The Black Community in America was destroyed in several major waves by the Jews.
Indeed, it is known that the Jews were owners and operators of the African Slave Trade.
The book " The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews"(1) documents this fact in depth right from the confessions and documents of the Jews themselves.
This book document that not only did the Jews own and operate the Slave Trade, but they were also 75% to more of the owners of the Slaves themselves in the New World of America.
Let's have a look at the whole story.
by Walter White Jr 1968
The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds-today equal to 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.
Columbus was accompanied by five 'maranos' (Jews who had foresworn their religion and supposedly became Catholics), Luis de Torres, interpreter, Marco, the surgeon, Bemal, the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez.(1)
Gabriel Sanchez, abetted by the other four Jews, sold Columbus on the idea of capturing 500 Indians and selling them as slaves in Seville, Spain, which was done. Columbus did not receive any of the money from the sale of the slaves, but he became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bemal, the ship's doctor. He, Columbus, suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward. Betrayed by the five maranos (Jews) whom he had trusted and helped. This, ironically, was the beginning of slavery in the Americas (2).
The Jews were expelled from Spain on August 2, 1492, and from Portugal in 1497. Many of these Jews emigrated to Holland, where they set up the Dutch West Indies Company to exploit the new world.
In 1654, the first Jew, Jacob Barsimson, emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam (New York) and in the next decade many more followed him, settling along the East Coast, principally in New Amsterdam and Newport, Rhode Island. They were prevented by ordinances issued by Governor Peter Stuyvesant from engaging in the domestic economy, so they quickly discovered that the territory inhabited by the Indians would be a fertile field. There were no laws preventing the Jews from trading with the Indians.
The first Jew to begin trading with the Indians was Hayman Levy, who imported cheap glass beads, textiles, earrings, armbands and other cheap adornments from Holland which were traded for valuable fur pelts. Hayman Levy was soon joined by Jews Nicholas Lowe and Joseph Simon. Lowe conceived the idea of trading rum and whiskey to the Indians and set up a distillery in Newport, where these two liquors were produced. Within a short time there were 22 distilleries in Newport, all of them owned by Jews, manufacturing and distributing 'firewater.' The story of the debauching of the Indians with its resultant massacres of the early settlers, is a dramatic story in itself.
It is essential to comprehend the seaport of Newport. It is important in order to recognize the Jewish share in the Slave commerce. There was a period when it was commonly referred to as 'The Jewish Newport-World center of Slave Commerce.' All together, at this time, there were in North America six Jewish communities: Newport, Charleston, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Savanuah. There were also many other Jews, scattered over the entire East Coast. Although New York held first place in the settlers of Jews in North America, Newport held second place.
New York was also the main source of Kosher meat, supplying the North American settlements, then the West Indies and also South America. Now Newport took over! Newport also became the great trade harbour of the East Coast of North America. There, vessels from other ports met, to exchange commodities. Newport, as previously mentioned, represented the foremost place in the commerce of rum, whiskey, and liquor dealings. And to conclude, it finally became the Main Center of Slave dealings. It was from this port that the ships left on their way across the ocean, to gather their black human cargo and then derive great sums of money in exchange for them.
An authentic, contemporary report, based on authority, indicates that of 128 Slave ships, for instance, unloaded in Charleston, within one year, their "Cargo," 120 of these were undersigned by Jews from Newport and Charleston by their own name. About the rest of them, one can surmise, although they were entered as Boston (1), Norfolk (2), and Baltimore (4), their real owners were similarly the Jewish slave dealers from Newport and Charleston.
One is able to assess the Jewish share in the entire dealings of the Newport, if one considers the undertaking of a lone Jew, the Portuguese, Aaron Lopez, who plays an important part in the over-all story of the Jews and Slavery.
Concerning the entire commerce of the Colonies, and the later State of Rhode Island, (which included Newport) bills of lading, concessions, receipts, and port clearances carried the signature name of the Jew Aaron Lopez (3). This all took place during the years 1726 to 1774. He had therefore more than 50% of all dealings under his personal control for almost fifty years. Aside from that there were other ships which he owned, but sailed under other names.
In the year 1749, the first Masonic Lodge was established. Ninety percent of the members of this first lodge, fourteen all told, were Jews. And one knows that only so-called "prominent" individuals were accepted. Twenty years later, the second Masonic Lodge, "King David," was established. It is a fact that all of these members were Jews.
In the meantime, the Jewish influence in Newport had reached such proportions that President George Washington decided to pay them a visit. Upon his appearance, both of the Masonic Lodges sent an emissary - a Jew named Moses Seixas (4) - to approach the President with a petition, in which the Jews of Newport stated: "If you will permit the children of Abraham to approach you with a request, to tell you that we honor you, and feel an alliance...... and then: "Until the present time the valuable rights of a free citizen have been withheld. However, now we see a new government coming into being based on the Majesty of the people, a government, not sanctioning any bigotry nor persecution of the Jew, rather, to concede the freedom of thought, which each shares, whatever Nation or Language, as a part of the great Government machine."
It is necessary at this point to consider the disclosures as to who in reality obtained this legendary freedom in America at the founding of the Union. To be sure, the province became independent and severed from the English Jurisdiction. However, we can see from the petition (5) which Moses Seixas offered President Washington in the name of the Jews of Newport, that it was not in reality this type of freedom which they had in mind. They were merely concerned about themselves, and their "own civil rights," which had been withheld. Therefore, following the Revolutionary War, the Jews were accorded equal rights, and freed of all restrictions! And the Negroes? The Revolutionary War not withstanding, they remained Slaves! In the year 1750, one sixth of the population in New York was Negroid, and proportionately in the Southern parts of the Country, they outnumbered the others, but the proclamation of Freedom did not touch them. More of this later.
Let us scrutinize at close range this dismal handwork of the Jews which gave them influence and power, so we may comprehend the Slave Trade; for there has been so much written since that time by the zealous Jewish writers, that at the present, long since removed, it might appear natural, for the time element has a tendency to make things nebulous.
Let us follow the journey of one ship, owned by a slave dealer, Aaron Lopez, which had made many trips to the African coast.
For instance, in the month of May, 1752, the ship "Abigail" was equipped with about 9,000 gallons of rum, a great supply of iron foot and hand restraints, pistols, powder, sabres, and a lot of worthless tin ornaments, and under the command of the Jewish Captain Freedman, sailed off for Africa. There were but two Mates and six sailors comprising the crew. Three and one half months later they landed on the African Coast. Meantime, there had been constructed an African Agency, by the Jewish slave dealers, who had corralled them, and prepared them for sale. This organization reaching deep into Africa, had many ramifications, including the heads of groups, villages, etc. This method to win over these leaders for the Jewish slave trade, was similar to' that which the Jews had employed with the Indians.
At first, they presented them with rum, and soon found themselves in an alcoholic delirium. When the gold dust, and ivory supply was exhausted, they were induced to sell their descendants. At first their wives, and then their youths. Then they began warfare among each other, plotted and developed mostly by the Jews, and if they captured prisoners, these, too, were exchanged for rum, ammunitions and weapons to the Jews', using them for further campaigns to capture more Negroes. The captured Blacks were linked two by two and driven through the medieval forests to the coast. These painful treks required weeks, and some of them frequently became ill, and felled by exhaustion, and many unable to rise even though the bull whip was applied as an encourager. They were left to die and were devoured by wild beasts. It was not unusual to see the bones of the dead laying in the tropical sun, a sad and gruesome reminder to those who would later on tread this path.
It has been calculated that for each Negro who withstood the rigors of this wandering, there still had to be the long voyage across the ocean, before they reached American soil, nine out of ten died! And when one considers that there was a yearly exodus of ONE MILLION black slaves, then, and only then, can one assess the tremendous and extensive exodus of the African people. At present Africa is thinly populated, not alone due to the 1,000,000 literally dragged out of huts, but due to the five to nine million who never reached their destination. Once they reached the coast, the black slaves were driven together, and restraints were applied to hold them until the next transport ship docked. The agents—many of them Jews—who represented the Chief, then began the deal with the Captain. Each Negro was personally presented to him. But the captains had learned to become suspicious. The Black one must move his fingers, arms, legs, and the entire body to insure that there were not any fractures. Even the teeth were examined. If a tooth was lacking, it lowered the price. Most of the Jew agents knew how to treat sick Negroes with chemicals in order to sell them as sound. Each Negro was valued at about 100 gallons of rum, 100 pounds of gun powder, or in cash between 18 to 20 dollars. The notations of a captain inform us that on September 5, 1763, one Negro brought as much as 200 gallons of rum, due to the bidding among the agents, raising the price.
Women under 25 years, pregnant or not, resulted in the same measure, if they were well and comely. Any over 25 years lost 25%.
And here it should be stated that those Negroes, purchased free at the African Coast for 20 to 40 dollars, were then resold by the same slave dealers in America for two thousand dollars.
This gives one an idea how the Jews managed to acquire tremendous fortunes. Following the bargaining, Captain Freedman paid the bill, either in merchandise or cash. He also recalled some advice which his Jewish employers gave him as he left Newport for Africa: "Pour as much water into the rum as you possibly can." In this manner the Negro chiefs were cheated two times by the Newport Jews!
The next step was to shave the hair from the head of the acquired slaves. Then they were bound and branded with a hot iron, either on the back, or the hip, identifying them with their owners. Now the Negro slave was indeed the property of the Jewish purchaser. If he fled he could be identified. Following this procedure, there was a farewell celebration. There were instances when entire families were brought out of the interior, to the coast, and then separated through the buyer—the father going with one ship, the sons and daughters into another. These "farewell" celebrations were usually packed with emotion, tears, drama and sadness. There was little joy, if ever.
The following day the transport began from land to ship. It was managed by taking four to six Negroes at one time in rowboats to the ship. Of course the slave dealers were aware of how the Negro loved his homeland above all else, and could only be induced by great force to leave it. So, some of the Negroes would leap into the water. But here the overseers were prepared with sharp dogs and retrieved the fleeing men. Other Negroes preferred drowning. What came aboard alive was immediately undressed. Here was another opportunity to jump overboard and reach land and freedom. But the slave dealers were pitiless and ruthless; they were merely concerned to get their Black cargo to America with the least loss. Therefore, an escapee, recaptured, had both of his legs cut off before the eyes of the remaining Negroes in order to restore "Order."
On board the ship the Negroes were separated into three groups. The men were placed in one part of the ship. The women into another, whereby the lusty Captain arranged it so that the youngest, mostly comely Negro women were accessible to him.
The children remained on deck, covered with a cloth in bad weather. In this fashion the slave ship proceeded on its journey to America. In the main, the ships were too small, and not at all suitable to transport people. They were barely equipped to transport animals, which the Negroes were likened to. In one space, one meter high (39 inches) these unfortunate creatures were placed into a horizontal position, pressed close together. Mostly they were chained together. In this position they had to remain for three months, until the end of the voyage. Rarely was there a captain who sympathized with them or evidenced any feelings whatever for these pitiable creatures. Occasionally they would be taken in groups to the deck for fresh air, shackled in irons.
Somehow, these Negroes were expendable and endured much. On occasion, one of them became insane, killing the other one pressed closely to him. They also had their fingernails closely cut so they could not tear at each other's flesh. The most horrible battles came about among the men, to acquire a centimeter or two for a comfortable position. It was then that the slave overseer stepped in with his bullwhip. The unimaginable, horrible, human excrement in which these slaves had to endure these trips is impossible to describe.
In the women's quarters the same conditions prevailed. Women gave birth to children lying pressed closely together. The younger Negro women were constantly raped by the captain and the crew resulting, thereby, a new type of Mulatto as they came to America.
In Virginia, or in any of the other Southern port cities, the slaves were transferred to the land and immediately sold. A regular auction would take place, following the method of purchase in Africa. The highest bidder obtained the "Ware." In many cases—due to the indescribable filth—some of the Blacks became ill during the sea voyage from Africa to America. They became unemployable. In such cases the captain accepted any price. It was rare to dispose of them for no one wanted to purchase a sick Negro. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Jewish, unethical doctor senses a new form of revenue. They purchased the sick Negro for a small sum, then treated him, and sold him for a large sum. On occasion, the captain would be left with a few Negroes for whom he did not find a buyer. In that case he returned to Newport and sold them to the Jews for cheap domestic help. In other cases, the Jew owner of the ships took them over. This is why the city of Newport and its surroundings had 4,697 black slaves in the year 1756.
Slavery did not extend to the North. Moreover, in many of the North American Colonies, slavery was strictly forbidden. Georgia came under discussion; likewise also Philadelphia. And again it was the Jews who managed a loophole, which had given them freedom following the Revolutionary War, so, they schemed to make slave trading legal.
One had but to read the names of those persons living in Philadelphia who were requesting the elimination of existing laws regarding the slavery dealing. They were: the Jews Sandiford, Lay, Woolman, Solomon, and Benezet. That explained it all! But let us turn back to the slave ship "Abigail." Its captain—and we are reading from his ship's books—did a profitable business. He sold all of his Negroes in Virginia, invested some of the money in tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton, and went on to Newport where he deposited his wares.
We learn from Captain Freedman's books that the "Abigail" was a small ship and could only accommodate 56 people. He managed, however, to clear from one trip 6,621 dollars, which he in turn delievered to the owner of the ship: one Aaron Lopez.
The staggering amounts of money acquired by the Jew ship owners and slavery dealers is better illustrated when we emphasize the many years in which this sale and purchase of human flesh was practiced. Prior to 1661, all of the Colonies had laws prohibiting slavery. It was in that year that the Jews had become powerful enough to bring about the repeal of these laws, and slavery began in earnest.
The Jews had discovered that the Colonists needed additional manpower to help them clear their fields for planting, helping in the construction of dwellings, and in general to help with harvesting their crops. This was particularly true of the Southern states which we have referred to earlier. The Southerners had vast tracts of rich soil suitable for rice, cotton, tobacco and cane sugar. At first, impoverished Europeans were recruited. English prison doors were opened and finally prisoners ot war from England and Holland were brought to the Colonies, made to work until they had paid the cost of transporting them by ship and then set free.
It doesn't take a Jew long to discover what his brothers are doing, so a group of Jews settled in Charleston, South Carolina, where they set up distilleries for making rum and whiskey. They, too, learned that they could trade with the natives on the West Coast of Africa for ivory, and several ships were purchased and sent to Africa, trading the usual glass beads and other cheap ornaments for ivory, which, however, took up but little space on board ship. It occurred to these Jew traders that they could supply the plantations in the South with 'Black ivory', needed under swampy and malarial conditions which European labor could not tolerate without sickness, and which would not only fill the holds of their ships, but bring enormous profits. (This same group had earlier tried selling Indians as slaves but they found them completely unsatisfactory, as the Indians would not tolerate this type of work.) Thus, another segment of the slave trading had become active and profitable out of Charleston, South Carolina. Several shiploads of Black slaves were sent by the Dutch West Indies Company to Manhattan.
During this time there were a number of plantation owners established in the West Indies and two Jews, Eyrger and SayUer, with strong Rothschild connections in Spain, formed an agency called ASIENTO, which later operated in Holland and England. It was through these connections that Jews in Holland and England exerted influence and both of these connections cooperated in helping the Jews provide Black Slaves for the Colonists.
With the yearly capture and transport of one million Black slaves it is not difficult to figure that from 1661 to 1774 (one hundred thirteen years) approximately one hundred ten million slaves had been removed from their native land. About ten percent, or ELEVEN MILLION, Black slaves reached the Colonies alive.
We have talked about the small ship "Abigail" which could accommodate only 56 people and yet the profits per trip were enormous, with little or no investment. There were many other ships but we will concentrate here on only a few, such as the "La Fortuna," "Hannah," "Sally" or the "Venue" which made very great profits. The "La Fortuna," by the way, transported approximately 217 slaves on each trip. The owner cleared not less than $41,438.00 from such a trip. These were dollars which the slave dealers 'could keep'. And these were dollars of value which would buy a great deal in return.
When one considers that the Jews of Newport owned about 300 slave-transporting ships, active without interruption, docking at Newport-Africa, Charleston, (or Virginia), one can approximate the tremendous earnings which made their way to Jewish ship owners. Indeed, the Jews admit, that of the 600 ships, leaving Newport harbor into all the world, "at least half of them" went their way to Africa, and we know what these ships going to Africa "were seeking."
The fact that Aaron Lopez had control of over more than half of the combined deals in the Colonies of Rhode Island, with Newport, is well-known. The well-known Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein, in his book, The Story of the Jews in Newport, attempts to remove these facts, maintaining that there is not any evidence that the Jews were connected with the Slave Trade. It is therefore imperative to prove that the Jew was indeed connected with the slave trading. Especially so since this rabbi insists they had made great contributions, and how very "blessed" their residence became for the city of Newport. Surely Morris A. Gutstein will grant us permission to present the facts which he was unable to find.
Turning to one report of the Chamber of Commerce of the "Rhode Island Colony" in the year 1764, we find, for instance, that in the year 1723 "a few merchants in Newport" devised the idea to send their Newport rum to the coast of Africa. It developed into such a great export that in the matter of a few years "several thousand (hogsheads)" of rum went that way. To which purpose did this rum serve?
The Carnegie Institute in Washington, D.C., presents and makes public authentic documents entitled "Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade in America". We wish to present a few facts from this particular collection of original documents and scrutinize them at closer range, and not at all to prove the heretofore Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein in error. In this collection of the first American institute of learning, we evaluate the capital "Rhode Island" which contributed the main share of the public documentation regarding the Slave trading. Here we find documented the recipients of the numerous shipping letters, also letters to the Slave dealers, and correspondence to the ship's captains, who were about 15% Jews, living in Newport. Among these we find, for instance, the Jew Isaac Elizar. He wrote a letter to Captain Christopher Champlin on February 6, 1763, saying he would like to be an agent for a load of slaves. Then follows the Jew Abraham Pereira Mendez, and one of the main slave dealers, Jacob Rod Rivera-the father-in-law of Aaron Lopez. And then there is Aaron Lopez, himself, and many, many more other Jews. Although we have considered Aaron Lopez several times, the size of this documented treatise limits us, and we cannot describe all of the writers concerned in the Slavery Dealing correspondence, their names and the special dates—rather, we wish to study the documentation of the 'Carnegie Institute' itself—keeping Aaron Lopez in mind. We wish to see what in the main this Jew was pursuing and what his business was. This is due to the fact that Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein presents him as a "lofty and fine civilian of Newport" who was so generous and even "made contributions to welfare."
In a great number of published original unprejudiced writings in the Carnegie Institute, we find that Aaron Lopez pursued a tremendous commerce in rum with the African coast in exchange for slaves.
These irrefutable facts are as follows:
June 22, 1764, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.
July 22, 1765, a letter by Aaron Lopez to Captain Nathaniel Briggs.
July 22, 1765, a letter to Captain Abraham All.
February 4, 1766, a letter to Captain William Stead by Aaron Lopez.
March 7, 1766, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.
February 20, 1766, a letter by Aaron Lopez to Captain William Stead.
October 8, 1766, a letter by Captain William Stead to Aaron Lopez.
Aside from that, there are similar statements out of letters by Aaron Lopez in the original, which he directed to the Captains Henry Cruger, David Mill, Henry White, Thomas Dolbeare, and William Moore. Indeed, one letter by Captain William Moore to Aaron Lopez & Company, is particularly revealing, and of special mention at this point. We wish to remark on the main contents of this letter in which Captain Moore writes: "I wish to advise you that your ship 'Ann' docked here night before last with 112 slaves, consisting of 35 men, 16 large youths, 21 small boys, 29 women, 2 grown girls, 9 small girls, and I assure you this is such a one rumcargo (rum in exchange for slaves) which I have not yet encountered, among the entire group there may be five to which one could take exception."
The date of the above letter was November 27, 1773. We have not yet concluded, because of lack of space, the excerpts and grateful compilations made available by the "Carnegie Institute."
On November 29, 1767, the Jew Abraham Pereira Mendez—who had been cheated by one of his kind—from Charleston, where he had journeyed to better control his Black cargo, wrote Aaron Lopez at Newport:
"These Negroes, which Captain Abraham All delivered to me, were in such poor condition due to the poor transportation, that I was forced to sell 8 boys and girls for a mere 27 (pounds), 2 other for 45 (pounds) and two women each for 35 (pounds)." (No doubt, English money)
Abraham Pereia Mendez was very angry and accused Aaron Lopez of "cheating" him. This letter delineates to us that this generous and fine citizen of Newport was insatiable in his greed for money. This is what caused the Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein to present this nobleman, Aaron Lopez, to pursue his objectionable methods. Negroes presented to him but a commodity.
In all of the letters which the "Carnegie Institute" published, it stresses the lack of human sympathy for the poor Negro slaves. This lack of feeling and compassion for the abused and pitiful Blacks at the hands of their Jewish dealers, can be read out of the diary of a captain who manned a ship owned by Aaron Lopez. The entrees concern a trip from the African Coast to Charleston. Moreover, they are authentic documents, published by the "Camegie Institute" in Washington, D.C., calling attention to an organization which had heretofore known little or nothing about; neither had they encountered further publicity in books or newspapers. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at that the facts of the leading share of American Jews in the slave trade could be pointed out as a monopoly, and unknown to the non-Jewish Americans, including the great masses of people all over the world. Others, however, acquainted with the facts, had good reason to remain painfully quiet.
The captain of another ship, the "Othello" among other things, makes the following entries in his diary:
February 6th: One man drowned in the process of loading.
March 18th: Two women went overboard because they had not been locked up.
April 6th: One man dead with Flux. (No doubt an illness.)
April 13th: One woman dead with Flux.
May 7th: One man dead with Flux.
June 16th: One man dead by Kap Henry.
June 21st: One man dead by James Fluss.
July 5th: One woman dead with fever.
July 6th: One girl, sick for two months, died.
This vessel was on its way for five months. What terrible and unspeakable suffering was the lot of these millions of Blacks, who were torn with brutal force from their friendly African huts, jammed together, like animals below deck, and then sold with less concern than selling a head of cattle. Small wonder that ten of them died, being purchased for just a few dollars, and then sold for the sum of $2,000.00.
Some Negroes managed, through insurrection, to gain control of one or another ship and turned it around, with full sails, toward their African home. The crew of one slave ship, "Three Friends" for instance, tortured their Black cargo in such a manner that the Negroes reciprocated in a bloody rebellion. They killed the captain and the entire crew and threw the dead overboard. They then sailed back to Africa where they had barely escaped their hard-won freedom.
A similar fate struck the slave ship "Amistad". Among the slaves was the son of an enemy tribal chief. Once the ship was under way, he schemed with his compatriots to attack the ship's crew. Following a bloody battle, they managed to capture the captain. The Negro prince forced him to turn back to Africa, then in the evening, under cover of darkness, he changed his course, zigzagged for months untfl he came close to the American coast, and encountered a government ship. This took place in the year 1839 when slave trading was already forbidden and illegal.
The Negro slaves were freed and the captain punished. These sea voyages were not without danger when they had Black cargo, which accounts for the fact that the Jews most always engaged non-Jewish captains.
The slave dealers preferred to remain in their offices and counted the fat winnings following each journey, such as Aaron Lopez, who left his heirs one of the largest fortunes in the New England era.
When reviewing the documented facts contained herein, it is important that one always remembers that it was a lucky captain who did not lose more than 9 out of 19 slaves on the return trip.
It is equally important to remember that these poor Black creatures had to lie in human excrement for the entire trip. Think of it! No wonder sickness and disease took such a high toll. Remember the figures: approximately one hundred ten million Black people were captured and removed from their homeland in Africa. Only ELEVEN MILLION of these Black slaves reached the Colonies alive.
And the Jews still talk about the Germans and Hitler and how six million Jews were exterminated during World War II. This is the greatest LIE ever perpetrated upon the people of the world-whereas the story of the poor Black slaves is documented. Documented with TRUTH. The evidence is still available for the people of the world to see.
The "Carnegie Institute of Technology" is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
As this document is distributed, eventually reaching the hands of the Jew, the evidence will probably be removed and destroyed until finally all documentation is removed which is damaging to the Jew. The Jews have been engaged in this practice for centuries. Truth, however—truth which bears fact cannot remain covered or hidden forever—and more truths are being disclosed by those of us who intend to free America of these sons of the devil—the Jews.
The published documentation contained herein was obtained from the Carnegie Institute of Learning, presently known as "The Carnegie Institute of Technology."
The following is a partial of the slave ships owned by Jews:
'Abigail' by Aaron Lopez.
Moses Levy and Jacob Franks.
'Crown' by Isaac Levy and Nathan Simpson.
'Nassau'by Moses Levy.
'Four Sisters' by Moses Levy.
'Anne & Eliza' by Justus Bosch and John Abrams.
'Prudent Betty' by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix.
'Hester' by Mordecai and David Gomez.
'Elizabeth' by David and Mordecai Gomez.
'Antigua' by Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell.
'Betsy'by Wm. DeWoolf.
'PoUy'by James DeWoolf.
'White Horse' by Jan de Sweevts.
'Expedition' by John and Jacob Rosevelt.
'Charlotte' by Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks.
'Caracoa' by Moses and Sam Levy.
Slave-runners, also owned by Jews were the 'La Fortuna', the 'Hannah', the 'Sally', and the 'Venue'.
Some of the Jews of Newport and Charleston who were engaged in the distillery or slavery trade, or both, were: Isaac Gomez, Hayman Levy, Jacob Malhado, Naphtaly Myers, David Hart, Joseph Jacobs, Moses Ben Franks, Moses Gomez, Isaac Dias, Benjamin Levy, David Jeshuvum, Jacob Pinto, Jacob Turk, Daniel Gomez, James Lucana, Jan de Sweevts, Felix (cha-cha) de Souza (known as the 'Prince of Slavers' and second only to Aaron Lopez), Simeon Potter, Isaac Elizer, Jacob Rod, Jacol) Itodrigues Rivera, Haym Isaac Carregal, Abraham Touro, Moses Hays, Moses Lopez, Judah Touro, Abrtham Mendes and Abraham All.
Of some 600 ships leaving the port of Newport, more than 300 were engaged in the slave trade. A typical cargo of one ship, 'La Fortuna', was 217 slaves which cost about $4,300 and sold for $41,438.00.
Only about 10% of the slave ship captains were Jews, not wanting to subject themselves to the rigors of the 6-month journey. They preferred to stay at home and continue their distillery operations which continued to supply rum and whiskey to the Indians for many years at a very great profit.
Elizabeth Donnan, 4 Vols. Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America, Washington, D.C., 1930-1935.
"Carnegie Institute of Technology," Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Adventures of an African Slaver, by Malcolm Cowley, 1928. Published by Albert and Charles Bori, New York.
The Story of the Jews in Newport, by Rabbi Morris A. Gutstein.
The Jew Discovem America, by Cthmar Krainz.
The International Jew, by Henry Ford.
The Plot Against the Church, by Maurice Pinay.
Protocol for World Conquest, 1956, by The Central Conference of American Rabbis.
Behind Communism, by Frank L. Britton
We cannot undertake even this brief history of the modern Jew without taking note of a phenomenon which his confounded Gentile societies for twenty centuries. This is the ability of the Jewish people to collectively retain their identity despite centuries of exposure to Christian civilization. To any student of Judaism, or to the Jews themselves, this phenomenon is partly explained by the fact that Judaism is neither mainly a religion, nor mainly a raciai matter, nor yet is it simply a matter of nationality. Rather it is all three, it is a kind of trinity. Judaism is best described as a nationality built on the twin pillars of race and religion. All this is closely related to another aspect of Judaism, namely the persecution myth. Since first appearing in history, we find the Jews propagating the idea that they are an abused and persecuted people, and this idea is, and has always been, central in Jewish thinking. The myth of persecution is the adhesive and cement of Judaism: without it Jews would have long since ceased to exist, their racial-religious nationality notwithstanding.
It is a fact that the Jewish people have suffered numerous hardships in the course of their history, but this is true of other peoples too. The chief difference is that the Jews have kept score. We Must repeat—they have kept score—they have made a tradition of persecution.
A casual slaughter of thousands of Christians is remembered by no one in 50 years, but a disability visited upon a few Jews is preserved forever in Jewish histories. And they tell their woes not only to themselves, but to a sympathetic world as well. 1
More references for your research
- Adventures of an African Slaver by Malcolm Cowley, 1928, p.11
- Aaron Lopez and his family arrived in Newport around 1750 from New York via Lisbon, Portugal. Lopez arrived in the new world as a member of a "Marrano" family with the Christian name of "Don Duarte Lopez." Lopez immediately dropped his Christian name and took the Hebrew name of Aaron and submitted to ritual circumcision. Within twenty years, Lopez owned or had interests in over 80 sailing vessels. Lopez was also one of the original founders and contributors of Touro Synagogue and by the end of his life was recognized as one of the "Merchant Princes" of early America. His merchant trading interests included rum, molasses, dry goods and African slaves.
- Moses Levy and the Moses Seixas families both lived in one of Newport's large colonial mansions at 29 Touro Street. Seixas was a founding member of the nation's oldest Jewish Masonic Lodge (King David in Newport) and Grand Master of the Masonic Order of Rhode Island. Seixas was well known as the Cashier of the Bank of Rhode Island. President (Parnas) of Touro Synagogue at the time of the George Washington visit and letter to the congregation, Seixas also performed the Covenant of Circumcision (B’rith Milah). Prominent merchant and trader Moses Levy of New York and Newport was one of several Ashkenazi Jewish families in Newport at that time. Levy owned the Touro Street Mansion and willed the property to Moses Seixas in 1792.
What are the Issues?
Blacks and Jews have been involved in a re-evaluation of their current and historical relationship. Events of the past several years have raised both tensions and the level of rhetoric coming from all sides. The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews is a historical accounting of the part of the relationship that has been ignored by both Blacks and Jews. Most people are not even aware of the extensive record of encounters between the two groups prior to the 20th century. The Honorable Louis Farrakhan referred to this well-documented history in 1984 and was immediately labeled an "anti-Semite."
Merely questioning the belief that Jews were co-sufferers in the Black slave experience draws angry rebukes from Jews of all stripes.
The book in question presents indisputable historical data from census records, wills, Jewish historians and scholars, rabbinical sermons, port records, court records, runaway slave notices, slave sale advertisements, etc., which forces all sides to grapple with the long-held mythology that Black people always found a friend
in the Jews.
Some Jews and their dutiful negros have hired the services of Dr. Harold Brackman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in an effort to preserve the comfortable mythology which has obscured the actual historical record. But unbeknownst to them, Dr. Brackman's 1977 unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, entitled The Ebb and Flow of Conflict, goes far beyond The Secret Relationship in its claims of Jewish conspiracy in the Biblical origin of White supremacy.
He clearly states that Jewish Talmudic scholars invented the Hamitic Myth which, through the story of Noah, everlastingly assigned to the African the role of slave and divinely
cursed servant of White people. According to Dr. Tony Martin's book, The Jewish Onslaught, the Jewish invention of the Hamitic Myth "provided the moral pretext upon which the entire trade grew and flourished."
"There is no denying," said Brackman of the story of Noah, "that the Babylonian Talmud was the first source to read a Negrophobic content into the episode..."
Brackman pointed out further that two third century Jewish "Sages" provided homosexual embellishments for the Biblical story as well.
This "curse" was the absolute basis for the Europeans' choice of dark-skinned Africans for chattel slavery. Many denominations of Christianity, Islam and Judaism believe it and teach it to this very moment! Southern plantation owners attacked the Abolitionists with it; its teaching was the foundation of the slaves' permitted religion; Black inferiority is based on it; the Ku Klux Klan relies on it; even the Mormons officially taught it until 1978. When the Jews invented it and promoted it to the world they sentenced the Black Race to a holocaust the likes of which no people have ever suffered. "Hate teaching" will forever be defined by this wicked belief system brought to us in the Jewish Holy Talmud via Harold Brackman.
The critics curiously use a Harvard English teacher, Henry Louis Gates, to offer historical clarity. Gates exhibits no evidence that he even read the book in his oft-quoted NY Times opinion. His willingness to make asinine historical claims with the glaring absence of support from reputable Black or Jewish historians proves Adam Clayton Powell's axiom: "Harvard has ruined more negroes than bad whiskey."
Overwhelming Evidence
The history that the old "Black-Jewish Coalition" clumsily avoids is the entire three century history of Jewish presence in South America and the Caribbean. But other highly acclaimed Jewish scholars have not been so blind:
• Lee M. Friedman, a one-time president of the American Jewish Historical Society, wrote that in Brazil, where most of the Africans actually went, "the bulk of the slave trade was in the hands of Jewish settlers."
• Marcus Arkin wrote that the Jews of Surinam used "many thousands" of Black slaves.
• Herbert I. Bloom wrote that "the slave trade was one of the most important Jewish activities here (in Surinam) as elsewhere in the colonies." He even published a 1707 list of Jewish buyers by name with the number of Black humans they purchased.
• Cecil Roth, writer of 30 books and hundreds of articles on Jewish history, wrote that the slave revolts in parts of South America "were largely directed against [Jews] as being the greatest slave-holders of the region."
• "I gather," wrote Jewish scholar Wilfred Samuels, "that the Jews [of Barbados] made a good deal of their money by purchasing and hiring out negroes..."
• According to the Jewish historians, all Barbadian Jews owned slaves - even the rabbi had "the enjoyment of his own two negro attendants."
• In Curaçao which was a major slave trading depot, Isaac and Susan Emmanuel report that "the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise."
• Says yet another Jewish writer of the Jews of Curaçao, "Almost every Jew bought from one to nine slaves for his personal use or for eventual resale."
• Seymour B. Liebman in his New World Jewry, made it clear that "[t]he ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains."
• Moshe Kahan stated bluntly that in 1653-1658, " Jewish-Marrano merchants were in control of the Spanish and Portuguese trade, were almost in control of the Levantine trade...were interested in the Dutch East and West Indian companies, were heavily involved in shipping; and, most important, had at their disposal large amounts of capital."
• In Brazil, where most of our kidnapped ancestors were sent, Jewish scholar Arnold Wiznitzer is most explicit about Jewish involvement:
"Besides their important position in the sugar industry and in tax farming, they dominated the slave trade. From 1636 to 1645 a total of 23,163 Negro slaves arrived from Africa and were sold for 6,714,423 florins.
The West India Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there also was no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers, and most of them purchased on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up to 300 percent of the purchase value were often realized with high interest rates....If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed. This occurred on Friday, October 21, 1644."
Given the concise statements in the Jewish historical record, of which the "Black/Jewish Coalition" is totally ignorant, how can it be taken seriously in the present debate? (For even more evidence see the Facts and Quotes Section)
Jews and Slavery in the Old South
The Jewish critics prefer to focus on the history of slavery in America while ignoring our kidnapped African family in other parts of the Western Hemisphere.
This attempt to focus the debate is designed to limit our historical inquiry and to suggest that we Blacks are to care only about our Black family within America's political boundaries.
This view also conveniently limits the consideration of evidence of direct Jewish involvement as whip-wielders in the slave trade which is so abundant in the southern part of the Western Hemisphere.
By the time of the Jewish migration into what is now the United States, Jews were less involved in the direct trade but remained significant beneficiaries by their involvement in the plantation economy.
Jews in the South were of the merchant class, according to a Jewish historian, having developed "a separate and distinctive accommodation to the plantation economy."
The Southern planters depended upon these merchants to move their produce to market as well as for a source of supplies and financing. Jews had become commission merchants, brokers, auctioneers, cotton wholesalers, slave clothing dealers, and peddlers, keeping the slave economy oiled with money, markets and supplies.
It is no mystery why the Jews were absent from representation in the ranks of the Abolitionists.
The American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society in their report of 1853 expressed their frustration at the lack of Jews:
"The Jews of the United States have never taken any steps whatever with regard to the slavery question. As citizens, they deem it their policy to have every one choose which ever side he may deem best to promote his own interests and the welfare of his country. They have no organization of an ecclesiastical body to represent their general views; no General Assembly, or its equivalent.
The American Jews have two newspapers, but they do not interfere in any discussion which is not material to their religion. It cannot be said that the Jews have formed any denominational opinion on the subject of American slavery....The objects of so much mean prejudice and unrighteous oppression as the Jews have been for ages, surely they, it would seem, more than any other denomination, ought to be the enemies of caste, and friends of universal freedom."
One study by Ira Rosenwaike published by the American Jewish Historical Society has shown that 75% of the Jews of the South owned Black slaves while 36% of the White population owned slaves.
Ask the Jewish critics to name one (just one) prominent Colonial American Jew who did not own slaves. He will have the same difficulty as the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith had in their 1976 pamphlet entitled, American Jews: Their Story. The ADL lists 13 pioneers of the American Jewish community - 10 of whom have been definitively linked to the slave trade. Some Jewish scholars of today, such as Jacob Rader Marcus, chart the wealth and prestige of their ancestors by the number of Black slaves they possessed. The point that the "Coalition" eludes is the utter failure of Judaism to control this oppressive impulse on the part of these Jews. As Rabbi Bertram Korn, the foremost scholar of nineteenth century Jewish history, has written: "It would seem to be realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves and had need for their services would do so....Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks."
When Rabbi David Einhorn of Civil War era Baltimore, a true Jewish friend of Black people stood up for the humanity of the Black Man using the holy principles of Judaism from the Torah, his words were brilliant:
"America of the future will not rest on slave chains or belittling its adopted citizens. It will also give up its disinterestedness in the fate of other peoples of the world....[T]he next battles will leave a real blood bath, but slavery will be drowned in that bath."
Alas, his own congregation physically expelled him from his position as rabbi and ultimately from the city. They opted, as most Jews did, to accept the "Judaism" of the most prominent rabbi of the time Morris J. Raphall:
"[I]t remains a fact which cannot be gainsaid that in his own native home, and generally throughout the world, the unfortunate negro is indeed the meanest of slaves. Much had been said respecting the inferiority of his intellectual powers, and that no man of his race has ever inscribed his name on the Parthenon of human excellence, either mental or moral."
The historical record is formidable and well-represented in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One. Within 334 pages there are 1,275 footnotes containing multiple references for the reader to examine. The irrefutable record of Jewish historical compliance with Black oppression is no longer a "secret." The debate has surely changed.
The Washington Post has confirmed the accuracy of The Secret Relationship while exposing the ignorance of its media critics. University of Chicago African Studies professor and Jew Ralph A. Austen has written in Tikkun Magazine that the "substantive content...seems fairly accurate." Furthermore he says, "The authors of The Secret Relationship underestimate the structural importance of the Jews in the early stages of the New World slave trade." The Jewish Community, negro followers, Harold Brackman and Henry Louis Gates might do well
to investigate that amazing assertion of this Jewish historian.
Jewish Racism
But what of the continuing Jewish racism that elicits no Jewish response at all.
No letters warning of some ominous trend. The African United Front of Los Angeles raised many of these issues in a recent Final Call article:
·Michael Levin of City College of New York, Vincent Sarvich of the University of California at Berkeley and Richard Hernstein at Harvard are among the most prominent Jewish scientists and scholars who maintain that Black people are intellectually deficient. Hernstein's book Bell Curve harkens back to some plantation philosophy claiming that Blacks are intellectually inferior to Whites.
Other Jews, including Howard B. Abikoff of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Rachel Klein of the Long Island Medical Center and Columbia University, and Gail Wasserman, in the Department of Child Psychiatry at Columbia, are engaged in research which has the potential to link genetics to violence in inner city Black and Latino children. Where is the outrage, Coalition? Where are the calls for repudiation?
·Journalists like Jeff Greenfield, Norman Podhoretz, Roger Rosenblatt and other Jews have besmirched the Black image in news shows or on the printed page.
Jewish producers in Hollywood like Norman Lear, Mort Lochman and Ed Weinberger continually produce degrading television sitcoms, like Sugar Hill, produced by Armyan Berstein, Tom Rosenberg and Mark Abraham.
These portrayals can only be compared to Julius Streicher's degradation of Jews in Der Stürmer in Nazi Germany[my note Streicher told the truth about the Jews and they hanged him for it after the war, where the Jews lie about the Blacks].
·The San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner, the Los Angeles Times and numerous other newspapers have documented the fact that for decades the ADL ran a private nationwide spy network - "a systematic, long-term, professionally organized political espionage operation complete with informers, infiltrators, money laundering, code names, wiretapping and secret meetings." Newspapers have revealed that among the 950 organizations and 10,000 individuals that the ADL prepared files on were many Black groups, including the NAACP!
There are many issues of varying degrees of significance that must also be raised to clear the air:
For thirty years Israel has maintained strong economic, military, nuclear, scientific, academic, energy, tourist, cultural, sports, transportation, agricultural and intelligence ties with South Africa - and thereby prolonged Black oppression there. Jews were the only group in this country who arrogantly threatened to protest the visit of revered African National Congress Chairman and now President Nelson Mandela to the United States in 1990.
They have labeled Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu "anti-Semites" while the 110,000 Jewish South
Africans are, in fact, the richest single community in the world.
The late Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan asserted that the quality of American military forces had deteriorated because they were composed of Blacks "who have low intelligence and low education." He urged America to ensure that "fresh blood and better brains go to their forces." He is a hero in Israel.
Jewish talk show host Howard Stern was quoted in the November 1st issue of Time magazine as stating that, "they didn't beat this idiot (Rodney King) enough." In March, he played Ku Klux Klan songs on his broadcast and used the term "nigger" 55 times in 10 minutes. He offered the term "porch monkey" and "yard ape" as labels for Blacks.
Furthermore, during the week of March 7, 1994, Jewish comedian Jackie Mason was quoted by news broadcasts as having said: "The susceptibility to violence happens to be more among Blacks than whites - a hundred times more."
In 1991, Judge Joyce A. Karlin sentenced Korean merchant Soon Ja Du to five years of probation, 400 hours of community service and a fine of five hundred dollars for killing Black teenager Latasha Harlins. Judge Stanley M. Weisberg transferred the Rodney King case to Simi Valley and thereby virtually assured an unfair trial for the Black victim. Superior Court Judge Roosevelt I. Dorn, a Black jurist who had been hand-picked to hear the case of three men charged with beating Reginald Denny during the early hours of the L.A. Civil unrest, was
removed from the case by District Attorney Ira Reiner. Karlin, Weisberg and Reiner are all Jews. Jewish leaders did not repudiate them for their "racism" or "unfairness;" there were no newspaper advertisements taken out to condemn them, nor were their names dragged before congress to be censured.
If the Jewish Community has a longstanding interest in providing accurate information about history, culture and traditions of the Jewish community, as some have claimed, maybe they should commence with one or more of the above.
Black educators need not fear cheap smear campaigns by long-time racists. Our history is our responsibility, and we have no right to compromise with truth or the instruction of our children. What they teach Jewish children is their business."
For the Jews, all Gentiles are Goyim, cattle, but what do they state specifically about the Black Gentiles?
"Many people will laugh at the very idea that a Jew would consider any black to be an equal as a rule, Jews loathe blacks more than they do whites, but they find that exploiting blacks is advantageous to the advancement of their agenda, and it is for this reason, and no other, that they associate with blacks."4
"Those who are incapable of attaining to supreme religious values include the black coloured people and those who resemble them in their climates. Their nature is like the mute animals. Their level among existing things is below that of a man and above that of a monkey." 5
"All I had held against the Jews was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man...At the same time I knew that Jews played these roles for a very careful strategic reason: the more prejudice in America that could be focused upon the Negro, the more the white Gentile's prejudice would the Jew."6
In fact, the Jews stated they would use the Blacks of America as shock troops in their destruction of America. The end purpose being to pull America down into a Global Communist State.
"When the Jews dragged the black man from the shores of Africa and planted him on American soil, they already had integrated into their master plan the means of using the black blood of Africa to destroy the burgeoning White civilization in the New World." 7
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory.
While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes, we will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."8
The following is an excerpt of the book "FINAL WARNING - A History of the New World Order "by David Allen Rivera.
"On June 17, 1957, this passage was read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy.
In 1922, the Russian Comintern provided $300,000 for the spreading of communist propaganda among Negroes. In 1925, the Communist Party, U.S.A., told its members:
“The aim of our Party in our work among the Negro masses is to create a powerful proletarian movement which will fight and lead the struggle of the Negro race against the exploitation and oppression in every form and which will be a militant part of the revolutionary movement of the whole American working class ... and connect them with the struggles of national minorities and colonial peoples of all the world and thereby the cause of world revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat.”
"In 1925, a dozen Blacks were recruited for propaganda training in Russia.
That same year, the American Negro Labor Congress was established. In 1930, they changed their name to the League of Struggle for Negro Rights. They merged with the United Negro Congress when it was founded in 1936, in Washington, D.C. By 1940, communists made up two-thirds of its membership. In 1947, they united with the Civil Rights Congress, a communist front group."
"In a 1928 pamphlet by John Pepper (alias for Joseph Pogany) called American Negro Problems, a move was being made by Stalin to ferment revolution and stir the Blacks into creating a separate Republic for the Negro. Another pamphlet put out by the New York Communist Party in 1935, called The Negroes in a Soviet America, urged the Blacks to rise up and form a Soviet State in the South by applying for admission to the Comintern."
"It contained a firm pledge that a revolt would be supported by all American communists and liberals. On page 48, it said that the Soviet Government would give the Blacks more benefits than they would give to the Whites, and “any act of discrimination or prejudice against the Negro would become a crime under the revolutionary law."
"In The Communist Party: A Manual On Organization by J. Peters, he writes:
“The other important ally of the American proletariat is their mass of 13,000,000 Negro people in their struggle against national oppression. The Communist Party, as the revolutionary party of the proletariat, is the only party which is courageously and resolutely carrying on a struggle against the double exploitation and national oppression of the Negro people, becoming intense with the developing crisis, can win over the great masses of the Negro people as allies of the Proletariat against the American bourgeosie."
"In James Cannon’s America’s Road to Socialism, he says that the Negroes “will play a great and decisive role in the revolution ... And why shouldn’t they be? They have nothing to lose but their property and discrimination, and a whole world of prosperity, freedom, and equality to gain. You can bet your boots the Negro will join the Revolution to fight for that– once it becomes clear to them that it cannot be gained except by revolution."
"The former FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, said of the Communists goals: “Communists seek to advance the cause of communism by injecting themselves into racial situations and in exploiting them,
(1) to intensify the frictions between Negroes and Whites to ‘prove’ that discrimination against the minorities is an inherent defect of the capitalistic system
(2) to foster domestic disunity by dividing Negroes and Whites into antagonistic, warring factions
(3) to undermine and destroy established authority
(4) to incite racial strife and riotous activity
(5) to portray the Communist movement as the ‘champion’ of social protest and the only force capable of ameliorating the conditions of the Negro and the oppressed"
"In light of all this, you can see why the Supreme Court, under elitist Earl Warren, issued the desegregation law in 1954, and why Eisenhower and Kennedy enforced it by using Federal troops. It was to create more tension between Blacks and Whites. Incidentally, it was the Warren Court who prohibited prayer and the singing of Christmas carols in the schools. This was intended to weaken Christianity."
"Jacob Schiff, the Rothschild’s man in America, decided that the best way to create racial tension was to establish leadership among the Blacks. In 1909, he laid out plans for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). It was the merging of the communist-controlled Niagara Movement, a group of Blacks led by W. E. B. DuBois; and a group of White social activists. In the beginning, the top leaders of the NAACP were a group of Jews appointed by Schiff. Their goal was to fight segregation and discrimination. They are the largest Black organization in the country, with well over 1500 chapters, and about a half-million members."
"Communist Party members were told to join the NAACP, in order to infiltrate them. The Communist Party platform stated:
“The Negro race must understand that capitalism means racial oppression, and communism means social and racial equality."
"Manning Johnson, who held the highest position a Black could have in the Communist Party, said in his 1958 book Color, Communism and Common Sense, that he quit, because he felt Russia was attempting to involve them in a bloody revolution where as many as five million Blacks would die. Another Negro Communist, Leonard Patterson, testified on November 18, 1950:
“I left the Communist Party because I became convinced ... that the Communist Party was only interested in promoting among the Negro people a national liberational movement that would aid the Communist Party in its efforts to create a proletarian revolution in the United States that would overthrow the government by force and violence through bloody full-time revolution, and substitute it with a Soviet form of government with a dictatorship of the proletariat.”
"The May, 1968 issue of Political Affairs, the voice of the Communist Party, wrote after the death of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
“The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., the voice, inspiration and symbol of the Negro people’s struggle for freedom and equality, is dead ...
The man who, more than anyone else, personified the heroic determination of the Black people to win their liberation now. One of humanity’s great leaders has been silenced forever ... We must see that his memory not be desecrated. We must not fail to do all in our power to realize the dream for which he died."
"King, the most powerful Black leader in the country, was a pawn of the Illuminati. He supported North Vietnam during the War, and was photographed in 1957 at the Highlander Folk School, a communist training school in Tennessee, with Abner Berry, who held a post on the Central Committee of the Communist Party."
"The Joint Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities reported that his Southern Christian Leadership Conference was," substantially under the control of the Communist Party through the influence of the Southern Conference Educational Fund and the communists who manage it."
"King had connections with over 60 communist front organizations. Nine of his closest aides were high-ranking communist activists and one of those later became an aide to Rev. Jesse Jackson. Stanley Levison, who had been a King advisor since 1956, had been involved with the Communist Party up to 1955, and brought other known communists onto King’s staff".
"Rev. Uriah J. Fields, King’s secretary during the early years, wrote about him: “King helps to advance Communism. He is surrounded with Communists. This is the major reason I severed my relationship with him during the fifties. He is soft on Communism.” Karl Prussion, an FBI agent who infiltrated the Communist Party, and for five years attended meetings in California, testified in 1963:
“I further swear and attest that at each and everyone of the aforementioned meetings, one Reverend Martin Luther King was always set forth as the individual to whom Communists should look and rally around in the Communist struggle on many racial issues."
"Julia Brown, a former Communist, said: “We were told to promote Martin Luther King to unite Negroes and also Whites behind him ... He was taking directions from Communists. I know for a fact the Communists would never have promoted him, financed him, and supported him if they couldn’t trust him. I am certain as I can be that he knew what he was doing."
"Although a 1977 court order sealed the FBI’s extensive surveillance records on King in the National Archives for 50 years, a book by Sen. Jesse Helms in 1998 called The King Holiday and Its Meaning said that Charles D. Brennan, an Assistant Director of the FBI who was personally involved in the surveillance, characterized his activities as “orgiastic and adulterous escapades,” in which he could be “bestial in his sexual abuse of women."
"He also observed that “King frequently drank to excess.”
The 1981 book by David Garrow, called The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr. told of King’s liaisons with prostitutes and the misappropriation of Southern Christian Leadership Conference funds. The FBI investigation had led J. Edgar Hoover to say that “King is a tom cat with obsessive degenerate sexual urges,” and President Lyndon Johnson to call him a “hypocrite
"The oldest Jewish service organization, known as the B’nai B’rith (which means ‘Son of the Covenant’), was a secret Masonic order founded by twelve wealthy American Jews in New York in 1843."
"In 1913, Schiff, along with Chicago author and attorney Sigmund Livingston, reorganized the group, and established the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith (ADL) to fight anti-Semitism and religious prejudice."
"They have been used as an instrument to convince people that an attack on the Rothschilds and the Illuminati is a direct attack on the Jewish people. They are the most powerful Jewish organization in the world, with chapters in 44 countries. In the United States, they have over 2,000 agencies, about 25 regional offices, and a membership of a half-million. Its leaders had controlled the NAACP, the Urban League, and other Black organizations, and often worked closely with the ACLU."
"Their influence on advertising with some major department stores, hotel chains, and major corporations, has been able to slant the media toward Blacks. Nearly half of their annual budget comes through donations from non-Jews."
"The American League to Limit Armaments was established on December 18, 1914, a spin-off of the Emergency Peace Federation, led by communist Louis Lochner."
"The League was organized by Jane Addams, John Haynes Holmes, George Foster Peabody, Stephen Wise, L. Hollingsworth Wood, and Morris Hillquit, all communists and socialists. In 1915, they changed their name to the American Union Against Militarism, establishing a Civil Liberties Bureau to oppose draft laws, The director of the Bureau, socialist Roger Baldwin, reorganized it into the National Civil Liberties Bureau, and in 1920, with the help of Jane Addams, Clarence Darrow, Norman Thomas, Felix Frankfurter, and Arthur Garfield Hays, founded the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Their goal was to fight for “the rights of man (as) set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. 8
The next step was drugs, the Jews wanted to destroy the Black Community structures so they could never rise a force against them again, as had happened with real Black Nationalist groups in the past.
So the Jews working with the Jews controlled CIA and their agents in the Black Community started to pour drugs into the Black Communities.
Now let's look at the Jewish control system in America !
"Friedman points out that the first of the Jewish mob's godfathers in the United States, Evsei Agron, owed his crime career to a politically connected Orthodox rabbi, Ronald Greenwald. Rabbi Greenwald had gotten his political connections working for Richard Nixon's 1972 reelection campaign. He was Nixon's ambassador to the Jewish community.
In the 1980s Rabbi Greenwald became mob boss Agron's one-Jew think tank and facilitator. Mob insiders report that most of Agron's rackets were planned in Rabbi Greenwald's Manhattan office. A leading mob member in Toronto, Joseph Sigalov, is also a leader in Canada's Orthodox Jewish community and the publisher of an influential Orthodox newpaper. 10
So, if these Jewish mobsters get invited to Democratic Party fundraisers and serve as advisers to Republican reelection committees and are in tight with the Orthodox Jewish religious establishment, and if the FBI thinks they're not really as important as the Italian gangsters, maybe we shouldn't worry about them either. Maybe they're really not such bad guys. Maybe they're just nice, Jewish boys who sometimes step over the line and break the law." 10
Now Gentile people, Black and White, must know that the Jewish mafia is nothing other than an overt part of the Jewish collective community that is based on their racial difference, supremacy which means Jewish loyalty and solidarity.
Looking back at the rise of the Gangs in the Black Communities that have killed thousands and turned once safe neigbourhoods into literal war zones and destroyed the family unit and community spirit. It was all linked to the high amount of drugs flowing into their neighbourhoods. Different Blacks started banding together to sell the lethal product and starting fighting against other Blacks doing the same terrority equals profits. It was at this time and cause the major Black Gangs formed into strong numbers and rose to power. The previous situation of what "Desegeration" did to their Communities helped to create the ground work for this.
A Jounalist Gary Webb exposed a major part of this in 1996:
"Webb was best known for his 1996 "Dark Alliance" series of articles written for the San Jose Mercury News and later published as a book. In the three-part series, Webb investigated Nicaraguans linked to the CIA-backed Contras who had allegedly smuggled cocaine into the U.S. Their smuggled cocaine was distributed as crack cocaine in Los Angeles, with the profits funneled back to the Contras. Webb also alleged that this influx of Nicaraguan-supplied cocaine sparked, and significantly fueled, the widespread crack cocaine epidemic that swept through many U.S. cities during the 1980s. According to Webb, the CIA was aware of the
cocaine transactions and the large shipments of drugs into the U.S. by Contra personnel. Webb charged that the Reagan administration shielded inner-city drug dealers from prosecution in order to raise money for the Contras, especially after Congress passed the Boland Amendment, which prohibited direct Contra funding....
Webb supported his story with documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, subsequently including a 450-page declassified version of an October 1988 report by CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz. According to Webb and his supporters, the evidence demonstrates that White House officials, including Oliver North, knew about and supported using money from drug trafficking to fund the contras, and these officials neglected to pass any information along to the DEA. The 1988 report from the Senate Subcommittee on
Narcotics, Terrorism and International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations led by Sen. John Kerry commented that there were "serious questions as to whether or not US officials involved in Central America failed to address the drug issue for fear of jeopardizing the war effort against Nicaragua." 12
Webb's reporting generated fierce controversy, and the San Jose Mercury News backed away from the story, effectively ending Webb's career as a mainstream media journalist. In 2004, Webb was found dead from two gunshot wounds to the head, which the coroner's office judged a suicide. Though he was criticized and outcast from the mainstream journalism community, his reportage was eventually vindicated as many of his findings have since been validated: since Webb's death, both the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune have defended his "Dark Alliance" series. Journalist George Sanchez states that "the CIA's internal investigation by Inspector General Frederick Hitz vindicated much of Gary's reporting" and observes that despite the campaign against Webb, "the government eventually admitted to more than Gary had initially reported" over the years." 13
Webb was murdered with two bullets to the head. He was writting a new book and it has been strongly rumored that he was writing on the connection to the Jewish role behind the drug trade into the Black Community.
The next major step for the Jews was to create the "Ghetto Culture". Many young Blacks grow up in now broken homes without healthy family structure nor community structure. So they turn into gangs and the "gang lifestyle" as a way to obtain the basic social human needs.
What would they have become in a healthy society and family?
Racial mixing is a major psychological weapon that the Jews promote to the Blacks.
For example, that it's a sign of status for a Black male to have a White woman. And for a White woman, a Black man appears to be more attractive sexually than a White male.
The result is very often the White males end like being emasculated !
Never forget that the Jews owns nearly ALL world-wide media and Hollywood. So they can manipulate society as they see fit. In addition, they are Masters in psychology and manipulation. So they use their ability to control Gentiles on many levels.
The other part of this is the Jewish control of the education system and social engineering instilled in the Black Race in America, a deep self-hatred and resentment complex over being Black. And on the other hand a hatred towards the Whites. The Jews always worked as fueling hatred between peoples.
They did and still do everything in their power to fuel hatred between Gentiles peoples.
Their motto is divide to conquer !
The Jews know that sooner and later this frustration, this hatred is going to erupt to a high degree and start a possible race war which is what the Jews want.
You must not allow the Jews to ever hide among your peoples again pitting you against each other.
Because, if you let this happen, you play in the hands of the Jews. And at the end of the day, Black, White Gentile peoples and all others will get the same Gulag in the Global Zionist State.
Sources and references
4 - David Horowitz and The Mechanics of the Zionist Exploitation of Blacks by Curt Maynard
5 - Maimonides, Guide To The Perplexed, Hebrew Version
6 - Malcolm X - New York Magazine, 2/4/85
7 - Nature Eternal's Religion by Ben Klassen
8 - A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, Israel Cohen, 1913.
9 - Final Warning - A History Of The New World Order By David Rivera
10 - The Jewish Mob In America By Dr William Pierce
11 - Ibid
13- Ibid