Saturday, October 8, 2011



This is the kind of opulence and luxury that the average jew has access to every day, in the land that once belonged to YOU which they blatantly STOLE by first removing, destroying and desecrating your True History before inventing a false history for themselves, imposing it upon your people through centuries of violent bloodshed that still has not come to an end and taking it from you ILLEGALLY! :

modern residence 5 Imposing Contemporary Residence Overlooking The Mediterranean Sea


And yet, this is a Gentile territory just around the corner, how most of it has looked since the jews infested:

Note the extraordinary contrast. These places are two different worlds, one in which jews live in the lap of luxury at the expense of you, Gentile peoples, and the other in which you, Gentiles, suffer the most awful torture imaginable at the hands of these filthy jews. 

Who pays for the upkeep of this lavish jewish lifestyle?? YOU GENTILES. 

You pay literally with YOUR hard earned money that gets poured into Israel's bank account year after year as well as in every other way as your People are left to suffer and to die. 
Here is some information about how much the USA alone pays to israel every year

It has also been reported that Barack Obama seeks to increase this amount:

"The budget proposes $3.075 billion in US military aid for Israel, $75 million more than in fiscal year 2011. The aid proposal is based on the US-Israeli understandings signed on August 16, 2007. US military aid is set to increase by a further $25 million to $3.1 billion in fiscal year 2013, and remain at that level through 2018, assuming that the US foreign aid program remains as is. 
Israel is also due to receive $20 million in aid for integrating refugees." 

This is despite the fact that the American people themselves are suffering under an economic depression while the jews are living comfortably. So you Gentiles must suffer in order for them to live in luxury??? 

The criminal state of Israel also receives "aid" from other countries around the world. 

Germany has been forced to give more than $35 billion to israel since WW2 in "compensation" for an event that never even took place and the German People have suffered tremendously  as a result!

This disgusting lie has been used ever since to totally devastate you, Gentile Peoples. 

As well as this, jewish owned corporations around the world and jews in the various world governments put billions which they leech from you, Gentiles, into Israel's pocket.

Your governments are set up to fund Israel and its agenda of death and destruction, NOT to help you.

What do you get Gentile peoples ??? Devastation and poverty. 

How many hours a day do you work, for how many days a week, for how many months in a year, and for how many years in a decade? 
And what is the kind of salary that YOU take home after bills, rates and taxes have been deducted that all go straight into the pockets of the jews who are in control of all of the industries which you are currently slaves to? 
And the remainder is spent on ridiculously priced jewish-kosher food that has been filled with all sorts of garbage and impurities designed to keep you weak and so on. 

You are currently paying them to keep you enslaved!! 

The average Gentile in today's world barely gets by, hundreds and thousands of your peoples are dying every day due to poverty, starvation, disease and so on. 
Yet, the jews are sitting in their mansions.


You must free yourselves from the jewish yoke and stranglehold. 
The jews view the Gentile peoples as their slaves, as "goyim". 

Quote from the Jewish Talmud: 
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: 
"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Gentiles are treated lower than dogs by jews. 
Gentiles are nothing but worthless cattle to jews. 

Quote from a jewish prime minister Golda Meier: 
"100 Arabs are not worth one jewish finger nail." 

Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro 
"It is permissible for Jews to kill Gentiles including children and babies who threaten Israel or break the commandments." 

From the Talmud
"All Gentile women, girls, and even little girls, are whores."

So the jews have no problem abusing and raping your Gentile women and girls. 

Aboda Sarah 37a: 
"A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

Jews feel nothing about killing your peoples:

Sanhedrin 59a: 
"Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."

A Gentile Peace Activist, Rachel Corrie, was killed in 2003 by an israeli demolitioner when he bulldozed over the Palestinian house she was kneeling in front of trying to protect despite knowing that she was there and despite other activists screaming at him to stop. Rachel was naive enough to believe that a jew would give a dam about her life.

These parasitic jews are living off of your land, your money and your hard work whilst professing you to be worthless cattle and treating you as such! 

Again, YOU must suffer in the worst possible ways so that THEY can have luxury. 

YOU must work for our own destruction. 

With the current economic decline, you are suffering even more. 
Debt is rampant and your peoples are losing their personal property and homes on a daily basis despite back breaking work every day. 

During any economic depression, your peoples suffer starvation and awful conditions. 
You can guarantee that the jews will have anything and everything that they want and need handed to them on a silver platter. 
They will have access to food, clean water, electricity and other supplies in abundance. 
The jews themselves boast about this in their "protocols of zion" where they state that they will cause you, Gentile peoples, to suffer unimaginably while they make sure that their own prosper. 
They still have the money and resources tied up. 
They have their "sayanim" network in which jews are looked after and protected by other jews and it is ensured that no jew ever goes without:

Yet, how divided are YOUR People? 
Where are YOUR networks set up to help and support each other in times of need? 
These divisions were all caused by jewish programs. 
Whether it's their filthy "religious" programs of chrisitianity, islam and related or their filthy political programs of communism, capitalism, democracy and so on and so forth, their gender dividing program of feminism and all of its offshoots, their incitement of hatred between the Gentile races, and the list goes on, all of these were designed by jews to divide and destroy you, Gentile peoples. 

Were it not for them, you would be the ones prospering and the world would be as it should be: A True Pagan Civilization based upon the highest and most beautiful Spiritual Ideals.
Your peoples would be free from age and decay, disease, poverty, ignorance, depression, rampant crime and all other horrible results of spiritual and physical degeneration, and you would be free from this thanks to the Knowledge given by your Gods whose leader is Enki known now as Satan. 
The beautiful and priceless gift of spiritual knowledge and power was taken from you by the jews and their reptilian ET masters!!

It is not only you that suffer because of these jews. 
Your animals and your environment suffer everyday as well. Jews have a penchant for abusing animals and this is especially apparent in their disgusting kosher slaughter: 

Look at what has become of your environment today as a result of jewish destructive corporations. Billions of acres of natural land have been utterly destroyed around the world in order to make way for jewish run and controlled facilities, the purpose of which is to rake in yet more money for these parasites.
They control the worlds fuel industries, the gigantic paper making industries such as Mondi that have done untold damage to our environment and many more. 
This is despite the fact that these are unnecessary and the jews know this. 

The fuel which you use today is extremely inefficient and unhealthy. 
Had you been free of jews and their influences and had the world remained as it always should have, you would have by now developed an efficient form of "fuel" that was based off of the principles of "anti-gravity" technology as was discussed byNikola Tesla.

This is more than possible and had you been given the funds for research and development, it would be a reality, however, the jews would be losing money and control if they allowed it to go ahead. 
Construction, which today is a major environmental issue, would also be very different if it were not for jews. 

The Ancient Pagans, with the Knowledge of the Gods, constructed many beautiful wonders that worked with and enhanced the natural environment instead of simply slapping artificial concrete slabs over it and replacing it with ugly towering buildings. 

Each Ancient structure was carefully planned and thought out according to Spiritual Occult principles such as ley-lines and alignment with the Stars and the Cardinal Points and so on and so forth. 

A perfect example of this is the Egyptian Pyramids which are aligned to the Belt of Orion, and the Ancient Temples of the Far and Near East, many of which were built out of existing natural structures such as mountains and specially aligned and placed:

Here have a look to all these wonderful ones !!,jeux,gratuit,pyramids,of,giza,egypt.html

That is the beauty you have lost thanks to the existence of the jews. 

Nowadays buildings are simply slapped anywhere and everywhere that there is space and the surrounding environment is totally disregarded thanks to a lack of Knowledge which is the result of jews. 

They have stripped you of everything you once had and they now sit at the top in absolute luxury on a FALSE throne, their fat bellies full from the produce of Gentile labour, in the world that is rightfully YOURS. 

They are parasites that have drained your Gentile peoples, but it is now time for you to take back what is yours! 
Every effort contributes to the larger fight. It is up to you, and the time is NOW!