Monsanto and the Organic Farmers
and the German E.Coli Case
Organic farmers sue Monsanto
Nearly 300,000 organic farmers are filing suit against corporate agriculture giant Monsanto, who have in recent years squashed independent organic farms from coast to coast.
270,000 organic farmers filed a lawsuit in March 30 in an attempt to keep a portion of the world’s food supply organic. The plaintiffs in the case are members of around 60 family farms, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations.
Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the suit lashes out at Monsanto to keep their engineered Genuity® Roundup Ready® canola seed out of their farms. Organic agriculturalists say that corn, cotton, sugar beets and other crops of theirs have been contaminated by Monsanto‘s seed, and even though the contamination has been largely natural and unintended, Monsanto has been suing hundreds of farmers for infringing on their patent for incidentally using their product.
Not only are organic farmers trying to keep things — well, organic — but now many of them are being forced to throw in the towel as Monsanto unfortunately continues a successful war on the competition by suing indie growers that run organic farms. In recent years, Monsanto has acquired more than 20 of the biggest seed producers and sellers in the country, and The Street reports that they have instituted a policy whereas their customers are forced to use their bionengineered seeds — and purchase them each and every year — lest they want to be blacklisted forever.
The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an investigation into Monsanto’s “customer incentive programs” last year, and the Department of Justice has been probing into possible antirust violation relating to the blacklisting of customers since 2009.
As Monsanto buys out competitors and sues others, last year’s profits went up by 77 percent to $680 million.
US federal Judge Naomi Buchwald will be overseeing the case of Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, et al. v. Monsanto in a Manhattan court room.
Dan Ravicher, executive director of the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT), said in a statement that the case comes down to “whether Monsanto has the right to sue organic farmers for patent infringement if Monsanto’s transgenic seed or pollen should land on their property.”
“It seems quite perverse that an organic farmer contaminated by transgenic seed could be accused of patent infringement, but Monsanto has made such accusations before and is notorious for having sued hundreds of farmers for patent infringement, so we had to act to protect the interests of our clients.”
PUBAT has filed the lawsuit on behalf of the 270,000 plaintiffs. The foundation serves as a not-for-profit legal service organization that is affiliated with the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.
Source for the article
First of all, I remind my readers that Monsanto is a Jewish company.
I have discussed in previous chapters that the contamination is not natural but INTENTIONAL.
This parameter has been introduced in the Monsanto Agreements that the farmers/growers have to sign before they can use the GMO seeds.
Indeed it has been implicitly hinted in the contract via vague juridical terms and simultaneously the genetic engineering has been adapted to fit the bill, in other words to achieve their lethal goal.
I know too well the perverse Jewish mindset and their way of putting things together.
Anyone who look at the facts can observe the contamination's problem spreading worldwide. It's absolutely not a coincidence.
It is a very effective, intelligent and invisible way to take control of all the lands, of all the crops throughout the planet.
When one pays close attention and read independant scientific studies as those of ISIS (Science in Society), the Jewish strategy becomes very clear.
Indeed in an article called "Scientists Discover New Route for GM-gene 'Escape', you will find out important infos about what I call the Jewish process to poison the whole planet.
On the other hand, the E.Coli outbreak that occurred in June 2011, allegedly coming out from a German organic farm is still NOT a coincidence.
The biothech industry targets the organic food supply since a very long time and the total withdrawal of raw, organic and natural foods is planned in the Codex Alimentarius Program written down by the WTO (World Trade Organization). Behind the scene of the creation of WTO are the Rockefeller, the Rothschild and the major American business corporations as Monsanto etc : they have set severe laws of which the unique goal is to take control of the world by imposing their harsh rules upon the governments. If you want to understand the whole strategy, read William Engdahl's book "Seeds of Destruction : The hidden agenda of Genetic Manipulation".
Europe and especially France is a major threat for their total control. Since years, the American government which is in the pay of Jews watches closely at the European evolution about GMO.
In Australia, the organic farmer Steve Marsh lost his certification in december 2010 because his crops were contaminated by one of his neighbor who is a GMO farmer.
And now the battle is raging in Australia between GMO and non-GMO farmers because of Monsanto.
To continue with the E.Coli case, on the website of the German organic farm involved in this outbreak, one can read : the farm has reopened because all the tests showed negative results and its responsibility is no longer involved.
But the other interesting fact you can read is that the suspicion carried out by the German Minister of Agriculture seems incomprehensible because he made public only mere suspicions...
And the consequences were devastating because until now the international medias call the farm because people still think that this unlucky farm is responsible for the E.Coli outbreak and for the deaths that follow.
Back to Isis website, one can read "How Genetic Engineering may have created E.Coli outbreak". When you read that article along with others, you get the whole picture of how the biotech industry and Monsanto used their technology to make happen that kind of disaster.
And the results are obvious when you read the commentaries of people everywhere: they are scared with organic foods and rush to buy GMO foods because they think that these latter are SAFE !!!
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