"Judaism is not a religion but a Law religionized"
Moses Mendelssohn
"Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people. It is the first monotheistic religion, and is amongst the oldest of the world's religions. Universally known, it has influenced many aspects of Western civilization."
At once, we begin with a LIE.
Why ?
Because Judaism is absolutely not "amongst the oldest of the world's religions". Judaism which is not a religion, is at the most 4000 years old.
Why ?
Because the Jews arrived on Earth approximatively 4000 years ago, and they created their religion, in my opinion, 3500/3600 years ago at the most.
The oldest religions of the world were mostly if not all polytheistic. Indeed the Gentiles, in other words, Humanity was living ALONE on Earth since tens thousands of years before the Jews' arrival.
The Gentiles lived with their Gods throughout the world. It's the reason why we find so many common denominators in all Ancient civilizations.
For the rest, it's true because the goal of the Jews is to influence the Western Civilization to the point that it will become entirely judaized.
So for that outcome, they created the first of the three monotheistic religions, Judaism which is the root: Christianity and Islam being the Jewish branches adapted to the different Races of Gentiles.
To the question "Are Jews a Nation or a Religion"?
The Jewish Virtual Library answers :
"Judaism can be thought of as being simultaneously a religion, a nationality and a culture."
Of course !!
Because it's a RACE of Aliens.
I shall begin this chapter with an excerpt of the book of Ben Klasssen"Nature's Eternal Religion"- Chapter Six: Masters of Deceit - A short History of the Jews" pages 38-39.
(bold characters are mine)
"In the human species there is one race that stands out above all others in the intensity and fierceness in its will to survive - that is the Jewish race.
How this one race has survived and stayed intact through all the convulsions and upheavals of history for 5,000 years is something remarkable to behold.
Whereas some of the ancient races of recorded history such as the Babylonians, the Romans, the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, as a race, have all gone down the sinkhole of history - the Jew has survived.
Not only has he survived, but he has become the slave-master of all the other races of the world, although he only numbers a small percentage of the world's population."
"Whereas the glorious White Race has been a builder, explorer and creator of civilizations, of governments and nations, the Jew has been none of these. On the contrary, he has been the very antithesis of the noble White Man. Throughout his history, which goes back more than 5,000 years, during which he has remained united as a race, the Jew has been the parasite and predator on the backs of those nations who have been his unwilling hosts. The Jew has never been a creator, nor a builder, nor a producer, like the members of the White Race. On the contrary, he has been a destroyer of civilizations, a plunderer of nations, and a killer who invented the very idea of genocide in the earliest stages of his own history. All we have to do is read their own Old Testament to find that in page after page they slew, killed and plundered one tribe after another. One nation after another was put to the sword, man, woman and child."
"Yes, indeed, the Jews are a blood-thirsty race. They have survived over a long period of time, although they have been scattered throughout the other nations of the world. They have been a plague on the body of mankind from the earliest dawn of recorded history. Nor has that plague abated in modern times. In fact, today it is more deadly than ever, and since we, the White Race, are the chief target and the chief victims marked for destruction, it behooves us to take a close look, and study our destroyer."
"The history of mankind is filled with wars and conflict, but of all the conflicts that have ensued between the different nations and the different races, there is only one race that has aroused the most violent antagonisms no matter where they settled— that race is the Jewish race.
Throughout all the turmoil of history and all the wars, conflicts and massacres, sooner or later the two conflicting parties settled down and either reconciled their differences, and lived peacefully together, or they went elsewhere to live. Not so with the Jews, however. The Jew has never been reconciled with the host nation upon whose back he feeds. Nor have the Jews peacefully migrated to other countries."
"The history of the Jews demonstrates two things: first, that there has never been a reconciliation between them and their hosts, and second, that no nation has ever succeeded in barring them permanently. Furthermore, as the Jews bored into their host nations and became more and more reprehensible and intolerable, the host nation generally has turned on them and tried to expel them from their national body. However, in no case has a victimized nation been successful in expelling them permanently. In fact, it is surprising that in every case where Jews were expelled from a nation, often under conditions of humiliation and suffering, within a few years the Jews have returned. Not only have they usually returned, but they then set about with increased viciousness to destroy the host nation upon whom they had previously fed like a parasite. The Jews have since time immemorial been culture destroyers and civilization destroyers."
"Whereas the White Race, with its creativity and restless energy, has moved to the various areas of the world and created civilizations, the Jew invariably followed, bored into their very vitals and sooner or later destroyed those civilizations. They helped to destroy the Egyptian civilization, the Greek civilization, and were the prime cause in the destruction of the great Roman civilization. When Europe slowly again picked up the threads of civilization from Rome, the Jew was already there and has lain like a cancer upon the body of Europe from the time of the Romans.
However, the main center of power of the Jewish world-wide conspiracy now resides in the New World. In fact, in New York is the largest center of Jewish population in the world, and New York is the central financial powerhouse, not only of the United States, but also the rest of the world. Since the United States is now also the last great stronghold of the White Race, it is the untiring and current goal of the Jew to not only destroy the United States as a country, but to destroy White America, mongrelize it, and pump the black blood of Africa into the veins of White America."
"Why is it that the Jewish Race has survived through all the upheavals of over 5,000 years of history, whereas more powerful races like the Romans have perished? Is it because the Jew is tough? We find that the Jew is tough, but other races, such as the Romans, have been even tougher and they have not survived. Is it because he is a good fighter? No, he is, in fact, a physical coward and in open combat he is certainly one of the lesser and more cowardly warriors. Is it because he is more treacherous and deceitful? Perhaps, since in this characteristic he undoubtedly excels all other peoples. But this is not the sole reason why he has survived either. The reason for his survival lies in his unique religion."
"Early in their history the Jews realized the tremendous potency of religion as a weapon— a weapon to either unite their own race, or a weapon to disintegrate and destroy their enemies. For thousands of years they have capitalized upon this knowledge to the hilt. In a masterful fashion, they have manipulated religion to their advantage with a devilish cunning that no other people seems to have even suspected— least of all the White Race. "
Even if the book of Ben Klassen was intended for a White audience, what he says is true and blatant for anyone who studies the facts of history.
The Gentiles have no idea of the wickedness of the Jewish mind. They can't imagine this because on the contrary, they have a heart, a consciousness and a healthy mind.
Judaism is a weapon that unites all Jews to form a unique people. But their so-called religion is a concept that goes far beyond mere religious practices and is more linked to a racial group identity. This explains also why so many mental, religious and behavioral differences are brought together and camouflaged by a story and a status which has for unique goal, the achievement of the jewish mission on Earth, namely, the extermination of Humanity.
It is also why whatever "observant Jews", traditional Jews or even laic Jews, are all of them faithful and loyal to their religion which means to be loyal to their Race.
In fact solidarity is synonym of Judaism.
Because solidarity means loyalty to the Jewish Race.
Who would let go a so enviable, so beneficial, so honorable position in society ? To belong to the chosen people, to be part of the people chosen by God "to repair the world that has been broken".(1)
"This little nation, this 'priest-people'", as calls it Jacques Attali, "suddenly becomes responsible before God of the human condition."
"All what God will want to say to Humankind, He will say it to his (chosen) people. And all that He will say to them (still his chosen people) will be addressed in fact to Humanity as a whole." 2
So, Jews are mediators between God and Humanity !!!!!
In Genesis 17:4, God made alliance with Abram and he tells him that he will become father of numerous nations and his name became Abraham.
"As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations."
From there, the context of the Jewish religion is set: the Jews are a people apart from the rest of humanity who received the favor of God with the privilege of leading Humanity.
Then, a very strict code of laws named the Law, or in other words, the Talmud will rule the Jewish life.
The religion has thoroughly organized everything: from birth to death, hygiene, sexuality, food, how to behave in every situation, from civil law to criminal law through economic rules and above all, how the Jews have to manage their relationship with the Goyim.
I want to add for those who have not yet noticed : the Jewish mindset (the jewish nature) is the crucial point of Judaism.
Initially, because of their content, the teachings were transmitted orally, it was part of the agreement between Jews and their God. Then, there was a need to record them and they were transcribed in a book called the Talmud that became the fundamental text of Jewish law. Its commands must not be infringed under any circumstance. All sorts of discussions, arguments and rabbinical commentaries are compiled and serve as references.
These references are constantly updated to suit the periods and situations. These updates become in their turn references that add up the number of Talmudic commentaries and conclusions.
The Jews are masters of arguing. Because of the deceptive nature of Judaism, they must be prepared to overcome any situation, to respond to any attack. This is understandable when one becomes aware that their MONSTROUS PURPOSE OF DESTROYING THE HUMAN RACE IS BASED ON SECRET AND IMPOSTURE.
It is therefore vital that they are able to effectively respond to any accusation. If the Gentiles were more conscious of their divine potential and of the true nature of the Jews, it would be long ago that the Jews would have been decimated. That's why an ultra-complexe strategy has been planned. The Jews must be constantly on guard, ready to respond to any attack, always on the alert, stalking the Goyim like animals.
Because the Truth is THE enemy of Jews. THE TRUTH IS WHAT THE JEWS FEAR THE MOST.
In contrast to the Gentiles who, when they have not been decerebrated by the Jewish lies, the Jewish culture and the Jewish propaganda, enjoy honesty, truth, genuineness. Consequently, they are a constant danger for Jews. That's why have been introduced the repressive laws against any truth regarding Jews or Israël (that are labelled antisemitism).
It is necessary to pass on the mastery of argument to the younger generations who will take over. The yeshivas (religious Jewish schools) have the mission to teach the young boys how to argue with all tactics of argument, of discussion to acquire the well-known twisted mindset that is so crucial to the survival of Judaism and of the Jews in order to fulfill their mission. And above all to place the debate only on the ideological and intellectual field while the the true fight is on the occult level.
These youths in turn become the "lawyers" of Judaism, the "doctors"of the Jewish Law and teach their coreligionists so that all of them operate on the same basis of information.
Nothing can be achieved for them without stepping in from the inside. Then they adjust their strategy by first removing the Gentiles who cannot be corrupted. Most of the time, their goal is to reverse the original objectives in order to put theirs instead. The purpose is always to take control directly or indirectly.
The second tactic is : the Jews always play both sides against the middle in order to fool the public. One blatant example is about Christianity : they claim to be against Christianity while in fact, they invented it to psychically submit and enslave the Goyim. So by pretending to hate it and to be victims of it, they play a double-role that helps to fool the peoples. It's a very effective tactic of which very few peoples are aware of. In fact, once you have understood the Jewish mindset and their different tactics, you can apply them for anything but most often all theses are combined to deeply confuse the peoples.
Another tactic is to use code-words. First of all, the words have not the same meaning for Jews and non Jews. For example : when they use the word Christian in Jewish texts, they have in mind Goy/Gentile but by using instead Christian, they deceive peoples.
Another very important point is : because the Jews supposedly want to destroy Christians and Christianity, the Christians think that their religion is true and worthwhile. So here again, they are deluded by Jews. The big problem is also because the Gentiles are under a powerful Jewish spell so they are hypnotized !!
The Jews are masters of deception, diversion and psychology. If you study the facts, you will see that the Jews worked relentlessly directly or indirectly to remove the knowledge. For one example, the Druids who were pagan and possessed a very powerful occult knowledge were mass murdered by the Jews. It's at that time that devil became evil ("sin") because synonymous of knowledge (think to Satan, Adam and Eve in the Eden - Satan is the Knowledge !!)
Another tactic is to reverse the truth. For example, they claim that antisemitism is a disease that must be cured while antisemitism is a sign of good mental health because this proves that they are some people who have not been completely brainwashed by the Jewish propaganda.
You, Gentiles must understand that YOU and THE JEWS ARE COSMIC ENEMIES. Whatever is evil for Jews is good for you ; whatever is good for the Jews is evil and dangerous for you.
Look around you !! Look at the world today !! Look at the facts !!
The most important book for Jews is the Talmud not the Torah. The Torah is the biblical tale intended for the Goyim. Nevertheless, you have already in the Torah the Jewish intent because each page speaks of blood, of massacre of the Gentiles and of Jewish supremacy!
"The teachings of the Talmud stand above all other laws. There are more important than the laws of Moses."
Rabbi Issael, Rabbi Chasbar
In regard to this, Rabbi Finklestein states in his History of Jews :
"The Talmud derives its authority from the position held by the ancient academies. The teachers of those academies, both of Babylonia and of Palestine. were considered the rightful successors of the older Sanhedrin . . . At the present time, the Jewish people have no living central authority comparable in status to the ancient Sanhedrins or the later academies. Therefore, any decision regarding the Jewish religion must be based on the Talmud as the final resumé of the teaching of those authorities when they existed."
Another tactic is to create antagonists tendancies within the Jewish community, each of them is supported by doctors of Jewish law (the rabbis) or learned Jews. The intent is to reflect the outside Goy world with their various ideas and concepts. The ultimate goal is to take over these to lead the Goyim. So the Jews echo every Gentile idea and because they have easy access to mass medias and to large funds for obvious reasons, they become leaders of these tendancies, organizations, political parties that they will corrupt with Jewish ideologies.
To sum up :
The Jews stole the Gentile ideas and concepts to corrupt them and because Jews have easily access to the media and to positions of power, they become natural leaders of these concepts.
This strategy is all beneficial because it supports the alleged diversity of the Jewish community which is only a façade to delude the Gentiles who are truly individual persons with different ideas, concepts and creativity while the Jewish system works like a hive !!
Another one is to claim when a Jewish misdeed is exposed that there are some bad guys in the Jewish community like everywhere else.
But the worst tactic is the combining of all others : the Jews play not not only both sides against the middle but ALL SIDES against the middle. In other words, Humanity is completely encircled by Jews. They rule through manipulation, corruption and deception all the political parties, all the national/international institutions, organisations, banks etc....
A very strange comment that we find in the Jewish texts are :
"The decisions of the Talmud are words of the living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinions of earthly rabbis when there are difficult affairs in heaven."
Rabbi Menachen, Comments for the Fith Book
"Jehovah himself in heaven studies the Talmud standing : he has such respect for that book."
Tractate Mechilla/Me'ilah
This demonstrates the unnatural relationship between Yahweh/Jehovah and his people. In my opinion, it's more a partnership than anything else. And at the top of this insane association are the rabbis.
In fact, the rabbinical caste is the core of the Jewish system because of the magic. The whole Jewish system is organized around the rabbis and magic. The rabbis with orthodox Jews perform black magic to curse Gentiles and white magic to protect Jews.
The excerpt below is from "The Jewish Religion : It's influence Today - Chapter 3 - The 18 Benedictions" by Elizabeth Dilling.
We have in this quote the use of code-words: Christian means Gentile.
Unfortunately Elizabeth Dilling who has done a great job about the Jewish question has been deceived with these code-words as most of Gentiles, even if she understood the double talk.
In fact there is always double talk, double meaning and double level of understanding with Jews. Whatever text, writing or speech.
The "religious" Orthodox Jew recites the "Eighteen Benedictions," or "Shemoneh Esreh," three times week days, four times on holidays and Sabbaths, the 7th and 12th of which curse the Christians and non-Jews to hell and perdition. Thus, the "good Orthodox Jew" gives us Christians 6 cursings on ordinary days, 8 on "specials." Note all the varieties of double talk which have been utilized down the centuries to keep the truth about the "Shemoneh Esreh" from the non-Jews, who might not be friendly to those who recite this "Brotherhood" litany religiously 6 to 8 times daily! Note: "In order to obviate hostile misconstructions, the text was modified …," and one change after another [page 15] to fool the non-Jew is enumerated."
The Old Testament is already very revealing with its cruel bloodthirsty god, even if it hides the true face of Judaism which is based on hatred for Humanity. It's ironical that Jews always blame Gentiles for their hatred while it's Jews who hate Gentiles. Since childhood, we are taught to have contempt for the Goyim (means Gentiles in hebrew) because they are inferior beings and we are also told that because we are the chosen ones, the Goyim want to destroy us and we have to fight back for survival and that's the reason why the Goyim hate us.
All these are LIES !! The Jews are not the innocent victims they claim and try to impersonate. It's one of their numerous tricks!
They are not either loving persons but on the contrary persons full of hatred. Everything is always reversed .
As I have explained about my personal life, when I was still very young and I wanted to play with my school friends at home, even in the garden, my mother NEVER accepted that Goyim come at home because she told me that they are inferior beings and as a Jew I have nothing to do with them. Her answer shocked me deeply.
The Goyim who came and stay at home were only our servants. I had to wait 40 years to see my parents inviting Goyim for dinner !!
The hatred for non-Jews is the basis of Judaism and of the Talmud.
In fact the Talmud is a book including several tractates. Each of them deals with a specific topic because every aspect of the Jewish life has been thoroughly regulated.
So, of course, the Talmud discusses a lot about the relationships between Jews and Goyim.
The INTENTIONAL juridical aspect is the foundation of the Talmud. All discussions, arguments and conclusions are designed to implement laws: at first to unite Jews, secondly to enforce them in Gentile society.
From the start, the Jews have planned to integrate them in the non-Jewish society to judaize it.
It is naïve and dangerous to believe that the Jews operate as things come. The truth is that they have an agenda since the outset but they need to adjust it according the reactions of their enemies, the Gentiles, and the ongoing situation.
Have you ever seen anyone attaining one's goal in life if first of all one does not know what one wants?
No. Of course not.
First is the objective !!
Any person must set goals to get a chance to achieve them, so you can imagine for a whole community. A fortiori when the end is thousands years away. So the strategy must be tightly held !
The Jews are as anyone else in that matter. In order to succeed, they have to be determined, committed and perseverant in addition of having a strong strategy and of working hard on a daily basis.
Read the book "The Art of War " by Sun Tzu and you will understand a lot of things about the Jewish strategy.
All of us know that the most difficult thing to achieve an important goal is to stay in course. Motivation is crucial but motivation needs a strong desire permanently sustained by a powerful emotion!
So, the survival of the Jewish race is the desire and hatred is the emotion, both are stimulated by the rabbis !
The central theme of the Talmud (and of Judaism) is the visceral hatred for the Goyim, the non-Jews. While the Jew is a human being, the non-Jew is a beast, considered as a slave, property of Jewish masters. Keep in mind that at first the Talmudic teachings were passed on orally. Then they were transcribed. Consequently, these Talmudic commands are prior to the persecution of Jews. The Talmudic commands are not a reaction of Jews to the Gentiles, but the essence of Judaism which generates a healthy and sane reaction of the Gentiles, antisemitism.
Sabia Mecia 114,6
"Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."
Midrasch Talpioth, p.225 L
"If a non-Jew kills a Jew or a non-Jew he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a non-Jew, he is NOT responsible".
Tosefta Qboda 8,5
"It's permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It's pemitted to kill him before he denounces."
Schulchan Qruch, Choszen Hamiszpat
"All vows, oaths, promises, engagements and swearing, which, beginning this very day or reconciliation till the next day of reconciliation, we inted to vow, promise, swear and bind ourselves to fulfill, we repent of beforehand; let them be illegalized, acquitted, annihitated, abolished, valueless, unimportant. Our vows shall be no vows and our oaths no oaths at all. " (this text is the well-known Kol Nidre)
"It is forbidden to disclose the secrets of the oral law. He who would do it would be as guilty as though he destroyed the whole world."
Jektat Chadasz, 171,3
Sanhedrin, 59a, Aboda Zora 8,6
"To communicate anything to a non-Jew about our religion would beequal to the killing of all Jews, for if the non-Jew knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly."
Libbre David 37
"If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to giveonly a false explanation. Whoever will violate this order shall be put to death."
Libbre David 37
"A Jew should and must make a false oath when the non-Jew asks if our books contain anything against them."
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore 17
"A Jew is permitted to rape, cheat and perjure himself; but he must take care that he is not found out, so that Israel may not suffer."
Schulchan Qruch, Jore Dia
"A Jew may rob a non-Jew - that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him."
Schulchan Arach, Choszen Hamiszpat 348
"If a non-Jew wants a Jew to stand witness against a Jew in a Court of Law, and if the Jew could give fair evidence, he is forbidden to do it; but if a Jew wants a Jew to be a witness in a similar case against a non-Jew, he may do it."
Schulchan Qruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 28, Art. 3; 4 Page 41- 44
"Those who do not confess the Torah and the Prophets must be killed. Who has the power to kill them, let them kill them openly with the sword. if not, let them use subterfuge, till they are done away with."
Schulchan Qruch. Choszen Hamiszpat 425.5
"All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general' "
Schulchan Qruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348
"How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A non-Jew is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a non-Jew or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a non-Jew."
Tosefta, Qbda Zara, 5
Tosefta, Erebin, 1
"We beg You, O Lord, inflict Your wrath on the nations not believing in You. Take away, O Lord, all hope from them. Destroy all foes of Your nation."
Synagog Judaica, p. 212. Minhagen, p. 23. Crach Chain, 480 Magah.
"Everything a Jew needs for his church ritual no non-Jew is permitted to manufacture, but only a Jew, because this must be manufactured by human beings and the Jew is not permitted to consider the non-Jew as human beings."
Schulchan Qruch, Qrach Chaim 14, 20, 32, 33, 39. Jebamoth 61
After reading these few samples of Talmudic commands, one can easily understand why this filthy book was so often burned, and his followers so often expelled from one country after another for centuries.
Consequently new expurgated versions were written in order to hide the true teachings and intention of the Talmud; a decent text of which the Jews can promote greatness!! (Read this amazing post)
But there is no need to study the texts for a Jewish child. These laws are taught to Jewish children, religious or not, since childhood. It's part of our upbringing in order that these precepts become our second nature. When the child grows up, our parents teach us that Goyim have always oppressed and massacred our people, the chosen people. So we are victims, martyrs who have to defend ourselves in order to survive.
It's an indoctrination; to disobey our parents' commands is identical as to betray them, our God and the whole Jewish community because the first rule in Jewish law is to obey our parents who in turn obey God's command.
The passing down of Jewish traditions and rules from parents to children is one of the pillars of Judaism. The Jewish precepts are handed down from generation to generation by elders to their descendants, reinforced at each generation by their experiences and above all their sufferings. To keep the memory alive is at the center of Jewish life and stimulates respect for our history, for our elders and the obligation to honor them.
This upbringing style helps a lot to secure the earthly mission of Jews, so it would never be weakened as time passes.
The fear of God as of our parents is also deeply rooted in Jewish upbringing and strengthens the racial loyalty. It is absolutely not advisable to disobey God or one's parents. The Jewish child should venerate them in all circumstances, regardless of what one experiences!
The following excerpt is still from the book of Elizabeth Dilling, "The Jewish Religion : It's influence today - Chapter 2 The Talmud reviled".
"The first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud was in 1903 by Rodkinson (real name — M. Levi Frumkin), and was edited by Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, "Father" of so-called "Reform Judaism." Rodkinson deleted much of the filth which is in the unexpurgated Talmud, and used no identifying folio numbers, as were in the original, but nevertheless, even this abridged translation proved very revealing. The Introduction states:
"The persecutors of the Talmud, during the period ranging from the First Century B.C., have varied in their character, objects and actions. In one respect, however, they all agreed, namely, in their general wish to destroy its existence. Careful consideration of its many vicissitudes certainly justifies the assertion that the Talmud is one of the wonders of the world. During the twenty centuries of its existence not one of them has passed without great and powerful enemies vying with each other and exhausting every effort to destroy it; still it survived in its entirety, and not only has the power of its foes failed to destroy even a single line, but it has not even been able materially to weaken its influence for any length of time. It still dominates the minds of a whole people , who venerate its contents as divine truth, and countless numbers have sacrificed their lives and their possessions to save it from perishing."
"The Talmud : Heart's Blood of the Jewish Faith" was the heading of a November 1959, installment of a bestselling book by the Jewish author, Herman Wouk, which ran serially in the New-York Herald Tribune.
"The Talmud is to this day the circulating heart's blood of the Jewish religion. Whatever laws, customs or ceremonies we observe — whether we are Orthodox, Conservative, Reform or merely spasmodic sentimentalists — we follow the Talmud. It is our common law."
So this proves undoubtedly that no matter that the Talmud has been burned or not, its commands are "engrammed" in Jewish minds and behaviors.
But Judaism is also religious rites, prayers, the observance of festivals that are strongly linked to our story in order to fortify the racial memory and belonging.
So you can see how everything has been skillfully designed to keep the Jews locked and fiercely indoctrinated within their community.
Below is an excerpt of the Soncino Talmud, Abodah Zarah tractate to understand how and why things have been designed that way.
"The name given to this Tractate, 'Abodah Zarah, means literally 'strange worship', and is the common term in Rabbinical literature for idolatry. The subject treated therein was of vital importance to Jewish life, its gravity being greatly enhanced by the conditions which obtained in the Talmudic age.
In the Bible the newly-formed Israelite nation, after the exodus from Egypt, was solemnly admonished again and again that the alternative before it consisted of the worship of God, which would prolong life, or idolatry which would spell death. A corporate existence was only assured so long as the choice was given to the former, the adoption of heathenish cults involving certain destruction."
"Hence from the earliest period of Jewish history, the mode of worship followed by the people was a matter of life and death in the strictest sense of the phrase. Experience soon proved how great was the temptation to imitate the religious practices of surrounding nations, even at a time when the Israelites inhabited a land of their own. The difficulty of resisting alien influences grew much more severe in periods of dispersion when Jews were living in a heathen environment; and the Rabbis had to give serious attention to the problem of how to counteract the forces of assimilation which threatened to submerge the Jewish communities settled in countries whereidol-worship was the State religion."
"Their method of solving this problem forms, in the main, the subject-matter of this Tractate, and the measures they devised must in fairness be judged in the light of the conditions which prevailed in that era. If some of their regulations appear drastic to the modern mind, displaying an apparent narrowness of view, it should be remembered that they were grappling with a grievous danger which imperilled the very existence of not only their people, but also of the spiritual heritage of their forefathers. We have to visualise small minorities of monotheists heroically withstanding the law of gravitation which tended to cause their absorption in the mass of the people around them who were polytheists and idolaters. To make their resistance at all possible of success extreme measures were essential. There could not be the slightest compromise, nor must the smallest loophole be left open. In this matter, if anywhere, a fence — and a very high one — had to be made round the Torah. An unscalable barrier must be erected behind which the Jew would be protected against the allurement of his neighbour's rites and beliefs, with their strong appeal to the baser side of human nature."
"To achieve this end the Rabbis denounced idol-worship as a cardinal sin. 'The prohibition of idolatry is equal in weight to all the other commandments of the Torah', they taught; and conversely, 'So grave is the sin of idolatry, that whoever rejects it is as though he acknowledges the whole Torah' [Hul. 5a]. Whereas a Jew was permitted to violate the ordinances of the Torah under threat of death, an exception was made of idolatry, immorality and bloodshed, idolatry ranking first in importance.
In addition to teaching this abstract doctrine, the Rabbis had to formulate practical rules which would have the effect of diminishing the likelihood of a Jew becoming contaminated by heathenism. When engaged upon this task, they kept before them the principle that prevention was better than cure, which they expressed in the aphorism, 'Keep off, we say to a Nazirite; go round the vineyard and come not near to it'.
"It is important to understand that the vehement opposition to idolatry which distinguishes the legislation of the Bible and later of the Talmud was not merely the antagonism of one theological system to another. Fundamentally it was a conflict of ethical standards. Heathen peoples practised 'abominations' against which the Scriptures earnestly warned Israel. Idolatry was identified with immoral conduct, an identification which was too often verified by experience.The denial of God, therefore, which was implied in polytheism entailed for the Rabbis an inevitable denial of the morality of the Torah. They maintained that 'whoever acknowledges idolatry denies the Ten Commandments as well as the precepts given to Moses, to the prophets and the patriarchs'.
Consequently in their aim to save their people from the ravages of paganism, the Rabbis were convinced that they were fighting for ethical purity as well as religious truth. In a world of debased standards of conduct they waged a resolute contest for the preservation of the higher and nobler concepts of human behaviour which reflected the will of the God of Israel; and in so doing they rendered a conspicuous service to their own community and also to the advancement of civilisation."
This excerpt is crucial in several respects:
It proves that the Jews are a young nation in comparison of the Gentiles ("the newly-formed Israelite nation, after the exodus from Egypt" - "the Jewish communities settled in countrieswhere idol-worship was the State religion."- "in the mass of the people around them who were polytheists and idolaters")
Consequently this is blatant proof that the Gentiles were alone on earth long before the arrival of Jews. And especially because the Jews behave since their entry in Human history as enemies of Humans - If they had been on Earth for as long as the Gentiles were, surely we would have had some accounts of their fierce, unhuman and patholigical behaviors.
There is again a LIE about Egypt and Egyptians. Indeed , the Jews say: "Heathen peoples practised 'abominations' against which the Scriptures earnestly warned Israel. Idolatry was identified with immoral conduct". They speak of Egyptians. So do you really and honestly think that Ancient Egypt was an abomination with immoral conduct ??
Or rather that the abomination is the Jewish behavior ?
In fact the problem is SEXUALITY
We will see in a next chapter why the Jews have done everything to control sexuality.

There has never been any Jewish suffering in Egypt! The Jews destroyed the Pharaoh and the Egyptian peoples. Their God Yahweh/Jehovah (a god with hundred pseudonyms because these are very powerful thoughtforms) overpowered the Egyptian Gods and they perpetrated untold sufferings upon the Egyptian peoples. In fact, the Jews injured, slew the Gentile peoples and then insulted their hosts after destroying them taking whatever they could and claiming it as their own (or lying about) after desecrating and corrupting it.
The Jews always try to emerge as innocent while they are professional victims !!
It proves that the Jews are a young nation in comparison of the Gentiles ("the newly-formed Israelite nation, after the exodus from Egypt" - "the Jewish communities settled in countrieswhere idol-worship was the State religion."- "in the mass of the people around them who were polytheists and idolaters")
Consequently this is blatant proof that the Gentiles were alone on earth long before the arrival of Jews. And especially because the Jews behave since their entry in Human history as enemies of Humans - If they had been on Earth for as long as the Gentiles were, surely we would have had some accounts of their fierce, unhuman and patholigical behaviors.
There is again a LIE about Egypt and Egyptians. Indeed , the Jews say: "Heathen peoples practised 'abominations' against which the Scriptures earnestly warned Israel. Idolatry was identified with immoral conduct". They speak of Egyptians. So do you really and honestly think that Ancient Egypt was an abomination with immoral conduct ??
Or rather that the abomination is the Jewish behavior ?
In fact the problem is SEXUALITY
We will see in a next chapter why the Jews have done everything to control sexuality.

There has never been any Jewish suffering in Egypt! The Jews destroyed the Pharaoh and the Egyptian peoples. Their God Yahweh/Jehovah (a god with hundred pseudonyms because these are very powerful thoughtforms) overpowered the Egyptian Gods and they perpetrated untold sufferings upon the Egyptian peoples. In fact, the Jews injured, slew the Gentile peoples and then insulted their hosts after destroying them taking whatever they could and claiming it as their own (or lying about) after desecrating and corrupting it.
The Jews always try to emerge as innocent while they are professional victims !!
The Sanhedrin represented the central authority of Judaism, the Jewish court that was in charge of dealing with any situation in civil, legal, economic, penal within the Jewish community but also in relation to the non-Jews society. In fact the Sanhedrin was the direct application in daily life of the Talmudic commands. Every case dealt by the Sanhedrin was added to the Talmudic commentaries because the Talmud is never static and evolves with the life and situations.
The Sanhedrin was officially restored in 2007 on the initiative of Zionist rabbis. This is very revealing of what is going on now on the planet. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware that the operating of Sanhedrin never broke up. In fact, it's worse : the Jewish law is at the basis of the legal system of the United States of America.
It is interesting to note that in 1999 the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to consider an amicus brief based on Talmudic law.
It is the occult part of Judaism and the most important. It's linked to the Kabbalah teachings.
The Kabbalah was STOLEN from the Gentile/Polytheistic Egyptians. So the Kabbalah is NOT JEWISH IN ORIGIN and as matter of fact is a modification of the Egyptian KA - BA - AKH which relates to the human subtil bodies.
the Egyptian KA symbolized by two upraised arms is the individual vital life force that spreads a constant vital energy. It is the ethereal body which is just around the physical boby and is also called the vital body.
But it is often imbricated with the astral body hence the name of ethereal-astral body. It carries the memories of the present life while the astral body carries the memories of the past and paralell lives and even sometimes of the future ones.
The KA is the shield of the physical body : it is the barrier between the physical body and the astral body. So it's essential to strengthen it.
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the Akh (symbolism) |
the AKH is the divine essence of the human being. It is the spiritual achievement in constant relation with the BA.
The AKH develops itself like the other subtle bodies. The most the Human beings increase their consciousness to their divine reality the most the Akh deploys itself and nourrishes the other bodies : the Ba, the Ka and the Khat (the physical body).
By stealing, corrupting and altering the KA - BA - AKH into their KABBALAH, the Jews magically hijacked the Human subtle bodies of the Egyptian concept and manipulated them for total control.
All the strength, the potential is contained in these bodies, so the Jews took over and re-program them with their letters, words, Hebrew archetypes, imposter deities, symbolism, language, writing, etc. By doing so they have jeopardized the Human divine potential depriving the Gentiles of any ability to protect themselves at first, secondly to fight back and thirdly to live a healthy life.
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the Gentile subtil bodies imprisoned with Jewish magic, the kabbalah |
I shall discuss this fundamental point in another chapter because the Gentiles must take back their powers !!
But first read how the hijacking of your brain has been carried out.
Let's continue.
All this was accomplished by forcibly removing all Gentile occult knowledge and delivered it into the hands of the Jews who have used it to enslave your Gods, your peoples, and your nations.
These ancient teachings and texts contain the power you need for real spiritual warfare.
Look at the power of the Jews !!
This is what the Jews fear the most.
This is also why they have turned your benevolent Gods into the most hideous monsters, Satan first !! He who is your True Creator-God !!
The Jews have only spiritual control over the Gentile peoples as long as the deluded use their symbols, believe their lies, worship their fictitious deities and acknowledge the Jews as the chosen people.
These ancient teachings and texts contain the power you need for real spiritual warfare.
Look at the power of the Jews !!
This is what the Jews fear the most.
This is also why they have turned your benevolent Gods into the most hideous monsters, Satan first !! He who is your True Creator-God !!
The Jews have only spiritual control over the Gentile peoples as long as the deluded use their symbols, believe their lies, worship their fictitious deities and acknowledge the Jews as the chosen people.
The Gentiles, in other words, Humanity is under a major spell since thousands of years.
Furthermore the teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah with the Hebraic letters, Jewish mysticism and so on are pushed in most of the occult societies that Jews have massively infiltrated and corrupted.
The tragic result is that Gentiles work against their camp in addition to fighting Gentiles against Gentiles in every field of life.
So Jews can look on and wait for Gentiles to destroy themselves to where they can advance unhindered to take over the whole world.
See the London riots to understand a major part of their strategy.
See the London riots to understand a major part of their strategy.
"When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D
The Jewish religion is a political weapon that has created a psychological environment for Jews and non-Jews through deception.
The Bible has been written from beginning to end to suit their agenda.
So now you understand while the diaspora was so essential to achieve their goal.
".......Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only amongst themselves. They must subsist on other people not of their race. If you do not exclude them from these United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed here in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty."
Benjamin Franklin quoted in the chapter Money, Jewish tool for total control
Here is a very short video : a MUST LISTEN in order to grasp the Jewish mindset
Furthermore it was necessary that their divine election was obvious in the so called sacred scriptures so that no one can challenge the divine command !!
The Jews at the top strategy have developed such an arrogance because they know the full TRUTH about what they have done with their religious programs of enslavement.
The Bible in that regard acts as a subliminal tool to subjugate the Gentiles. The word and concept of Jesus has been made up to erase the TRUE GOD of Humanity whom the Jews have turned in the most abominable monster in order that the Gentiles were scared and run to seek refuge at Jesus-Christ.
The Bible in that regard acts as a subliminal tool to subjugate the Gentiles. The word and concept of Jesus has been made up to erase the TRUE GOD of Humanity whom the Jews have turned in the most abominable monster in order that the Gentiles were scared and run to seek refuge at Jesus-Christ.
It's another trick and imposture.
It's only a tactic of diversion to fool one more time the Gentiles.
The most important goal of this is to hide themselves with the fake concept of the Synagogue of Satan.(see the book of revelation)
Every detail was cleverly planned and put together in the Bible to make it appear as a divine prophecy while it's deceit, imposture, diversion, lies and manipulation.
Israel is not the land of the Jews. It's the land of the Palestinians that they STOLE because of its very specific location which is perfect for total control.
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Jews are excellent actors - never forget that they run Hollywod !! |
I want to discuss the Jewish calendar.
We are in 2011 while the Jews are in 5771.
For nearly fifty years I did not pay attention to it but when I began to study the whole Jewish question because of too many questions unanswered, I found LIES and THEFTS every day, so to speak.
"The year on the Jewish calendar represents the number of years since creation, as calculated by adding up the ages of people in the Bible back to the time and creation. However, it's important to note that this date is no necessarily supposed to represent a scientific fact. "
Numbering of Jewish years in Jewish Virtual Library
It's a skillful manipulation.
Firstly nothing in the bible is historical. The bible is a heap of STOLEN material of pagan cultures put together to forge a coherent story.
Secondly this phoney number has no basis !! The Jews invented it !!
The first account of the so called Jewish history is around 1312 BCE.
So if we add 1312 + 2011 = 3323 !!
The sources can vary between 1600 BCE and 1300 BCE.
So, if the Jews were honest (!!!), they would count from that point and they would be in 3611 (at the most ) while the non Jews are in 2011 !
So they added more than 2000 years to their calendar because their number it from the beginning, the so called creation.
To do this has a strong subliminal impact on the Gentile subconcious and gives an alibi to their lie " amongst the oldest of the world's religions" that we already saw but the worst is that they appropriate the creation.
Why ?
Because they are the chosen people of God who created the Creation.
Their God (the god of the Jewish people) did not create the creation. But don't forget that the Jews intend to rule the world and to control you so they need to prove that their culture, their very existence is trustworthy and old.
In other words, you can trust them because they are your elders !!
And you, Gentiles, number your calendar from the nativity, the birth of Jesus who is a fictitious Jewish character !! (Jesus is a Jew)
This new calendar was introduced in 1582 after the Inquisition!! What a coincidence.
Consequently this numbering erases in your subconscious in some respects your Gentile/Pagan/Polytheistic history before Anno Domini with your True Gods.
In my opinion, this is a crucial point because it sets a psychological barrier between your authentic past with your Creator-God and the present as spiritual slaves of Jews.
Your holidays and celebrations have been desecrated and corrupted into Christian ones, where fictitious Jewish deities are worshipped while your OWN TRUE GODS ARE BLASPHEMED AND CURSED.
Your Gods have been heinously blasphemed and replaced with Jewish imposters. Your teachings and sacred texts were taken from you and then desecrated, corrupted and passed as Jewish origin. Your peoples, high priests and spiritual teachers have been mass murdered by Christianity.
Your spirituality has been transformed and corrupted with lies and materialism.
The first step to free yourself from this nightmare is to know the full TRUTH, even if it is painful.
It has been very difficult for me to uncover all these LIES, all the sufferings you have endured because of the Jews but now the Truth is coming out.
Then join your True Father as soon as possible because He will protect you and you loved ones and will give you all what you need to take back what is yours.
We are in 2011 while the Jews are in 5771.
For nearly fifty years I did not pay attention to it but when I began to study the whole Jewish question because of too many questions unanswered, I found LIES and THEFTS every day, so to speak.
"The year on the Jewish calendar represents the number of years since creation, as calculated by adding up the ages of people in the Bible back to the time and creation. However, it's important to note that this date is no necessarily supposed to represent a scientific fact. "
Numbering of Jewish years in Jewish Virtual Library
It's a skillful manipulation.
Firstly nothing in the bible is historical. The bible is a heap of STOLEN material of pagan cultures put together to forge a coherent story.
Secondly this phoney number has no basis !! The Jews invented it !!
The first account of the so called Jewish history is around 1312 BCE.
So if we add 1312 + 2011 = 3323 !!
The sources can vary between 1600 BCE and 1300 BCE.
So, if the Jews were honest (!!!), they would count from that point and they would be in 3611 (at the most ) while the non Jews are in 2011 !
So they added more than 2000 years to their calendar because their number it from the beginning, the so called creation.
To do this has a strong subliminal impact on the Gentile subconcious and gives an alibi to their lie " amongst the oldest of the world's religions" that we already saw but the worst is that they appropriate the creation.
Why ?
Because they are the chosen people of God who created the Creation.
Their God (the god of the Jewish people) did not create the creation. But don't forget that the Jews intend to rule the world and to control you so they need to prove that their culture, their very existence is trustworthy and old.
In other words, you can trust them because they are your elders !!
And you, Gentiles, number your calendar from the nativity, the birth of Jesus who is a fictitious Jewish character !! (Jesus is a Jew)
This new calendar was introduced in 1582 after the Inquisition!! What a coincidence.
Consequently this numbering erases in your subconscious in some respects your Gentile/Pagan/Polytheistic history before Anno Domini with your True Gods.
In my opinion, this is a crucial point because it sets a psychological barrier between your authentic past with your Creator-God and the present as spiritual slaves of Jews.
Your holidays and celebrations have been desecrated and corrupted into Christian ones, where fictitious Jewish deities are worshipped while your OWN TRUE GODS ARE BLASPHEMED AND CURSED.
Your Gods have been heinously blasphemed and replaced with Jewish imposters. Your teachings and sacred texts were taken from you and then desecrated, corrupted and passed as Jewish origin. Your peoples, high priests and spiritual teachers have been mass murdered by Christianity.
Your spirituality has been transformed and corrupted with lies and materialism.
The first step to free yourself from this nightmare is to know the full TRUTH, even if it is painful.
It has been very difficult for me to uncover all these LIES, all the sufferings you have endured because of the Jews but now the Truth is coming out.
Then join your True Father as soon as possible because He will protect you and you loved ones and will give you all what you need to take back what is yours.
1 - Le monde, les juifs et l’argent, Jacques Attali p.140
2 - ibid p.19