protect the women of your race, to respect them, to honor them and above all to love them. They are the ones who carry the children and perpetuate the race.

An incredible article demonstrates that police was asked to stand and observe, in other words, to let it go or withdraw. 
Another article August 13, 2011 reports a survey in which one third of the British people demands that the police uses LIVE bullets against the rioting thugs. Others require the intervention of troops. 
Here we are! 

It is vital that all Gentiles, ALL GENTILE RACES educate themselves about the Jewish question in order to NOT FALL into the traps set by the Jews. You have to become aware of how and why all of you have been utilized against each other since centuries.


Traditionally, the Gentile races are not naturally endowed with feelings of hate, towards each other, unless of course you have been manipulated by Jews as we have seen. 
But this is not your nature, so it's why it has been easy to instill you a sense of guilt.

Communicate information between you in every possible way. 
Share information ! 
Study the Jewish question !

In closing, it's important that every Gentile race turns against her true enemy : the Jew !!
Because creating tension and fighting among the Gentile race is a Jewish tactic !!.  

French Revolution 

London riots 
