The Lost Book of Enki
by Zecharia Sitchin
The Sixth Tablet
The First Phase of Creation
Here we are at the most essential point to understand the tragedy that Humanity is experiencing.
(bold characters and brackets are mine)
I have already given an outline and the context that motivated this creation. The book The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin (Bear&Co) is the transcription in English of fourteen Sumerian clay tablets found in Iraq.
These tablets were dictated by Lord Enki to his scribe Endubsar. They were intended to record the terrible events that hit hard Humanity.
They explain the context that led the Annunaki Gods on Earth, their installation on this planet, their rivalries and how their Earth mission evolved into an almost definitive installation.
It is important to consider that these tablets are thousands years old. They were written with many thorough details concerning our solar system as many other points and thus contain crucial information in astronomy, physics, genetics. Information that are confirmed by many current or very recent research, which proves, if proof is needed, that the history of which we will talk about demonstrates that advanced technology was already on Earth eons ago.
In my opinion, it's the reason why we can not explain certain things as how were built the Great Egyptian Pyramids and also those of South America and all the related questions.
After Humanity was struck by the Great Calamity, Lord Enki decided to write down the course of events so that men like gods will know the truth.
"I am your lord Enki. I have summoned you to write down my words, for I am much distraught by what has befallen Mankind by the Great Calamity. It is my wish to record the true course of the events, to let gods and men alike know that my hands are clean."
It is with these words that begins the story of the fourteen clay tablets of The Lost Book of Enki. I will treat the two tablets concerning the creation of humanity. The Sixth Tablet is about the First Phase, namely, the Creation of the homo sapiens and the Seventh Tablet about the second phase, the creation of the homo sapiens-sapiens, in other words, present Humanity.
Below is a brief list of the protagonists and some definitions and locations.
I also ask my readers to refer to the Chapter about the Jewish DNA in which I give crucial information (that I do not repeat here) in order that you have a best understanding of a very complicated history.
ANU, King of Nibiru, father of Enki and Enlil
ENKI, firstborn son of Anu, half-brother of Enlil, half-brother of Ninmah.
His original name is EA "Whose home is water" (hence the Age of Aquarius where EA will rule Earth again); leader of the first group of Anunnaki to arrive on Earth; the fashioner of Humankind and its savior from the Deluge; given the epithets Nudimmud ("the Fashioner"), Ptah ("the Developer" in Egypt), Enki ("Lord of the Earth"- "En"means lord and "Ki" is the life energy), father of Marduk (the Egyptian God Amon Râ)
ENLIL, son of Anu, half-brother of Enki, half-brother of Ninmah
NINMAH aka NINOURSAG, Anu's daughter, half-sister of Enki and Enlil, chief medical officer of the Anunnaki; helped Enki to genetically engineer the Primitive Worker; peacemaker among the rival and warring Anunnaki clans
NINKI aka DAMKINA, spouse of Enki, mother of Marduk, daughter of Alalu
NINGISHZIDDA, son of Enki - master of genetics and other sciences; called Tehuti (Thoth) in Egypt; went to the Americas where he was known as Quetzalcoatl
NINOURTA, son of Enlil and Ninmah
ALALU, the deposed king of Nibiru who escaped to Earth because he knew that there was gold; died on Mars; his image was carved on a rock that was his tomb
ANUNNAKI, "Those Who from Heaven to Earth came" (from Nibiru to Earth)
ABZU, Enki's gold-mining domain in Southeast Africa
ME, divine formulae, tiny objects encoded with formulas for all aspects of science and civilization
For too long the Igigis toil for the extraction of gold. Then they have to convey the precious metal to Lahmu (planet Mars) in order that then it departs for Nibiru. They are exhausted and the complaints are growing.
But on the other side, the "gold must be obtained, the work must continue!" was saying Anu.
It's vital because their planet has suffered a breach in its atmosphere and the very existence of the planet as of its inhabitants are endangered.
The Annunaki know that only gold can repair their atmosphere and the Earth is the sole planet where gold is available in quantity.
So they came on Earth to extract that gold and are now facing a dilemna.
How to obtain the precious gold while taking into account the legitimate claims of the exhausted workers?
Enki who has created everything on Earth knows very well the planet and what forms of life exist.
Furthermore great scientist and geneticist, he has the knowledge and the skills to solve the problem. So the Gods ask him for counsel.
The Sixth Tablet begins when Enki explains his plan to his sister Ninmah and brother Enlil.
"To create a Primitive worker, by the mark of our essence to fashion him!" so was Enki to the leaders saying.
"The Being that we need it already exists !
Thus did Enki to them a secret of the Abzu reveal."
"With astonishement did the other leaders Enki's words hear; by the words they were fascinated."
"Creatures in the Abzu there are, Enki was saying, that walk erect on two legs,
Their forelegs they use as arms, with hands they are provided."
"Among the animals of the steppe they live. They know not dressing in garments.
They eat plants with their mouths, they drink water form lake and ditch.
Shaggy with hair is their whole body, their head hair is like a lion's :
With gazelles they jostle, with teeming creatures in the waters they delight!"
"The leaders to Enki's words with amazement listened.
No creature like that has ever in the Edin been seen!" Enlil disbelieving said.
"Aeons ago, on Nibiru, our predecessors like that might have been!" Ninmah was saying.
These creatures did not speak, they were only grunting and snorting.
But malehoods and femalehoods they had so they were able to procreate.
"Ningishzidda, my son, their Fashioning Essence has tested;
Akin to ours it is, like two serpents it is entwined (DNA);
When their with our life essence shall be combined, our mark upon them shall be,
A Primitive Worker shall be created! Our commands will he understand,
Our tools he will handle, the toil in the excavations he shall perform;
To the Annunaki in the Abzu relief shall come!"
While Enki showed enthusiasm, Enlil was hesitating:
"The matter is one of great importance! "
On our planet, slavery has long ago been abolished, tools are the slaves, not other beings!
A new creature, boforehand non existing, you wish to bring into being; Creation is in the hands of the Father of All Beginning (1) alone is held!
So was Enlil in opposing saying; stern were his words."
Enki to his brother responded : "Not slaves, but helpers is my plan!
The Being already exists! Ninmah was saying. To give more ability is the plan!
"Not a new creature, but one existing more in our image made! Enki with persuasion said,
With little change it can be achieved, only a drop of our essence is needed."
The discussion lasted between the two brothers who still disagreed. Ninmah and Ningishzidda agreed with Enki.
So Enki and Enlil decided to bring the matter before the council of Gods on Nibiru.
Anu who has remained on Nibiru was informed.
"The elders, the savants, the commanders were consulted.
Long and bitter the discussions were, of Life and Death, Fate (2) and Destiny (3) words were spoken.
Can there be another way the gold to obtain? Survival is in danger!
If gold must be obtained, let the Being be fashioned! the council decided."
From Anu's palace the decision to Earth was beamed; Enki was delighted.
Then Enki asked Ninmah to help him because she was a doctor and a mother.
Ningishzidda took also part.
Enki explained that they had to combine the two essences (DNA), but how much of one and how much of the other one.
Enki explained that they had to combine the two essences (DNA), but how much of one and how much of the other one.
Then, in which womb to inseminate the admixture to achieve perfection?
The essence (DNA) was transmitted by a male inseminating a female.
The two entwined strands of essence (DNA) were separated and recombined to create a new being.
Ninmah suggested that an Anunnaki male inseminates a female (homo erectus) in order to give birth to this new being.
Enki answered that they had already tried but with no result : there was no conception, there was no birth.
"Another way the admixtures of essences to attain must be tried, Ninmah was saying."
How the two strands of essences to combine another way must be found,
That which from the Earth is the portion must not be harmed.
To receive our essence in graduations it must be shaped,
From the ME formula of Nibiru's essence only bit by bit could be attempted! "
Several attempts were made but the results were not those expected. It was necessary to adjust again and again. Each time something went wrong. Enki was disappointed by the results. Suddenly he said:
"Perchance the shortfall is not the admixture! Perchance neither in the female's oval nor in the essences is the hindrance?
Of what the Earth itself is fashioned, perchance that is what is missing?
Not of Nibiru's crystals use the vessel, of the clay of Earth make it !....
Perchance what is Earth's own admixture, of gold and copper, is required!"
So Ninmah made a vessel of the Abzu's clay. Then she put in it the ovum of the female with the life essence extracted from an Anunnaki's blood. The essence was directed by the ME formulas.
Then Ninmah inserted the fertilized ovum in the womb of the Earthling female. There was conception. Now they had to wait. At the allotted time, a child was forthcoming.
"With her hands Ninmah the newborn extracted; a male it was!
In her hands she held the child, his image she examined; it was the image of perfection.
In her hands she held up the newborn; Enki and Ningishzidda were present.
With joyful laughter the three leaders were seized, Enki and Ningishzidda were present."
But as the child was growing, he did not speak. Enki pondered the matter and considered what was done at each step.
"Of all that we had tried and changed, one thing was never altered!"
"Into the womb of the Earth female the fertilized oval was always inserted;
Perchance this is the remaining obstruction!" said Enki to Ninmah
Ninmah was puzzled: "What, in truth, are you saying?"
"Of the birth-giving womb am I speaking!" answered Enki.
"Of who the fertilized oval nurtures, to birth-giving carries;
In our image and after our likeness to be, perchance an Anunnaki womb is required!"
"In the House of Life there was silence; words never before heard Enki was uttering !
Wise are your words, my brother! Ninmah at long last was saying.
Perchance the right admixture in the wrong womb was inserted;
Now where is the female among the Anunnakiher womb to offer,
Perchance the perfect Primitive Worker to create, perchance a monster in her belly to carry?
So was Ninmah with a trembling voice saying.
Let me of Ninki, my spouse, of that inquire! Enki was saying.
He was turning to depart when Ninmah put her hand on his shoulder;
No! No! to Enki she was saying."
The admixtures by me were made, reward and endangerment should be mine!
I shall be the one the Anunnaki womb to provide, for good or evil fate to face!
Enki bowed his head, gently he embraced her. So be it! to her he said."
"In the clay vessel the admixture they made.
The oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together;
The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted; there was conception!"
"The pregnancy by an admixture conceived, how long will it last ?
Will it be nine months of Nibiru, will it be nine months of Earth?"
Indeed the calculation, the measure of time is different depending on the planet. Moreover, the time can be manipulated and this is exactly what did and still do Anu and his henchmen - we are trapped in this dimension since centuries because of the very low level of consciousness and of spiritual understanding of Humanity among other reasons - there are several dimensions and we live in a "sub-luminous dimensional space" where because of the low vibratory frequency reality can be easily manipulated, that's why we can notice how the time flies and the day length seems to be shorter than 24 hrs - indeed these are not the same 24 hrs than thirty years ago!
Longer than on Earth quicker than on Nibiru, Ninmah travailed. She gave birth to a male child!
"Enki held the boy in his hands; the image of perfection he was.
He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds!
He handed the newborn to Ninmah; she held him up in her hands.
My hands have made it ! victoriously she shouted."
The newborn was carefully examined. Everything was perfect.
"....dark black his head hair was,
Smooth was his skin, smooth as the Anunnaki skin it was,
Like dark red blood was its color, like the clay of the Abzu was its hue."
"They looked at his malehood: Odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded,
Unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was, a skin form its forepart was hanging!
Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished ! So was Enki saying."
While this is not the case for the first Homo sapiens male. It's a crucial info and we will see that like everything else, it has been exploited !!
This revelation that Enki gives us is important; it explains many things. Because things are never fortuitous. Sooner or later we gather facts and understandings together but for that we have to study the history by going back as far as possible.
A chapter will be dedicated to the circumcision!
For now back to the creation.
The newborn was normally crying. Ninmah took the baby and breastfed him.
"Enki at his sister was gazing; a mother and son, not Ninmah and a Being, he was seeing."
All of them are vey happy.
"A name will you give him? Enki inquired. A Being he is, not a creature !"
"Adamu I shall call him ! Ninmah was saying. One Who Like Earth's Clay Is, that will be his name!"
"In the clay vessel the admixture they made.
The oval of an Earth female with Anunnaki male essence they put together;
The fertilized egg into the womb of Ninmah by Enki was inserted; there was conception!"
"The pregnancy by an admixture conceived, how long will it last ?
Will it be nine months of Nibiru, will it be nine months of Earth?"
Indeed the calculation, the measure of time is different depending on the planet. Moreover, the time can be manipulated and this is exactly what did and still do Anu and his henchmen - we are trapped in this dimension since centuries because of the very low level of consciousness and of spiritual understanding of Humanity among other reasons - there are several dimensions and we live in a "sub-luminous dimensional space" where because of the low vibratory frequency reality can be easily manipulated, that's why we can notice how the time flies and the day length seems to be shorter than 24 hrs - indeed these are not the same 24 hrs than thirty years ago!
Longer than on Earth quicker than on Nibiru, Ninmah travailed. She gave birth to a male child!
"Enki held the boy in his hands; the image of perfection he was.
He slapped the newborn on his hindparts; the newborn uttered proper sounds!
He handed the newborn to Ninmah; she held him up in her hands.
My hands have made it ! victoriously she shouted."
The newborn was carefully examined. Everything was perfect.
"....dark black his head hair was,
Smooth was his skin, smooth as the Anunnaki skin it was,
Like dark red blood was its color, like the clay of the Abzu was its hue."
"They looked at his malehood: Odd was its shape, by a skin was its forepart surrounded,
Unlike that of Anunnaki malehood it was, a skin form its forepart was hanging!
Let the Earthling from us Anunnaki by this foreskin be distinguished ! So was Enki saying."
While this is not the case for the first Homo sapiens male. It's a crucial info and we will see that like everything else, it has been exploited !!
This revelation that Enki gives us is important; it explains many things. Because things are never fortuitous. Sooner or later we gather facts and understandings together but for that we have to study the history by going back as far as possible.
A chapter will be dedicated to the circumcision!
For now back to the creation.
The newborn was normally crying. Ninmah took the baby and breastfed him.
"Enki at his sister was gazing; a mother and son, not Ninmah and a Being, he was seeing."
All of them are vey happy.
"A name will you give him? Enki inquired. A Being he is, not a creature !"
"Adamu I shall call him ! Ninmah was saying. One Who Like Earth's Clay Is, that will be his name!"
"Now that we have attained perfection, a host of workers like him are needed", reminded Ningishzidda to his elders.
They decided that Adamu will be treated as a Firstling and will be protected from toil; his essence will be as a mold.
"Whose wombs henceforth the fertilized ovals shall carry?" was asking Ningishzidda.
The leaders pondered the matter and Ninmah offered a solution.
She summoned the female healers from her city and explained them the task.
"To perform the task is not a commandment! Ninmah to them was saying; your own wish is the decision!
Of the female Anunnaki assembled, seven stepped forward, seven the task accepted."
"In seven vessels of the clay of the Abzu made, Ninmah ovals of the two-legged females placed,
The life essence of Adamu she extracted, bit by bit in the vessels she it inserted.
Then in the malepart of Adamu an incision she made, a drop of blood to let out;
Let his a Sign of Life be; that Flesh and Soul have combined let it forever proclaim!
She squeezed the malepart for blood, one drop of blood in each vessel to the admixture she added.
In this clay's admixture, Earthling with the Anunnaki shall be bound!
Thus was Ninmah saying, an incantation she was pronouncing.
To a unity shall the two essences, one of Heaven, one of earth together be brought,
That which is of Earth and that which is from Nibiru by a blood kinship shall be bonded!"
Then the fertilized ovals were inserted in the wombs of the Anunnaki females.
There was conception.
"At the allotted time, seven Earthling males were born.
Let the procedure be repeated, seven more the toil to undertake! Ningishzidda was saying.
My son ! to him Enki was saying. Not even seven by seven sufficient shall be,
Of heroine healers too much is required, forever their task this way shall be!
Indeed the task is too demanding, slow beyond enduring it is ! Ninmah to them said.
Female ones we have to fashion ! Enki was saying, for males counterparts to be.
Let them know each other, as one flesh the two to become,
Let them by themselves procrete, on their own the childbirthing make,
To Primitive Workers by themselves give birth, Anunnaki females to relieve ! "
Thus, they adapted the ME formulas to create females and decided to create the first female to be a counterpart for Adamu in the same way they did for him.
So again, an Annunaki womb was required. Before Ninmah could say a word, Enki summoned his wife.
They explained her the whole situation and what would be the risks if she accepted.
Adamu was shown to Ninki who was fascinated.
The wife of Enki accepted; the same procedure was applied, once the divine formula was adjusted to create a girl.
There was conception; but at the allotted time, Ninki travailed but the baby did not come. So Ninmah delivered the baby with a caesarian section.
A baby girl was born. She was carefully examined. She was perfect.
"Shaggy she was not, like beach sands was the hue of her head hair,
Her skin smooth was, as that of the Anunnaki in smoothness and color it was."
Ninki breastfed her.
"A name will you give her ? Enki of his spouse inquired..
Ninki cast her hand upon the newborn's body, with her fingers her skin she caressed.
Ti-Amat let her name be, the Mother of Life ! Ninki was saying.
Like the planet (4) of old of which the Earth and the Moon were fashioned, let her be called."
Then in order to give birth to seven baby girls, Ninmah repeated the same process that for the seven male Earthlings. Again, the fertilized ovals were inserted in the wombs of the birth-giving heroines.
There was conception. At the allotted time, the seven female Earthlings were born.
They were perfect.
The Anunnaki of the Edin came to see them.
"Enlil came to see them; by the sight, his displeasure was diminished.
Ninourta came to see them."
From the way station on Lahmu (planet Mars) Marduk the son of Enki also came down to see.
It was a sight most astounding, a wonder of wonders it was to behold!
Your hands have made it, the Anunnakis to the fashioners were saying.
The Igigi who between Earth and Lahmu shuttled were also all agog."
They let the Earthlings grow up and when time to procreate arrived, there was no conceiving among the females.
Ningishzidda watched their doings; he saw them mating, the males were inseminating the females but there was not conception.
Enki deeply pondered the matter.
Ningishzidda suggested to examine again the ME formulas to find out what was wrong.
He compared the essences of Adamu and Ti-Amat with those of the Anunnaki males and females.
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The Lost Book of Enki p.128 |
"Like two entwined serpents Ningishzidda the essences separated,
Arranged like twenty-two branches on a Tree of Life (5) were the essences,
Their bits were comparable, the images and likelinesses they properly determined.
Twenty-two there were in number; the ability to procreate they did not include.
Another two bits of the essence in the Anunnaki present
Ningishzidda to the others showed.
One male, one female; without them there was no procreating! So was he to them explaining.
In the molds of Adamu and Ti-Amat, in the combining they were not included !"
"Ninmah heard this and was distraught, with frustration was Enki seized.
Then Ningishzidda who was learned in these matters, suggested a solution.
"To his elders, Enki and Ninmah, in the House of Healing he whispered.
They all the heroines who Ninmah were assisting sent away,
They locked the doors behind them, the three with the two Earthlings alone remaining.
Upon the four others Ningishzidda a deep sleep caused to descend, the four he made unfeeling.
From the rib of Enki the life essence (DNA) he extracted,
Into the rib of Adamu the life essence he inserted,
From the rib of Ninmah the life essence he extracted
Into the rib of Ti-Amat the life essence he inserted.
Where the incisions were made, the flesh thereon he closed up.
Then the four of them by Ningishzidda were awakened. It is done! he proudly declared.
To their Tree of Life two branches have been added,
With procreating powers their life essences are now entwined!
Let them freely roam, as one flesh let them know each other! Ninmah was saying."
In the Edin's orchards, to freely roam Adamu and Tiamat were placed.
Of their nakedness they became aware, of malehood and femalehood they were knowing.
Ti-Amat of leaves aprons made, from the wild beasts to be distinguished.
"In the heat of the day Enlil in the orchard was strolling, the shade he was enjoying.
Without expectation Adamu and Ti-Amat he encountered, the aprons on their loins he noticed.
What is the meaning of this? Enlil wondered; Enki for explaining he summoned."
Enki explained to Enlil the whole situation.
Enlil became furious and spoke words in anger because Enki and Ninmah gave the last bits of their life essence.
In fact, Enlil was afraid that Adamu and Ti-Amat were endowed with Immortality like them.
Ninmah and Ningishzidda were summoned. They spoke to Enlil in order to pacify him.
But he was still furious and said.
"Then let them be where they are needed!
To the Abzu, away from the Edin, let them be expelled!"
I suppose that you have noticed the several important information given in this chapter that had been stolen, corrupted and re-utilized in the bible in order to make appear a fake story as if it was true and genuine. There is no better recipe than to use a base of truths to made up a forgery.
This book is a MUST READ to understand a lot of things even if it is a little bit difficult because it is written in reverse. Furthermore Zecharia Sitchin was a Jewish biblical scholar who was fond of his God. So in my opinion he purposely inserted lies among truths.
What is best than to mix truths with lies to make appear a true story as false because of these lies inserted? The same recipe works vice versa.
Please read the commentary at the end of that chapter regarding the Lost Book where I discussed the planet Nibiru.
- Regarding the genetics and the creation of the first Primitive Worker, it's blatant when one reads the book that the protoganists did not create a slave. Since the birth of the Earthlings and even during the entire process, the Gods were deeply involved: emotionally and physically. They were caring, they immediately took a liking for the babies.
- At the end of the day, they gave much more of their DNA than what was planned. Indeed their entire DNA was nearly given in the process via the many adjustments.
- Enki and Ninmah who are two of the Primordial Gods gave the last strand of their DNA. The outcome is that Adamu and Ti-Amat immediately raised their level of consciousness : they became aware of. That's why Enlil noticed the difference and suspected that something important happened. Look how this crucial information has been used in the bible and for what purpose.
The first male Earthling had a black skin ("dark red blood") while the first female Earthling had a white skin.
The Jews have always used the skin color to divide the Gentile races. To create racial tensions especially between Black and White Gentiles was one of their first key-strategy in order that you destroy each other while the Jews look on and wait the appropriated time to take over the whole world.
To read more about racial tension
The Jews and the slave trade
The Illuminati create racial tension
The London riots
The second "error" inserted on purpose by Zecharia Sitchin in my opinion is about the geographical location of the EDEN which means ABODE of the GODS. Indeed, it appears that this Eden is located in Central Asia, on the plateau of Pamir between the highest peaks of the Himalayas.
According to my ongoing research, Humanity was born in the Far East not in the Middle East. The story of the Middle East is more recent than that of the Far East.
According to my ongoing research, Humanity was born in the Far East not in the Middle East. The story of the Middle East is more recent than that of the Far East.
(1) The Father of All beginnings is the Source of Life itself
(2) Destiny: predetermined course of events and of orbit that is unchangeable.
(3) Fate : a course of events that is subject to free choice and is alterable.
(4) Tiamat : Primordial planet that broke up in the Celestial Battle, giving rise to the Asteroid Belt and to the Earth.
(4) Tiamat : Primordial planet that broke up in the Celestial Battle, giving rise to the Asteroid Belt and to the Earth.
- the Celestial Battle: the primordial collision between Nibiru and Tiamat
- the Hammered Bracelet: the Asteroid Belt; also called the Firmament
The Lost Book of Enki by Zecharia Sitchin (Bear & Co), Sixth Tablet p.128 - 149.